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Everything posted by ramnik

  1. Please try these commands :- go to {Jasperserver_home}/buildomatic and run the following commands js-ant export-everything -DexportFile="export.zip" thanks ramnik
  2. this seems to me BUG. On session timeout, instead of going to login page , it keeps on current page retriving . This is however fixed in 3.7 .
  3. Regd first:- You can also try changing the date format in jasperserver_config.properties files date.format=yyyy-MM-dd datetime.format=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm calendar.date.format=%Y-%m-%d calendar.datetime.format=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M
  4. This is missing feature and enhancement is logged for this issue .. ramnik
  5. ramnik


    An Internal bug has been logged to keep track of this issue.
  6. You need to use export to export data from 3.1 instance and import data into 3.5 instance for upgrading. If you have jasperserver-3.1-bin.zip , you can still use the {install-dir}/jasperserver-3.1-bin/scripts to export data from ur current jasperserver instance by using steps from Install Guide ( even though, you have not installed jasperserver)
  7. You can try to use repo:/oragnization_1/Images/my_logo where organization_1 is the id of the default Organization ramnik
  8. You need to check that your report has the default value for the mandatory parameters. If not so, you have input controls associated with the parameters , so that you can provide values for the "mandatory Parameters"
  9. You can still try to run the command - ./js-ant import -DimportFile="path to 3.0 data folder e.g. /home/qauser/js-3.0-export" -DimportArgs="--update" to import the 3.0 data
  10. Two questions - Did u manually zipped the "jasperserver 3.0 export file". If so, it is not going to work. In case , you have exported the JS 3.0 data as normal directory (and not zip file ) , please try to use the alternative command to import the JS 3.0 data ./js-ant import -DimportFile="path to 3.0 data folder e.g. /home/qauser/js-3.0-export" -DimportArgs="--update" Hope this helps, - 1 tested jasperserver 3.0 -> 3.5 upgrade as part of qa testing at jaspersoft.and it worked smoothly for me as we follow the Install guide instructions. ramnik
  11. Here are the tips you can use:- 1. if you are directory {js-install-dir}/scripts try running ./js-import.sh and ./js--export.sh 2. Or go to directory-> {install-dir}/buildomatic/ run command ./js-ant import and ./js-ant export
  12. Please ignore previous response:- Here is right response You NEED NOT TO delete your old reports . Please follow the instruction in 3.5 Install Guide regd upgrade from 3.0 to 3.5 . (Upgrade process involves exporting your 3.0 data and then importing it in 3.5 . )
  13. You need to delete your reports in 3.0 and recreate again in 3.5. Please follow the instruction in 3.5 Install Guide regd upgrade from 3.0 to 3.5 . (Upgrade process involves exporting your 3.0 data and then importing it in 3.5 . )
  14. Please try jasperdb/jasperdb Or jasperdb/password thanks ramnik
  15. I tried this in jasperserver 3.5 and IE 6 SP2 and it worked for me. Which version of Jasperserver are you using ?
  16. Before creating the adhoc report, save the domain topic for the fields u selected for the adhoc report creation. If you want to add new field to the adhoc rpeort, just edit the "domain topic" > you need not re-select all the fields again in "domain topic" - after editing the domain topic, edit the adhoc report and you can see the new fields in the adhoc designer for the report
  17. are you creating a adhoc report using the Domains? If so, the reason you are seeing this exception is that Domain you are using is missing one column. May be you have edited the domain and deleted some fields. This exception occurs when teh adhoc editor is looking for a field which is missing either in the domain topic or teh underlysing domain you are using.
  18. The JS 3.50 works with the Postgres DBMS you can check the Install guide for the instructions. The install guide mentions - uses buildomatic fro Installation. Scripts for Postgresql can be found in directory - C:\jasperserver-3.5.0-bin\buildomatic\install_resources\sql\postgresql
  19. In jasperserver-pro 3.5, however , there is feature either to read the data in memory or push the data processing to database ..user can select that optionbefore creating reports ..under manage adhoc options ..
  20. There are postgresql scripts available to create - sugarcrm and foodmart DB These are in directory - C:\jasperserver-3.5.0-bin\buildomatic\install_resources\sql\postgresql hope this helps!
  21. You can create the Jasperserver Database on MYSQL. and Your reports can still use the data from database on UDB.
  22. ramnik


    Yes , the saved topic obeys the security grants applied on domain
  23. Please try jasperadmin/password and see if that helps. because binary installer do not upgrade the previous password stored in Database
  24. Did you load sample data from the right js-catalog. There is specific "js-catalog-oracle" for oracle. It is mentioned in jaspeserver - pro -Install guide. Page 32.
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