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Everything posted by jmurray

  1. darya wrote: :pinch: Couldn't you post that earlier? Regards, darya Get a grip on reality: most posters only visit occaisionally and even frequent posters have difficulty keeping track of what's going on because there's no email notification of changes to threads that you are involved in. It's really annoying for ppls trying to help out, so take a chill pill and be grateful for the excellent FREE assitance that has been provided to you
  2. If your problem is that you only see very thin chart columns separated by a large amount of whitespace then you need to set the Series Expression to some static value, like "my Static Value"
  3. First rule is to make 100% certain that the edges of all your elements line up exactly in the vertical and horizontal planes. Here is the JasperReports guide to creating Excel/CSV friendly output: http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/FAQ9
  4. Recast it. eg. $P{myLongParameter}.toString()
  5. try using an apostrophe for the sort ordering the parameter like this - $P!{p1} With the apostrophe the contents of the parameter are forced into the line of SQL, without it the parameter is interpreted as a string and will be encapsulated in quotes.
  6. You really should only ask one question per post. An answer to you problem with calling stored procedures can be found on Brian Burridges site: http://www.brianburridge.com/2006/06/04/how-to-call-stored-procedures-from-jasper-reports/ I found this solution by SEARCHING THE FORUMS.
  7. Set the Category Expression to $F{Name} Set the Value Expression to $F{Total} Set the Series Expression to "Totals"
  8. The width is based on the size of the canvas that you are working with, minus the margins. So if you want to be able to define elements wider than 530pixels then you need to set the report width to a higher value. You can do this in one of 4 ways: use a larger preset page size (eg. A3 instead of A4) change from portrait to landscape define a custom page size reduce the size of the margins . Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2007/03/04 22:25
  9. They aren't blank lines - it's just reflecting that there's partially filled data. The report is outputting exactly what you asked it to. You need to suppress records in your data source where LINERESPONSEDATE is null and STATUS is null.
  10. You have put the chart into the detail section. Put it in a Footer or Summary section instead
  11. There are three output options available when you have no data: no output at all ("NoPages") a single blank page ("BlankPage") all report sections with blank detail section ("AllSectionsNoDetail") If you want to print "No Data" or similar then you need to follow the example given in my previous post. . Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2007/03/04 21:45
  12. The placement of any chart will depend on what you want to display. Generally speaking a chart will show summary information, so you would put it in the LastPageFooter band or Summary band
  13. You can do this in mySQL using the DATE_FORMAT and SEC_TO_TIME functions. To convert you millisecond values to a time value you would use SEC_TO_TIME(yourmillisecondvalue/1000). That gives you a date/time value. You can now format the output as string using DATE_FORMAT around the outside of that conversion, like this: select CONCAT(TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(yourmillisecondvalue/1000),'%H:%i:%s'), ".", yourmillisecondvalue % 1000) as ACTTIME, otherfield, otherfield, from .... . Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2007/02/28 01:56
  14. The inbuilt REPORT_COUNT variable of the subreport will return the number of rows (regions) for each country. In this example we'll call it myRegionCount. Remember to set the Calculation type to "System" for the local variable (in the main report) that you will pass the REPORT_COUNT value to. Now you need a function that will let you accumulate the returned values from each row. Add a function like this one to your scriptlet: Code:public Double addVariables(Integer v1, Integer v2) throws JRScriptletException { Integer p = (java.lang.Integer)(v1.intValue() + v2.intValue()); return p; } Now you'll need another variable to call the routine and store the accumulated values. For this example we'll call it myAccumulator. Set the Calculation Type to System, the Initial Value to new java.lang.Integer(0), and the Variable Expression to $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.addVariables($V{myAccumulator}, $V{myRegionCount}) And finally you'll need to 'display' the variable on each row to call the function. Define a new Text Field with the Textfield Expression set to $V{myAccumulator}. Of course you can leave it hidden if you don't need it to be visible on each row, but it's useful to display it while you're getting things going. Once all of the main report's rows have been filled then the myAccumulator variable should contain the total number of regions. Have fun with it.
  15. First, please ignore my previous posts about ELEMENT groups as you were trying to explain that they were DATA groups. The code that you posted works fine in iReport 1.2.7 The STATUS and LINERESPONSEDATE text fields shrink to zero height if both are null. All that remains of the detail row once they are removed is the small space (a couple of pixels) that you have left above and below the text fields. This is normal practice as it provides buffering between rows, but if you have a lot of null rows then you will end up with a lot of blank space. To fix this problem you would need to make sure that there is no space above or below your text field elements in the detail band. In order to restore the whitespace buffering you would need to increase the vertical size of the text fields and add the desired amount of padding (see Element Properties - Border - Padding).
  16. christianrm's problem is that the first column (containing just one value) can span multiple pages because the second column has lots of detail. Since the design only has a line at the bottom of the column the filler won't draw a line on each page, only at the end of the column. The required solution is to have a line at the bottom of the column AND at the bottom of each page that the column extends across.
  17. The Category expression would be the username, the Value expression would be the number of calls. You only have one dataset, so the Series expression can be any static value (eg. new java.lang.Integer(1) or "My Series")
  18. Walmillard, mau72 is after string concatenation. Mau72 you concatenate strings exactly as you have described ( $V{variable} = $V{variable} + $F{field} ), however you can't 'cycle through' the fields. What you would need to do is more like this: $V{variable} = $F{field1} + $F{field2} + $F{field3} etc. If field2 was (say) an Integer you would have to perform an inline cast to String like this: $V{variable} = $F{field1} + $F{field2}.toString() + $F{field3} etc.
  19. This usually happens when the detail section is larger than the combined vertical space occupied by all the elements within it. For example, say you design a report that only deals with group totals and doesn't display any detail. If you leave the detail band at the default height then the filler will still create enough page space to render a detail band for every detail row, even though there are no elements in the detail band. You would need to set the height of the detail band to zero (0) in this case to prevent the filler from creating empty page space.
  20. Teodore posted this a little while ago, it might help with your problem http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_mamblog&Itemid=109&task=show&action=view&id=221&Itemid=109
  21. This may help. http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_mamblog&Itemid=109&task=show&action=view&id=221&Itemid=109 Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2007/02/25 23:51
  22. No you don't, you only think you do. I think it's about time you posted the xml source for the whole detail band so we can actually work out where things are going wrong.
  23. Sorry, duplicate post Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2007/02/24 06:42
  24. This might help you http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_mamblog&Itemid=109&task=show&action=view&id=236&Itemid=109
  25. Duh! Remove the element group and see if it fixes the problem. Element groups only help you to move things about synchronously at design time in iReport. Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2007/02/23 03:52
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