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  1. Hi Dudes.... Wish You all a Very Happy New Year.... and My Issue now... I am creating a XLS using JasperReport API. As per MS Office 97, I can able to generate 32, 635 rows only in a single sheet of Excel. If I use MS Office 2003, we can use almost 10,00,000 rows. So, Please guid me which API I need to use to get 10,00,000 rows per sheet. Thank you....... Sridhar Yadavilli
  2. Dear friends, I am using a '|' as field seperator and semicolon as row seperator. If i get a field value with ' " '[Double quotes], iReports is skipping the value[not displaying] Eg : US|UK|"AUS"|IND; ENG|NZ|"CHN"|RUS Its displaying as : US UK IND ENG NZ RUS We want to display it with the double quotes Can u plz help me in this. Thanks & Regards Sridhar
  3. Hello, I am getting a horizontal and vertical line if I dont have any records to execute for the crosstab. How can I solve this.Please help me.. With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli
  4. Thank you for the link. But, I want the page wise totals n count in the summary band[End of report].. Not at the end of every page. Please let me know.. Thanking you, With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli
  5. Thank you for the link. But, I want the page wise totals n count in the summary band[End of report].. Not at the end of every page. Please let me know.. Thanking you, With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli
  6. Dear friends, First of all, Thank you Mr. JMurray for solving my blank page issue. Thank you very much. That is a great help. I am using iReports1.2.5 and got stuck with a problem. My reports runs on a query which returns 100 records or more.In the summary band of my report, I have to show page wise totals like... Page wise count Page wise total 1. 25 records 50000 2. 23 records 25750 and so on... How can I do this? Need to use scriplet? I will be thankful if you get me solution without using scriplet or If I should use scriplet, please tell me the steps to do. As per the teordo's advice I have checked the examples given but my requirement is quite different. Thanking you in anticipation. With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli..
  7. Dear friends, First of all, Thank you Mr. JMurray for solving my blank page issue. Thank you very much. That is a great help. I am using iReports1.2.5 and got stuck with a problem. My reports runs on a query which returns 100 records or more.In the summary band of my report, I have to show page wise totals like... Page wise count Page wise total 1. 25 records 50000 2. 23 records 25750 and so on... How can I do this? Need to use scriplet? I will be thankful if you get me solution without using scriplet or If I should use scriplet, please tell me the steps to do. As per the teordo's advice I have checked the examples given but my requirement is quite different. Thanking you in anticipation. With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli..
  8. Thanks alot for your help. 1. I have tried have seen that example. But I am getting HeadingsScriptlet cannot be resolved to the type.[REPORT_SCRIPTLET.getValue()]. How to set that. I dont know the settings to execute for Scriptlet. 2. I didn't set that parameter as true. Its false in my report. Any other to avoid the blank page display. Thanking you, With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli
  9. Dear friends, My report has widht : 15 inches, Height: 12 inches.. Then its showing Report Orientation as "Landsacpe". Eventhough I print my report in Potrait Its printing in Landscape only. I want this report to be print in "Potrait" only. Can anyone have solution for this. Please help me. With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli
  10. Dear friends, I am using iReports1.2.5 I have stuck with two issues.Please help me in getting a solution. 1. My reports runs on a query which returns 100 records or more.In the summary band of my report, I have to show page wise totals like... Page wise count Page wise total 1. 25 records 50000 2. 23 records 25750 and so on... How can I do this? Need to use scriplet? I will be thankful if you get me solution without using scriplet or If I should use scriplet, please tell me the steps to do. 2. In my another report, I will get a blank page[always], Data will be shown from the second page. I dont want to display the blank page. I want to show from second page onwards. How can I do this? Thanking you in anticipation. With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli..
  11. Dear friends, I have stuck with two issues.Please help me in getting a solution. 1. My reports runs on a query which returns 100 records or more.In the summary band of my report, I have to show page wise totals like... Page wise count Page wise total 1. 25 records 50000 2. 23 records 25750 and so on... How can I do this? Need to use scriplet? I will be thankful if you get me solution without using scriplet or If I should use scriplet, please tell me the steps to do. 2. In my another report, I will get a blank page[always], Data will be shown from the second page. I dont want to display the blank page. I want to show from second page onwards. How can I do this? Thanking you in anticipation. With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli..
  12. Dear friends, My query returns 100 records which prints 20 records in one page and 25 records in another page and so on.. In Summary, I want page wise total number of records and amount. How can I do this? Please help me. With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli
  13. Dear jaumeg, Check this solution which I found in this forum. It may help you....... Solution is : -------------- Sometimes its nice to display some text when a report's data source returns an empty set. By definition you won't be able to put such a field in the Detail Section because it won't exist if there's no data. To determine that there's no data you inspect the inbuilt variable REPORT_COUNT. If it is zero then the report is empty. Unfortunately the value isn't available until the report is filled, and that means you can't put it in a header or title section either. First you need to set the Report Property setting whenNoDataType to "AllSectionsNoDetail" Now you need to set up a text field in any FOOTER or SUMMARY section, with a printWhenExpression setting of "new java.lang.Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()==0)". If you put this field in a footer section then the text is going to appear at the bottom of the page. The summary section is a better place to put it, as it will appear right underneath your report title and page header
  14. Dear friends, My report has widht : 15 inches, Height: 12 inches.. Then its showing Report Orientation as "Landsacpe". Even when I print this report in Potrait Its printing in Landscape only. I want this report to be print in "Potrait" only. Can anyone have solution for this. Please help me. With Regards Sridhar Yadavilli Post edited by: yadavillisridhar, at: 2007/04/28 08:56
  15. Dear friends, I too struck with the same problem. Please let us know the solution. I use both PDF and RTF. Let us know the solution in any of these report types. Thanking you, Sridhar Yadavilli
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