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Everything posted by mdahlman

  1. The quickest solution is to do everything in a single SQL query: SELECT items.name AS item_name, trends_uint.clock AS trends_clock, trends_uint.`value_avg` AS mem_total_value_avg FROM items, hosts, trends_uint WHERE items.itemid = trends_uint.itemid AND items.hostid=hosts.hostid AND hosts.host='vsrvlab02' AND items.key_='vm.memory.size[total]'UNION ALLSELECT items.name AS item_name, trends_uint.clock AS trends_clock, trends_uint.`value_avg` AS mem_total_value_avg FROM items, hosts, trends_uint WHERE items.itemid = trends_uint.itemid AND items.hostid=hosts.hostid AND hosts.host='vsrvlab02' AND items.key_='vm.memory.size[available]'There are other (better?) ways to write the SQL. But this one is certain to work since it just UNIONs your 2 existing queries together.
  2. There's no need to restart the app server. Setting the password to the empty string like this is definitely the simplest solution. (Setting it to NULL would not work.)
  3. First, you should enable the menu Create -> Domain for non-admin users. Edit the file .../jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/actionModel-navigation.xml. Find this near the end: [/code]Second, you need to enable the relevant flow. Edit the file .../jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml. Find line 558: createSLDatasourceFlow=ROLE_USERdomainDesignerFlow=ROLE_USER[/code]That should give you the ability for ROLE_USER to create domains. From there you can improve on the solution. Maybe you only want a few users to have this option. You could instead create ROLE_DOMAIN_DESIGNER and use this so that not everyone with ROLE_USER gets this permission. Also, my first change enables Create -> Data source as well. You may not want that. It should be pretty easy to tweak my suggestion to enable only Create -> Domain.
  4. Please advise on how to have domain creation permission without having admin role in Jaspersoft AWS. [Posted on behalf of a customer who wasn't able to post directly]
  5. I confirm that OLAP is not available in the Jaspersoft BI for AWS offering. For a point-by-point list of differences between the offerings, refer to this page: https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions To have OLAP features you would need Jaspersoft BI Enterprise, which you could run on EC2 or on premises (or whereever you like).
  6. Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous woo hoo!
  7. The image helps a lot. It looks to me like you have too many categories defined. There are null categories creating the extra space.
  8. Nope, iReport is not intended as an end user tool. It might work for some superusers, but in general it's much too complex for them. Ad Hoc reporting in JasperReports Server is intended for end user reporting and analysis.
  9. The text of your question does not contain a product name (or a question). But it sounds like you're looking for iReport Professional and JR Pro or JRS Pro. You can get iReport Pro for a 30 day evaluation here: http://www.jaspersoft.com/thanks-download-30-day
  10. No. The GUI installer (also called the bundled installer) supports only PostgreSQL. Use the war file installer for SQL Server or Oracle or MySQL or other DBMS technology.
  11. You'll need to clarify. It seems like you're saying the new report fails, but the new report succeeds. The error doesn't appear to be related to JR.
  12. These sample reports are available to help users who are new to Jaspersoft technologies to be able to connect to data in Hadoop. Loading Sample Data to Hadoop Hive Copy the data file to HDFS filesystem, change the paths according to your filesystem. hadoop fs -copyFromLocal $LOCAL_PATH/accounts.csv /user/hdfs Start hive as hdfs user sudo -u hdfs hive Create the table accounts on Hive CREATE TABLE accounts (id STRING,date_entered STRING,date_modified STRING,modified_user_id STRING,assigned_user_id STRING,created_by STRING,name STRING,parent_id STRING,account_type STRING,industry STRING,annual_revenue STRING,phone_fax STRING,billing_address_street STRING,billing_address_city STRING,billing_address_state STRING,billing_address_postalcode STRING,billing_address_country STRING,description STRING,rating STRING,phone_office STRING,phone_alternate STRING,email1 STRING,email2 STRING,website STRING,ownership STRING,employees STRING,sic_code STRING,ticker_symbol STRING,shipping_address_street STRING,shipping_address_city STRING,shipping_address_state STRING,shipping_address_postalcode STRING,shipping_address_country STRING,deleted BOOLEAN)ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';'STORED AS TEXTFILE; Fill the table with the data stored in accounts.csv LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/hdfs/accounts.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE accounts; Running the report in iReportIn order to run the Sample report you will need to create a Hadoop Hive Connection first. First test the connection to make sure it's working. Now, you should use Hive SQL to query your Hadoop Hive data source. This is an example that loads all the records from the sample data. Then, you should choose which fields are you planning to have in your report. You may need all or few fields depending on the report design. After that, you should compile the report by clicking the previiew button. It may take few minutes until the report is generated.
