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Everything posted by mdahlman

  1. I wrote that theme. I'm really happy folks are looking at it. The theme is known to be buggy. That problem with administering users is one of the problems. When you try to create or edit a Domain... whoa, you'll find real problems. But most other things work well. The basic problem in the case you are talking about is that the footer needs to be displayed. In most pages the footer just takes up space, so I removed it. But in some cases you need the footer because it has buttons. I have occassionally tweaked my theme since then. I'll check to see if I have a solution to that particular problem. I'd also like to update the theme for our 4.5 release. There are sure to be some new issues cropping up. Of course much of the reason for posting the theme is so that other people can reuse it and improve it. Regards, Matt
  2. Search on "font extensions". That's what you should use to solve this issue, and you should get several hits. Regards, Matt
  3. I think it's a good feature request. Note that until this feature is added, it's possible to achieve this in a chart customizer or a chart theme. I posted sample code that shows one way to set the pie chart colors explicitly: http://mdahlman.wordpress.com/2011/04/17/chart-customizers-2/
  4. I'm glad it's working! By all means be sure to start new threads when you find problems or want to discuss new feature ideas. Good luck, Matt
  5. David, "The files are copied to [apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/META-INF]" The files need to be copied to "<appserver>/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF". This is the key problem. "I create a JDBC datasource..." This is the secondary problem. Do not create a JDBC datasource. You created a JDBC connection instead of creating a Hadoop-Hive connection. Create a Hadoop-Hive connection. This will be possible after you solve the first problem. Regards, Matt
  6. David, If the report is working well in iReport, then it should definitely work in JRS as well. I'm sure we can track down the issue. "2.1 install IReport plugin, design a new report with hive query" You didn't include details about your data source. It should be a Hive data source (not a JDBC data source). You probably did this correctly, but I wanted to draw attention to this detail since you didn't specify it. "2.2 copy files to [apache-tomcat/webapps/host-manager/META-INF]" This is not right. The files need to be copied to "<appserver>/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF". If you didn't copy the files into the jasperserver directory, this is the problem. "2.3 define datasource in Jasper Server (manual and export from IReport), can not pass connection test" It's not possible to test a Hadoop-Hive connection in JasperReports Server. (It would be nice to add this someday, but it's not there yet.) So if you CAN test the connection, then you didn't create the connection correctly. It means you created a JDBC connection instead of creating a Hadoop-Hive connection. Once you have confirmed your step 2.2, then this step should be easy to do. Please let us know how it goes. Regards, Matt P.S. The docs still read, "TODO: add screenshots to make this wizard process clearer". It looks like really need to add those screenshots so that it's clear how the data source should be defined. I'll look into this.
  7. mdonnelly, Yes, it's possible that "this error being generated because of a conflict between our HBase snapshot and the rest of the plugin". But my initial guess is that this is not the case. I'll explain. When we build the iReport plugin one of the files that gets generated is "com-jaspersoft-ireport-hbase.xml". The contents of this file are as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <module codename="com.jaspersoft.ireport.hbase"> <module_version install_time="1315515445613" last="true" origin="installer" specification_version="1.0"> <file crc="2880130502" name="config/Modules/com-jaspersoft-ireport-hbase.xml"/> <file crc="1666859027" name="modules/com-jaspersoft-hbase-HBasePlugin.jar"/> <file crc="1590286038" name="modules/ext/com.jaspersoft.hadoop.hbase/HBaseDataSource-0.8.jar"/> <file crc="1705309943" name="modules/ext/com.jaspersoft.hbase/HBaseDeserializer-0.8.jar"/> <file crc="3844256829" name="modules/ext/commons-beanutils/commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar"/> ... <file crc="4246883475" name="modules/ext/org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-core-0.20.2.jar"/> <file crc="1178926553" name="modules/ext/org.apache.hbase/hbase-0.90.3.jar"/> <file crc="973550240" name="update_tracking/com-jaspersoft-ireport-hbase.xml"/> </module_version> </module> As you can see, it performs a check on the .jars that are included. Therefore, when you replaced the original .jar file with your udpated snapshot--even if you were careful to use the same file name--iReport will not load that .jar file as part of the plugin. The expected behavior in this case is that you would get a class not found error. And you do. We did not get this same error... but I believe this was because we were lazy, er, I mean we performed a more efficient test. Rather than performing a complete uninstall and re-install of the plugin on an otherwise pristine iReport, we just got rid of the old hbase-0.90.3.jar and then added the newer one to iReport's classpath. With that lengthy background established... here is what you should try: 1. Delete, rename, or otherwise remove hbase-0.90.3.jar from the plugin directory in iReport. 