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Everything posted by sukirtha

  1. Anyone has the solution to the problem?? Let me rephrase the problem just in case you do not understand it from my first post. I want to customize the width of the bars and its color. I have attached the sample chart that I am getting. As you can see, the bar is too wide and the color need to change to suit my application theme. I know I have to use a customizer. Can you tell me what renderer I should be using. I tried BarChartRenderer but it throws a class cast exception. I used LineAndShapeRender but I have no clue how to access the bar chart properties without affecting the line graph. Any hint would be of great help. Thank you!
  2. Hi, I have a multi-Axis chart with Y1 as Bar chart and Y2 as line chart. The chart is perfect except that I want to change few properties of the bar chart including color, width of the bar, etc. How can I write the customizer to do that. As of now, I have the following customizer. How can I change the properties of the Bar here? Code: Post Edited by sukirtha at 05/27/2010 13:42
  3. I am using DB2 UDB V9.1. The Driver class I use is com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver. I am not sure if it supports JDBC 4.0 Regards Sukirtha J
  4. Hi, I am try to create report with 1 million records. I tried execuitng the report using iReports. The time taken to execute is 39 minutes. I used JRFileVirtualizer. Next I tried executing the same report using a web application, running tomcat 6.0. The web application uses JSF 1.2. I am using JRSwapFIleVirtualizer. The report throws OutOfMemory Error. What can I do? Is the reporting time of 39 minutes normal? The query is too simple. It is a direct select from a single table. No joins. Please Help. Regards Sukirtha J
  5. Hi, I would like to know if the following feature is available in Jasper reports. Please check the attached layout before reading further. My report will have say some 10 columns. The columns 3 to 5 are related to each other (ex: employee salary details like basic, hra and gross). The next three columns (columns 6 to 8) are related to each other (ex: employee contact detail - address, email, phone) the rest of the details are some other details which may exist independantly. Now this report needs to pull the changes made to the employee details between two dates. So the report will list all the changes made to each and every employee grouping by say employee Id. Now here is how I want the report to look like. There can be multiple rows for an employee. If there are no changes made to the 2 sets of related columns, then the next row must leave those two sets empty with data shown for only the independent columns. If there is any change to even one of the column in a related set, then all the columns in that set should display data in the next row. See the screen shot for better clarity. Thanks in advance for your reply. [file name=screenshot.zip size=7676]
  6. Guess u forgot the attachment. What is the query that you use in your main report. If you are not using any query in main report, then you will get blank report as the main report does not have a datasource to iterate over. Can you please attach the file?
  7. Does that mean I will have to use subreports only :( that will impact my performance....
  8. Can a single JRXML contain two queries? I have a main report. In the main report I need to populate data using two different queries. I know we can do this using subreports as subreports may increase the processing time. Is there any other way to populate from two different datasources in a single jrxml. FYI, The bands that need to be populated are ColumnHeader band and Detail Band. Thanks.
  9. I made the changes you asked me to do and I am getting only the page header band in the report. The master report has no query and you're not sending any explicit data source either, so it won't have any data to iterate on. And since you have whenNoDataType="NoPages", an empty report will be produced. So does that mean my main report should definitely contain some datasource to provide an output. In my scenario, my main report is just a static template over which I place all the subreports. I am providing a query in the subreport jrxls. I did not post my subreport in my previos post so here it is: Code: Is the query in the subreport not enough to render the report??? The master report has no query and you're not sending any explicit data source either If I don't specify a query in the jrxml, can I specify it during runtime. That is, can my java code pass a query to jasper during runtime based on which the report will be filled. If yes can you let me know how? Passing database query at runtime to report I have posted the same question in the above URL. Thanks for your reply.