  13. Hi, This isn't a real question... but instead it's a welcome message with a few best practices about asking questions related to Jaspersoft Business Intelligence for Amazon Web Services (Jaspersoft BI for AWS). Some questions may really be specific to the Jaspersoft BI for AWS offering. Those should definitely get tagged with "AWS". (There are folks at Jaspersoft specifically monitoring questions that get tagged like this.) A large percentage of these users will be working with Amazon Relational Database Service or Amazon Redshift. Be sure to tag the questions appropriately with RDS and MySQL or SQL Server or whatever the database technology is. Most questions about Jaspersoft BI for AWS will be more general questions about JasperReports Server or iReport. So you should post those as standard JRS or iReport questions linked to those projects. BUT... please also tag the question with the "AWS" tag. Thanks! By the way, for anyone who comes across this post and has no idea what Jaspersoft BI for AWS is. You can read about it on the page Jaspersoft for AWS.
  14. I added a screenshot to show what I meant. First, does that clarify it? Second, does that solve the problem?
  15. Important detail: Linking input controls fails for me. (Linking other types of objects works well.) I logged it: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-studio/issues/2743
  16. That leads to the ability to create a new input control, of course. But it also leads to the choice "Link" which is what you want.
  17. Right-click the report unit and choose "New". From there it will be obvious. (But I understand why you wouldn't think of it at first.) It a different way to think of things, but I think the new flow is better once you're used to it. EDIT: Based on baumgaro's comment, it's clearly not as obvious as I claimed. But you need to choose "Link" when your goal is to link to an existing input control (or link to another type of object).
  18. Impala is not tested with the Jaspersoft Hive Connector. Impala "works like Hive". So in principle it should just work. Your test was reasonable. But it's easy to imagine the possibility of version conflicts with these technologies. Jaspersoft will certainly test with Impala, but an exact timeline is not established yet.
  19. Jaspersoft for AWS Main PageJaspersoft BI for AWS FAQ- What is the difference between Jaspersoft for AWS BYOL and Hourly?The BYOL (Bring Your Own License) version provides: Access to additional features, including Multi-tenancy for larger server sizes, OLAP and ETLA premium level of support including options for phone-based support - not available with the hourly AMI, andA discounted annual price rateThe BYOL AMI requires an annual subscription that can be purchased from Jaspersoft. The table on our Cloud page provides a good summary of the differences between these options. Please contact us for more information on the BYOL option. - How do I load my license for BYOL?You can refer to this wiki article, or watch this video. - What is the Auto-Connect for RDS and Redshift feature?Jaspersoft worked with AWS to make it very easy to connect to your Amazon RDS and Redshift data sources. Using the EC2 instance credentials you provide, the auto-connect feature in Jaspersoft for AWS will automatically find and connect to your RDS and Redshift data sources so you don’t have to be a DBA to quickly connect to and start analyzing your data. This is possible because the IAM Role associated with the EC2 instance is allowed to execute the actions "rds:Describe*" and "redshift:Describe*". It pre-populates the Database Name, Driver, and URL. The auto-connect feature only works if you have launched the Jaspersoft instance using our Amazon CloudFormation template. You can learn how to launch the Jaspersoft instance with CloudFormation in this step-by-step guide. - Why do I see an error when using Amazon RDS as a data source?If you select the RDS Data Source and the driver is missing, you will see an error. If you do not have access to a copy, you can download the relevant driver from the following wiki page: Downloading and Installing Database Drivers - Does Jaspersoft BI for AWS support multi-tenancy?Yes. Multi-tenancy is available by the hour for the entry-level server size. Larger server sizes with multi-tenancy are available as an annual subscription. For more details, refer to the Cloud Features table. - Is this SaaS? Or a hosted service?No. This is a preconfigured instance that's ready to run, but you will fully own and manage it. Read about what AWS Marketplace is. - How do I load data from RDS into Redshift?One good solution is AWS Data Pipeline. It allows you to move transactional data from RDS into a Redshift data warehouse. But there are many factors to consider, so there's no recommendation that covers all use cases. - Is SSL (https) available?Yes. Since you own and control the server, it's not possible for Jaspersoft to provide a certificate for you ahead of time. But you may configure SSL on your Jaspersoft BI for AWS instance exactly as you do on other servers. For more information, refer to the JasperReports Server Ultimate Guide, Chapter 8: Application Security. - How do I deploy reports?There are two ways to populate JasperReports Server with reports. The easiest is to create ad hoc reports from within JasperReports Server and saving them to the repository. In this case, everything occurs through the web UI. For more sophisticated report development, you can get Jaspersoft Studio Professional (JSS Pro) by enrolling for free or paid support at https://www.jaspersoft.com/store/aws-support. JSS Pro is a client software, and the professional license file can then be downloaded from the Jaspersoft web site at https://www.jaspersoft.com/user. You create the reports locally using the JSS Pro client and then use the JasperReports Server repository plugin to upload reports to JasperReports Server running on AWS. - How do I get Jaspersoft Studio Professional (JSS Pro)?You can get Jaspersoft Studio Professional by enrolling for free or paid support. The software and professional license file can then be downloaded from the Jaspersoft web site at https://www.jaspersoft.com/user. - How do upgrades work?Jaspersoft recommends that you create a new instance with the lastest Jaspersoft BI for AWS AMI. Export and then import the Jaspersoft repository from the existing instance (e.g., version 5.n) into the newly launched instance (running for example, version 5.n+1). You now have two instances running, which allows you to test the new version before making it live for your users. Once you are satisified with how the new version runs, you will want to alert your users to a maintenance window, during which you export the current repository from the old instance into the new instance. If you are using elastic IP, you will want to update it. Otherwise, alert the users to the new URL. To save on AWS services costs, don't forget to de-provision the older instance when you are confident that the new server is running to your satisfaction. For additional information, refer to the Jaspersoft Professional AWS User Guide, section 2.3: Upgrading Your Instance. - Can I connect to on-premises databases?Yes. The ability to connect to on-premises JDBC data sources is important. It requires configuring a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) which is a type of Virtual Private Network. This can be securely configured so that the BI server can access your local resources, but the rest of the internet cannot access your data. More details are here: http://aws.amazon.com/vpc/. - Can I connect directly to the Jaspersoft for AWS server file system?Yes. Sometimes you may need to connect to the server's file system to retrieve log files, upload licenses, edit configuration files, or run commands from a console interface. To learn how, please read this wiki article.
  20. Related PagesJaspersoft BI for AWS OverviewAWS: Remote Machine Login and File Transfer[[jaspersoft-aws-faq|Jaspersoft for AWS FAQ]]SeachURL:Keywords:Wiki,AWSIs it really BI for a little over $1 hour?Yes. But let's break that down into some tangible scenarios. (Prices are accurate as of 31 August 2023.) There are a huge number of variations for EC2 pricing. Here are a few examples. m5.large Software cost: $1.24/hour EC2 cost $0.096/hour Total hourly cost: $1.336 This works out to be an annual cost of US $11,703.36 You can further reduce this by getting an annual license for Jaspersoft for $9600, which reduces your total annual cost for BI (Software plus EC2) to about $10441, or $1.19/hr m5a.xlarge Software cost: $2.24/hour EC2 cost $0.172/hour Total hourly cost: $2.41 This works out to be an annual cost of US $21,130 You can further reduce this by getting an annual license for Jaspersoft for $17,270, which reduces your total annual cost for BI (Software plus EC2) to about $18,777, or $2.14/hr The Jaspersoft BI for AWS AMI includes a PostgreSQL repository database.
  21. I had the same behavior. In my case it was because I had "Page 1 of N" in the page footer. Because of this, JRS behaves like this: Renders first page as quickly as possible (including chart). Footer displays "Page 1 of" It calculates the full report. It updates the first page (includeing chart). Footer displays "Page 1 of 2".In the case where step 2 takes 60 seconds... this behavior is great. You see page 1 very quickly, and then you see the updated version after the rest of the report is calculated. But in the case where step 2 takes a few milliseconds... the report just appears to render twice. It's annoying. My immediate solution was to remove the Total Page calculation from the first page. That might work for you too. You should log an enhancement request. (I already did, but it definitely adds to the urgency if community members log requests as well.)
  22. It could be a problem with the chart theme setting labels. Try setting the label to "null" without the quotes. That may give the results you're looking for.
  23. Can you post a sample report with the problem? In general UTF-8 should be great for working with accented characters. And in practice it's working well for me (and others) with accents, Japanese, etc. So there must be something unusual going on.
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