2. Tools -> Options (or Preferences in Mac OS) and add your hbase 0.91-SNAPSHOT instance to iReport's classpath that way. That worked for us, so it ought to work for you. Please let us know if it does. Regards, Matt P.S. By the way, this complication is due to the way NetBeans handles plugins. Therefore this complication would not apply to JasperReports Server. If you just replace the old .jar with the new .jar (with any name) in the JasperReports Server directory WEB-INF/lib, then things should work immediately. P.P.S. Remember that you have done this when someday in the future you upgrade the plugin. Otherwise you risk ending up with multiple HBase jars on your classpath. Post Edited by mdahlman at 09/13/2011 17:57
  8. The advice to follow OS conventions is good. But as a bug report... this really isn't practical. It doesn't help an iReport engineer who wants to work on the problem to "just work with iReports". The specific issues must be listed or else no one will be able to help. As a practical matter, it's probably best to take a look at Jaspersoft Studio. Any issues that were due to the NetBeans platform should be solved. (Who knows how many issues Eclipse introduces?) Any issues about not following OS conventions that are part of the iReport code will remain. If these get logged then they can be fixed.
  9. If it's a SQL source, then I would put this logic in the SQL: SELECT DAYS_OUTSTANDING as DAYS, CASE WHEN DAYS_OUTSTANDING < 30 THEN 'A' ELSE WHEN DAYS_OUTSTANDING < 60 THEN 'B' ELSE WHEN DAYS_OUTSTANDING < 90 THEN 'C' ELSE 'D' END as DAYS_IN_GROUPS FROM ... ORDER BY DAYS_IN_GROUPS Then you can still display the exact number of days outstanding somewhere, but you can also group by DAYS_IN_GROUPS. But if you don't have a SQL source or cannot use that in your SQL query for some reason, then you could do the grouping in JasperReports like this: $F{DAYS} < 30 ? "A" : $F{DAYS} < 60 ? "B" : $F{DAYS} < 90 ? "C" : "D" Normally I would indent things to make it easier to read... but that's the idea. Regards, Matt
  10. Please post this to the JasperReports Server forum instead: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/browse.php?group_id=112&forumid=102
  11. Mikee, Getting 5 charts implies that you have put the chart into the detail band. Move it to the summary and see if that's sufficient to solve things. If not... please attached the .jrxml. If you have the MongoDB insert commands handy, that would be convenient for reproducing the issue. Regards, Matt
  12. The example in the report in the linked article is this: DateUtils.addMonths($P{MyDate},-1) Why would you care if this is Java or Groovy as long as it adds one month to your date? The article also links to the Commons Lang project. Just click "Download" to get to the downloads page. Regards, Matt
  13. Correction to my post: I suggested "truncate your date field to its WEEK_OF_YEAR". That won't work, because Dates and Calendars cannot be truncated to weeks. But... I think the simple solution to your issue is like this: new SimpleDateFormat("w").format($P{MyDate}) You probably want an Integer rather than a String, so you'll need something like this: Integer.valueOf( new SimpleDateFormat("w").format($P{MyDate}) ) When I run that for today I get 32. You'll of course need to be careful about details like what day the week starts on. But that should get you pointed in the right direction. Regards, Matt
  14. Lukman, You are thinking of this problem the wrong way. Formatting the data to an English-language day of the week and then converting that manually to Indonesian is possible... but there's no reason to do it. Let Java do it for you: DateFormatUtils.format($P{MyDate},"EEEE, dd MMMMM yyyy",new java.util.Locale("id")) In fact... for this there's no reason you need Commons Lang. If you are already using it, then that's fine. But you could do the same thing like this: new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd MMMMM yyyy",new java.util.Locale("id")).format($P{MyDate}) When I run the above code (either one of them) with today's date I get this: Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011 Regards, Matt P.S. I guess that it would be better to create a Parameter with a default value of "new java.util.Locale("id")". Then use this param rather than creating a new Locale object everytime. But I'm not reallly a Java developer, so I'm not too sure.
