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Everything posted by jmurray

  1. I had this problem with an earlier release of iReport. It turned out to be an incompatible version of Sun's SDK. If you are still using version 1.4 then get on over to Sun and grab version 5: http://java.sun.com/javaee/downloads/index.jsp Once you've installed it, make sure you copy the new tools.jar file to iReport's lib directory
  2. Hi AMM, this post is a duplicate of one that you posted recently http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=19450&catid=9 You haven't provided any feedback in the original post to say whether your master report returns at least one row. In order to help you find a solution you're going to have to do that.
  3. You could set up the Detail section of your report with the right page fields overlaying the left page fields. If the right page field is basically static text then size it to be the same height as the dynamically generated fields for the left page, and allow it to stretch on overflow. Then you would use the inbuilt PAGE_NUMBER variable to control when the left and right page fields are displayed. Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2006/12/23 09:53
  4. This is a duplicate post. Please refer to this post for all follow ups: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=19480&catid=9
  5. In my experience it's actually worse than that in that even short labels get truncated. Unfortunately it's not an iReport or JasperReports issue. It appears to be a bug in jfreechart. The old version worked incredibly well, but the new version is just plain ugly and (as you point out) not very good at doing the labels.
  6. Google seems to have a fairly good idea :dry: Enter "ireport tutorial" in the google searchbar to reveal many useful tutorials. Here's a couple to get you started: http://ireport.sourceforge.net/tutorial1.html http://members.lycos.co.uk/oderin/tutorials/JavaReporting/JavaReportingTutorial.htm
  7. Subreports will not display if there is no data matching the link critera. So if you are linking the subreports on a value from a field in the master report and the detail section of the master report is empty the subreport will not display. Make sure that your master report's query returns at least one row.
  8. By definition you won't be able to put such a field in the Detail Section because it won't exist if there's no data. To determine that there's no data you inspect the inbuilt variable REPORT_COUNT. If it is zero then the report is empty. Unfortunately the value isn't available until the report is filled, and that means you can't put it in a header or title section either. First you need to set the Report Property setting whenNoDataType to "AllSectionsNoDetail" Now you need to set up a text field in any FOOTER or SUMMARY section, with a printWhenExpression setting of "new java.lang.Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()==0)". If you put this field in a footer section then the text is going to appear at the bottom of the page. The summary section is a better place to put it, as it will appear right underneath your report title and page header.
  9. tomnap is on the right track. If you have separate development and server implementations then it is very likely that the subreport directory will be different. For example, the subreport directory on my Windows PC development environment is "./", but just before I publish any report that contains a subreport I have to set the SUBREPORT_DIR parameter to be "/usr/local/tomcat5/webapp/ROOT/reports/src/somedirectoryname/". "./" in my UNIX based report server's context equates to something like "/usr/local/tomcat5/webapp/", which is totally incorrect. The other thing to remember is that the Jasper report engine is going to be looking for a precompiled .jasper file for the subreport (not an xml or jrxml file). Thta means that you have to build and view the sub-report and publish its .jasper file to the report server. Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2006/12/20 22:30
  10. You don't say whether it fails with an error or not, so here's a general tip. There is an old version of jfreechart which shipped with older versions of iReport and a newer version which started shipping around version 1.2.3 of iReport. They are not totally compatible with each other and a report built using the old jfreechart will usually not work if the report server uses the latest jfreechart jar file. Make sure that you have the same versions of the following jar files in the lib directory of your report server and your development environment(s): ireport.jar itext.jar jasperreports.jar jcommon.jar jfreechart.jar xalan.jar ... and make doubly sure that you don't have two different versions of any of them in the lib directory eg. having jasperreports.jar and jasperreports-1.2.7.jar in the same directory is not a good thing
  11. 1mm is about 2.8346426682801103366793233064797 pixels, so 33.9mm is close enough to 96 pixels.
  12. It should happen automatically for you if you have the "Stretch with overflow" parameter checked on your field. You should also make sure that the "Split allowed" band property is checked if you want data to simply spill over onto the next page.
