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Everything posted by sukirtha

  1. I want to protect the generated reports with a password. The reports have to be in rtf, csv and excel formats. Is such a feature available in jasper reports? If yes, any hints on the same would be a great help.
  2. Hi, I myself have found the solution to integrating jasper reports with JSF. I am posting the solution here as it maybe helpful to someone facing similar problems. The generated html report source can be stored inside a stringBuffer using the JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STRING_BUFFER. The string buffer may be made visible to the JSF page by making the string buffer as a managed bean property. In the JSF page, use <f:verbatim> to render the contents of the string buffer. Hope this post helps.
  3. I have successfully integrated jasper reports in JSF with page navigation. Thank you for all the help. I have posted the JSF integration solution in the following post. http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=40439&catid=8 Post edited by: sukirtha, at: 2008/05/12 09:58
  4. Thank you Lucian. It's really useful.:) I'll try to use this idea and integrate it with JSF. In case you have any sample for JSF integration as well, please do share... Thanks Again!
  5. Hi, I am new to Jasper. So please help as I could not find any significant help relating to this topic. Can, a html report generated using jasper reports, be rendered in a JSF page? The html report will NOT be a HTML file on the server. It should be rendered from the response stream. I am using JSF as I need additional JSF components in the report rendering page. Any hints or samples will be of great help! Thanks Sukirtha
  6. I guess pagination buttons have to be manually added in the JSP. But I am not sure how to go about doing it.:unsure: Can you please point to a sample for page navigation. It's really urgent. Any pointer would be a great help
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