  15. 1. If your data source is SQL (and your use of java.sql.Timestamp implies that it is) then do the calculation in the database. It should be easier. 2. If you cannot do the data calculation in the database for some reason then: java.sql.Timestamp sucks. Change your fields to java.util.Date. They'll convert implicitly, so this should just work. Having made that change... your java.util.Date fields don't really have as many useful date functions as you might hope. I recommend using the Java Commons Lang utility classes to get a bunch of useful date functions. Find their docs here: http://commons.apache.org/lang/api-3.0/index.html After you add that .jar file, then you'll be able to use an inline statement like this: DateUtils.truncatedCompareTo( $F{MyDateField}, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2010-12-12"), java.util.Calendar.DATE ) That will return a negative value if $F{MyDateField} is before 12 December 2010, 0 if they are the same day, or a positive integer if MyDateField is after 12/12. As a variation, you could use the functions in DateUtils to truncate your date field to its WEEK_OF_YEAR. That sounds like it might do what you want a lot more directly than 52 weekly comparisons. I wrote about using Java Commons Lang in the past. It should be enough to get you started: http://mdahlman.wordpress.com/2009/09/09/jasperreports-first-dates/ Regards, Matt
  16. Warning: you need to know some Java to create or modify chart customizers. If you want a simple introduction, then these articles of mine should help: http://mdahlman.wordpress.com/2010/08/18/chart-customizers-1/ http://mdahlman.wordpress.com/2011/04/17/chart-customizers-2/ Regards, Matt
  17. NTEXT fields should be mapped to java.sql.Clob. http://jtds.sourceforge.net/faq.html Therefore this is not a bug. But it also appears (from the same url referenced above) that you can control this behavior by setting useLOBs=false in your connection. That should let you get your desired behavior.
  18. I hesitate to answer because your initial question and your clarification sound unrelated to me. That's a sign that I don't understand the question. If you want a page that displays the same thing as before--but in a different format that includes images and hides dates, etc.--then you ought to be able to achieve that via only CSS changes. Of course it's possible that .jsp changes might be needed as well, but in theory I don't see why they would be needed. Regards, Matt
  19. JasperReports Server ships with a samples directory. Did you start with this: .../samples/java-webapp-sample That shows a small working app that makes calls to get reports via web services. This is probably the best place to start. Regards, Matt
  20. That's great to hear that the 0.5 version Jaspersoft Cassandra connector solved the problem! Is it possible to use this in a Java application? Yes, of course. It's as simple as embedding the JasperReports engine always is. I'm not sure how much detail I can add to this. If you have detailed questions about this (which are not directly related to the Cassandra connector) they probably should go to the JR forum instead. From a legal perspective the only difference is that the JasperReports Library is LGPL while the Cassandra connector is AGPL. Regards, Matt
  21. Peter, Can you send a .jrxml with query that can be used to reproduce the issue? The SQL should be something along these lines so that it's runnable by anyone with PostgreSQL (but without your tables): SELECT count(x.col1) FROM ( SELECT 'abc' as col1, 'Jan' as "MONTH" UNION SELECT 'xyz' as col1, 'Jan' as "MONTH" ) x GROUP BY x."MONTH" Is a query like that sufficient? Is the use of the parameter critical to reproducing the problem? I suppose it is. Maybe your query will end like this: GROUP BY $P!{MyParam} Regards, Matt
  22. No. Email credentials are set at the server level. You don't have any simple way to send reports from different users. Surely it's possible via customization... but I'm not sure how big of a project it would be. Please log an enhancement request if you think it's important. Regards, Matt
  23. Often the quickest way to find the issue is to increase the logging. Find the following section in .../webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/log4j.properties and uncomment the relevant logger: # JDBC Connection Logging # log4j.logger.com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.JdbcDataSourceService=DEBUG, stdout, fileout # log4j.logger.com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.JndiJdbcDataSourceService=DEBUG, stdout, fileout
  24. szucsatti, are you using Font Extensions? This type of issue is nearly always due to fonts. You must use font extensions to correctly generate PDF reports.
  25. nsgupta, My first guess is that you are using a version of JasperServer that is older than your version of iReport. Presumably it's old enough that it doesn't support the Table element. Upgrade to a later JasperReports Server (JasperServer), and you should be all set. David, It's true that you can only add Report Elements... like Text Field, Chart, Table, Image, etc. But "Table" is indeed one of these elements. Regards, Matt
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