  13. It can be done, and relatively easily using a static form or deriving the entire content from a data source. In the Detail section of a report you can stack elements vertically as well as horizontally. The trick is getting them to resize and reposition themselves as other objects resize around them. Imagine three Fieldboxes that contain a large amount of static text stacked vertically in the Detail section, like this: +---------------------------------+ | blah, blah, blah, blah, bla... | +---------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+ | nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, ... | +---------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+ | whine, whinge, whine, wh... | +---------------------------------+ They can all be set to be as wide as each paragraph needs to be, but can be left very short. They don't need to be (vertically) sized to the amount of text because the JasperReport engine will be told to reconfigure the layout on the fly. The first one has it's Position Type set to "FixedRelativeToTop", the other two are set to Float. This lets the second and third Fieldboxes move as the others resize. Then all three of the textboxes have these attributes set: * Stretch Type: No Stretch * Stretch with Overflow: checked Seems counterintuitive to stretch with data overflow, but to have a Stretch Type of "No Stretch", but if you set any other value for Stretch Type then Floating elements will no display properly. You should also make sure that the "Split allowed" band property is checked if you want data to simply spill over onto the next page. Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2006/12/20 02:37
  14. Try putting it at the end of the report, either in the last page footer or in the summary section
  15. Duplicate post removed Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2006/12/20 00:45
  16. The simplest way to force the detail section to be a fixed size is to bind your query to a table of fixed size. 1) Create a table with the numbers 1 to n, where n is the total number of rows you require. 2) Alter your existing report query so that it is LEFT JOINed to the table, like this: Oracle example: --------------------- SELECT a.DUMMY_NUMBER , b.* FROM FIXED_TABLE a , ("select ROWNUM, field1, field2 from yourtable1, yourtable2 where yourtable1.key=yourtable2.key") b WHERE a.DUMMY_NUMBER=b.ROWNUM(+); MySQl example: --------------------- SELECT a.DUMMY_NUMBER , b.* FROM FIXED_TABLE a LEFT JOIN (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 rownum , t.* FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r , ("the original query") t ) b ON a.DUMMY_NUMBER=b.rownum; 3) Add a field in the detail section to hold the new DUMMY_NUMBER field that forces all the required rows. Set its width to zero (0) so that it doesn't display. 4) Make sure all the other fields have the "Remove line when blank" setting unchecked, and the "Blank when null" setting checked. Add borders as required. That should get you out of trouble. Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2007/01/19 10:14
  17. By default iReport goes out and looks for updates on the web. This will cause much slowness on startup if you are unable to reach the update site for whatever reason. Check this post for a couple of alternate solutions that might help if you think this is your problem: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=19112&catid=9
  18. No. Unfortunately column positioning and sizing in iReport is fixed, and there is no facility to split total output width across multiple pages. Either increase the paper size, change the orientation from portrait to landscape, and/or decrease field font size.
  19. Have you copied the subreport's compiled .jasper file to the correct directory for access via RubyOnRails?
  20. Generally you would need to post more information from the error. In this case it is likely that you have not copied tools.jar into the lib directory. This jar is not supplied with iReports, but comes with Sun's JDK.
  21. jFreeChart will try to set the width of the bars according to the number of elements in the series. If you have a simple xy chart then it's easiest to set chart data parameters like this: Series Expression: $V{MY_SERIES_NAME} Category Expression: $F{item_fieldname} Value Expression: $F{item_value_fieldname} where $V{MY_SERIES_NAME} is new java.lang.Integer(1) eg. YTD Sales Team Income Totals Series Expression: $V{SALES_TEAM_INCOME} Category Expression: $F{SALESMAN_NAME} Value Expression: $F{GROSS_INCOME} this will provide a single bar per salesperson and the width will be correctly sized. But if you have a multidimensional xy chart then you would set chart data parameters like this: Series Expression: $F{series_fieldname} Category Expression: $F{item_fieldname} Value Expression: $F{item_value_fieldname} eg. YTD Sales Team Income by Month Series Expression: $F{MONTH} Category Expression: $F{SALESMAN_NAME} Value Expression: $F{GROSS_INCOME} This would split each salesperson's bar into how ever many months had elapsed in the year to date. Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2006/12/14 00:09
  22. After installing iReport 1.2.7 the startup time was in the order of minutes. It turns out that iReport checks for updates on startup, so if you are sitting behind a proxy server or don't have access to the Internet then you'll suffer the delay. To overcome the problem you can do one of two things: 1) Disable the update check Once iReport starts up go to Options - Configure Plugins and select "Check for iReport Updates...". Uncheck the "Check for update on iReport startup" option and Save. 2) Set a proxy address Open <iReport install dir>/bin/startup.sh or startup.bat. Edit the line at the end of the file that starts with "java" and add the following parameters before "it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.mainFrame" proxySet=true proxyHost=<address of your proxy host> proxyPort=<your proxy's http port> startup.bat example: --------------------- java -cp "%IREPORT_CLASSPATH%" -Direport.home="%IREPORT_HOME%" -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=vproxydet.cache.det.nsw.edu.au -Dproxyhost=80 -Djava.security.policy="%IREPORT_HOME%/policy.all" -Xms24m -Xmx512m it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame %* NOTE: The startbar shortcut for 1.2.7 points directly at iReport.exe by default, bypassing startup.bat. Edit the shortcut so that the target is iReport.bat instead. startup.sh example: --------------------- java -classpath "$IREPORT_CLASSPATH:$CLASSPATH" -Direport.home="${IREPORT_HOME}" -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=vproxydet.cache.det.nsw.edu.au -Dproxyhost=80 -Djava.security.policy="${IREPORT_HOME}/policy.all" it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame "$@"
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