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Everything posted by sukirtha

  1. Voila!! It worked. Thank you C-Box! Here is what I did. to display customer name in with underline and Customer Id in plaintext... Code: Don't forget to set isStyledText="true" check the following links for samples http://www.jasperforge.org/jaspersoft/opensource/business_intelligence/jasperreports/samples.html C-box, StyledText is the keyword and thanks to you for the clue. :cheer:
  2. Ahhh! Atlast, I attached the file. Thanks C-Box for your reply. Please check the attached file to know more on what I want. Thanks in advance for your help
  3. The problem is it does not have any conditions. The single cell has to have all the values (Name, ID, account number, balance) displayed one after another in different styles. I am trying to attach the image. Hope i am allowed to attach it. Is there a problem with the site? I am unable to attach or even post. Please help. [file name=reportCells.zip size=2241]
  4. Is it possible different values inside the same field to be formatted in different styles? One value should be bold, one value should have underlinem, one value could be in red color. Please see the attached image to see what I want. This was done using Excel. Post edited by: sukirtha, at: 2008/06/30 10:49 Sorry I could not attach the file. I guess there is some problem with the site. Everytime I click a link or navigate to another page, it automatically logs me out :( Post edited by: sukirtha, at: 2008/06/30 10:52 Post edited by: sukirtha, at: 2008/06/30 10:53
  5. Is there a way to add some text above the Report title. My requirement is as follows: 1) The report will contain N number of pages. 2) The first page will be the title page. This page will contain the report title and few other details such as report generation date and generate by. 3) Each page including the title page should contain a page header and footer. The page header should contain the company logo on the top right corner and transaction number on the top left corner. How can I achieve this. If I put the logo and transaction number in the title band, it gets repeated for every page as required :) but it comes below the report title in my title page :( . How can I add the page header above the report title? Hope I am clear. Any pointer would be really helpful.
  6. Thank you Lucian. Please correct me if I am wrong. In my case I have to display data from database... So I will have to store arabic unicode characters in the DB and that will be displayed in the reports. Is that right? Post edited by: sukirtha, at: 2008/05/16 11:30
  7. No verbatim had no problems. The buttons did appear in verbatim too but in the expected location (top of the page). Whereas in <tr:outputText>, the buttons appear at the bottom of the page... which is wrong as per the page layout. (You can caompare the two screenshots that I attached in my previous post). FYI, I am using Apache Trinidad JSF implementation.
  8. Thank you lucian. It works perfectly well. In fact I tried something like this before but it did not work because I called exportReport() before zos.putNextEntry(ze) and I also did not call closeEntry() method. Your code is perfect. Thanks once again for the code. :)
  9. Is it possible to display both arabic and english text in the same report. My report requires arabic text in only one place. The rest of the details have to be in english. If this feature is available, can u please share samples or references. Post edited by: sukirtha, at: 2008/05/15 10:30
  10. Hello Srikant Thank you for your reply We can even display the content of the report to an output text and set escape attribute to true. It did work out. However there is one small issue. I am trying to embed the report below few navigation buttons. So I used a panelGroupLayout with layour="vertical". Then I used the as you said. I was expecting the report to come below the navigation buttons. But it was weird to see that the buttons went below the report. I have simply replaced with tag. Same code and same structure but different outputs. Attaching the screenshots for your reference. [file name=screenshots-4b23e45117f6b2b44cd3fd808bc0bd0e.zip size=55799] Post edited by: sukirtha, at: 2008/05/15 10:25
  11. lucianc wrote: sukirtha wrote: Will I be able to zip directly without saving the file to the server? I am not sure! Yes. See java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream. I don't know if this is the right forum to post this question. But thought I might give it a try. I tried using java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream. It takes in an OutputStream instance. I passed a ServletOutputStream instance. This is the same instance that I passed to JRXlsExporter for report export. The zipped output creates an zip file with an empty excel inside it. That is because it has no way of finding the excel file from the response output stream. Here is the relevant code: Code: else if("xls".equals(presentation)){ System.out.println("Inside XLS"«»); response.setContentType("application/zip"«»); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="Report.zip""«»); JRXlsExporter xlsExporter = new JRXlsExporter(); xlsExporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint); out = response.getOutputStream(); xlsExporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, out ); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(((ServletOutputStream) out)); xlsExporter.exportReport(); ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry("Report.xls"«»); zos.putNextEntry(ze); zos.close(); } Any suggestions? Sorry if the post is irrelevant in this forum. Thanks in advance for any pointers.
  12. Well, now I get it. That means my code is working. Really sorry I misunderstood. Thank you Lucian for clarifying my doubts. It was really helpful. Regards, Sukirtha Post edited by: sukirtha, at: 2008/05/15 04:34
  13. I have posted a solution for JSF Jasper integration in the following link. Maybe it will be useful for you as well... http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=40439&catid=8
  14. Please be more specific than "compression doesn't work". The code compiles and runs but the exported file is a normal pdf file. Is that the output? Also note that the PDF exporter supports "native" PDF compression, which can be triggered via the JRPdfExporterParameter.IS_COMPRESSED export flag What does native pdf compression mean? Maybe I misunderstood. Should I just check the file size?
  15. Hi Lucian, Also note that the PDF exporter supports "native" PDF compression, which can be triggered via the JRPdfExporterParameter.IS_COMPRESSED export flag Compression doesn't work for me. Following is the code snippet that does PDF export. Code:response.setContentType("application/pdf"«»); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="Report.pdf""«»); JRPdfExporter pdfExporter = new JRPdfExporter(); pdfExporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint); pdfExporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.IS_COMPRESSED, Boolean.TRUE); out = response.getOutputStream(); pdfExporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, out); pdfExporter.exportReport(); What is the problem with the code? Am I missing something?
  16. But resorting to java based zipping would mean I will have to save all the files on the server before zipping them together and then send it to the client. Will I be able to zip directly without saving the file to the server? I am not sure!
  17. Thank you Lucian. I have added two feature requests: 1) Password protection for rtf and excel files. 2) Zipping option for exported reports.
  18. Thank you Srikanth. But report zipping along with password security can come in really handy if we had bulky + confidential reports. Maybe I could add report zipping to the feature request as well (if someone could confirm that such a feature doesn't exist as of now). I guess I will have to resort to java based report zipping for time being. Anyway, Thank you for your reply! :) Post edited by: sukirtha, at: 2008/05/14 05:54
  19. Thank You Lucian. I will post a feature a request. Maybe it would help someone else in the near future. For now I guess I will have to manage with the password feature in the pdf export. Lucian I have one more question. Is there a zip feature available in any of the export types? I want the report to be zipped on export.
  20. Is this feature already added or still to be added in the latest versions of jasper reports?
  21. Is it intentional that such a feature has not been provided or can I make a feature request? I am in need of password protection for excel and rtf files.
  22. Any idea why such a feature is not provided? I guess excel and rtf as such provides password protection. Should I make a feature request. If yes, please let me know the link to make feature requests.
  23. Hi, I want to know if it is possible to zip the reports generated in rtf, csv & excel formats. Any pointers or samples would be really helpful. Thanks.
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