  10. Hi, I came to know that jasper allows sql query to be passed at runtime during report generation. However I could not obtain any sample to do the same. If any of you have an idea of how to this, please share it here. My requirement is as follows, Depending on the user's request, the query to be executed for a particular report will change. So I need to pass the sql query only during runtime. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Warm Regards, Sukirtha Joseph
  11. I also tried debugging. The value inside the JasperReport instance of the main report has a reference to the subreport inside the title band Whereas the JasperPrint has 0 pages within it. Could this be a layout problem. For your information, the Title band of the main report includes a sub-report which has nothing but static texts. This title should contain the report cover page details, which would be common for all the reports. So the layout will have the following structure. ReportHeader (pageHeader band of the main report) ReportCoverPage (A Subreport - placed in the title band of the main report) ReportData (A Subreport - Place in the Details band of the main report) FooterDetails (pageFooter band of the main report) Do you see any issues with layout itself?
  12. Hi Lucian, This is in continuation to the in-memory subreports access. I have used the quoted approach to accomodate in memory subreports. I have created a very basic report repository class. The class merely generates a JasperReport object for the requested report name. I tried generating a main report with two subreports directly under it. There are no exceptions thrown while running the report. The database has data but no report is generated. Only an empty file gets exported. I think there could be problem with the JasperReport to JasperPrint conversion. Here is the code in my ReportExporter Class: Code: Here is the ReportRepository class: Code: JRXML of the Main Report : Code: What am I missing here. Thanks in advance for your help. Regards Sukirtha Joseph Post edited by: sukirtha, at: 2008/07/10 04:39
  13. I think that the problem is that you need to do mirrorDesign(elements, pageWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin) for all band elements.Perfect:) . It worked! Thank you lucian!
  14. No problem. I will try to implement a repository that suits my application. One last question. I mirrored the design object and I exported the report in RTF format. However the report's right margin gets cut automatically. Here is the code. DO you see any issues here. I reused the code snippet you gave. Your code works well for mirroring print object. Am I missing something for the design mirroring? Code: Please see the attached report rtf [file name=Report-ea7f551ac1e2c08afdb810859b926bf9.zip size=120353]
  15. So at any point in time there will be just one JasperReport instance per report. Am I right? DO you have any sample for report repository service? If yes, can you please share them here? If No, I would still like to thank you for all the help this far. I am now aware of what needs to be done to achieve most of the report specific requirements for my project. Once again a big THANK YOU! :)
  16. Thank you Lucian. Will let you know if the problem gets resolved. Regards Sukirtha Joseph
  17. For instance, if you have a repository-like service for JasperReport instances, you could pass it as a parameter to the master report and use it to resolve subreport objects I am not sure what you mean by a report repository service. Is it a class that just returns an instance of the JasperReport being requested? A central manager that creates report instances? I didn't understand the question about the relationship between main reports and subreports. What exactly do you want to do? By relationship I meant that the main report by itself instantiates an instance of the subreport present in it so that the main report has a reference to the subreport that it contains. I don't know if what I am asking really makes sense. I guess your solution will solve my problem if you could please clarify on the report repository concept
  18. Thank you Lucian for the sharing the snippet. It is really useful. I have decided to mirror the jasperDesign object instead of the print object for performance reasons. Also, because compilation happens only after loading the design, we opted to mirror the design and then compile so that we could even choose to do the mirroring and compilation offline. Now, incase we decide to do compilation ONLINE I have the following doubts. 1) How can I mirror the subreports and groups inside a main report? Should I treat the subreports as seperate reports and mirror the design of the subreports independant of the main report? 2) The second doubt has nothing to do with arabic RTL but still I came up with this doubt while working with RTL so thought might as well ask it here. If I load the the mirrored design of the main report and compile it online and store the jasperReport object in memory (NOT as .jasper file in the server) and if I have sub reports under the main report, how can I compile the subreports and store them as JasperReports object in the memory (NOT as .jasper file) such that the main report can access the subreport? Or in simple terms, I don't want to create .jasper files. Instead I want to create JasperReport objects. I also want to maintain the relationship between the Main and Subreport JasperReport objects. Is it possible?? Thank you for your time and suggestion.
  19. Hi Lucian, I am still facing the same problem. Infact, before I could reply to your post, I got logged of 8 times and I don't know how many more times I will be logged off before I submit my reply. One of my friends who uses jasper forge also reported similar problem while posting. So I guess its not a problem with only my account. Thanks
  20. Hi, Is anyone else facing similar problem with the forum? I get automatically logged off everytime I try to navigate to some other page. :( This makes it reaaally difficult to post messages and attach files. Or is the problem only with my account. Maybe I should create a new account.
  21. Hi Lucian, First of all, thank you for sharing the code for mirroring. It has solved half my problem. I am sure I can use this code to build the other features I require. I have few doubts however... 1) My reports are going to be huge. Millions of records at a time. This mirroring may cause performance problem as we are trying to mirror every element present in the Print object. As far as I understand, a print object contains the data as well as the report design. So if there are 1000 records in my database, and i am displaying 4 columns per record, then I am going to have 1000 * 4 = 4000 elements in the print object and each element has to undergo this mirroring process. To avoid this, can we mirror the design instead of the print object. Correct me if I am wrong, the design just contains the layout and there no data. So mirroring that would take lesser time I suppose. I could be completely wrong. Please correct me if I am wrong. 2) How about the alignment of the text within a text element? Should that be handled during mirroring? If yes how can I go about doing that? Thanks in advance for your reply. [file name=RTF.zip size=22354]
  22. Could you clarify what "the RTL will not get invoked" means? What format are you exporting to? Are the Arabic texts displayed correctly? I have created a report that may contain arabic data as well as english data. In my application, the user gets to choose the language preference. If the user chooses language option as arabic, The entire set of screens as well as any other report generated should be have RTL direction. This said, I have created a report, a simple report which has static and dynamic text contents. I set encoding as UTF-8. I also set report locale as Arabic(Kuwait). As expected, the report is not mirrored. As you said, jasper doesn't handle RTL which is in a way correct. I was hoping that Excel will handle RTL based on the default setting. I have set RTL as the default direction in Excel. Despite the default settings, My report gets displayed in LTR. Having said that I have three options left at hand: 1) Change the jasper excel and RTF export codes. I am not sure how much time and effort it will take to complete this approach 2) Invoke a macro to enable RTL in excel and word. I still have to figure out when and where the invokation should happen. The problem with this approach is that the user could have disabled macros. Time factor is another problem here. 3) Another simple workaround is to generate the reports in html and save them with .xls and .rtf extensions. As I have accomplished mirooring of html reports, I think this can get me the report in both Excel and RTF formats. The downside of this approach is that the report will not be very neat and formatted and I end up losing functionalities specific to excel. I am not sure which of the three approaches to take. Can you please suggest the best approach. I have minimal time in hand. Thanks in advance for your help
  23. I tried installing arabic support for Microsoft office and I set UTF-8 to be my encoding however, the RTL will not get invoked for me. I need to somehow achieve the functionality. So looks like I may have to make changes to the Export code. I also came to know that Crosstab reports generated through jasper supports RTL. Can the same be applied to other types of reports as well? Sorry if I am being silly. If no, then can someone point me to the right direction from where I can start making the changes? Thanks
  24. First of all thank you Lucian for your reply. I achieved RTL for html reports by embedding the reports inside a normall jsp page and setting dir="rtl" in the <body> tag. I still have to check the correctness of the report though. :) The problem is for RTF, Excel and PDF formats. I am not planning to allow PDF export, so I need not worry about that currently. If we set the character encoding for the report as UTF-8, use unicode character for arabic letters and if we opened the report using excel with regional settings as Arabic, I wonder if excel will handle the RTL conversion by itself... If anyone has any experience with using Excel & Word regional settings, please share it here. Thanks for all the help.
  25. I want the report to become Right To Left(RTL) when the user chooses language as Arabic. If the report is exported as PDF, Word, or Excel in Arabic, the report should be displayed in RTL. Is this possible using jasper reports? Please help...
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