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Everything posted by ramnik

  1. i notice this in log:- " C:\Program Files\jasperserver-ce-3.7.0/mysql\bin\mysqladmin.exe: connect to server at 'localhost' failed error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)' " it is still going to jasperserver-ce-3.7.0 mysql and not ur existing mysql ... Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  2. - Command you used to tun iReport is right.. - which version of iReport are u using ? Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  3. Jasperserver - adhoc report has been tested to have 400-500 columns. so ..number of columns does not seem to me issue ..:) i think , you can report the bug on support. this is sth which needs to be fixed ..bcaz both number of rows and columns should not be issue in running the report .. [ in general , adhoc editor worked really well with 400-500 columns and over million rows ..] Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  4. Selection lost is bug and is fixed in latest version of JS CE 3.7.1 which will be available soon. You can always build latest version of JS CE 3.7.1 Also, You can build 3.7.1 youself if you use the branches/js-for-pro-3.7.x branch (the name is a little funny but it does the job). Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  5. Its kinda weird. its really works for me. i confirmed it again just now question ..- when u choose the binary directory did u try chosing using the browse button available?so that path automatically gets in the path text box .. thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  6. Another thing , can u please check that is accessible in MySQL Workbench, bcaz as IP adress is used in URL to connect to Mysql thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  7. Specifically , issue seems to me here with the Binary Directory u specified . please make sure that path is right Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  8. you can check 3 things:- 1. Mysql not running on port specified 2. please check that right binary directory has been specified for existing mysql. 4. check if username and password are right. hope this helps . this should surely work. if above things are right.. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  9. you are welcome:) here are my suggestions .. 1. There number of rows = 50000 is for sure not the issue. bcaz jaspersever has been performance tested for scalability over 5-6 million rows internally. Dynamic Filter - worked really well internally 2. You can always get help from support and log a bug.. 3. i will try to replicate it to see if any settings help .. thanks, Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  10. can u please add more details regd the report unit , what type of input control u are using ..which version of jasperserver [ seems like 3.7 ] ..that will really help in debugging the issue thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  11. Try this command :- ./jasperctl.sh start it should work like a charm ..as this has been tested really well internally thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  12. Its easy .. There are two ways :- 1. you take the JRXML , create the jasperreport unit in Jasperserver - using report unit wizard in Jasperserver 2. in iReport , - open the Jasperserver Plugin [ enter the properties of the jasperserver in the jasperserver plugin- URL , login ] - add new report unit - enter name and select the current JRXML - select the data source - save the report unit - go to Jasperserver -> Report Unit is available in Jasperserver for use .. Hope it helps , let me know if any questions .. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  13. Currently , it is not possible to add - And Or conditions . But this is definitely in plan for furture release. thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  14. can u please tell whoich version of Jasperserver are u using ? thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  15. Yes . you can easily add the Input Control to any field in adhoc editor for domain report . there are 2 ways you can do it - 1. add the filter in Data Chooser - Filters and select the prompt on 2. add the dynamic Filter in adhoc editor it. its realy easy :) [ Dynamic filter feature is available in 3.7 , data Chooser filter feature is available i previous releases too] Please let us know, if this helps or you need more info on it .. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  16. 1. You can purchase the Jasperserver Only . No need to buy complete suite. 2. Regd the cost estimate, you can contatc sales@jaspersoft.com Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  17. there is no known reason for error or failure. ..so you an give it try. However, it has never been tested internally thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  18. i could not get ur question clearly, but here is what i suggest based on what i understand. It will be great , if u can explan in detail little bit Ideas :- - You can add parameters to the Report in report inspector or XML. - Use those parameter in query to filter the data. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  19. To be specific, the issue which are fixed in 3.7.1 are related to Selection Lost in multi-select control lsit. date control - blinks and disappears ..is not known issue. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  20. thease are known issues and fixed as bugs in latest verison of Jasperserver Pro 3.7.1. are u using Community Version or Pro? Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  21. Have u tried using the Jasperserver Plugin. You can easily create report in Jasperserver Plugin , by just using -> use current JRXML , select the data soruce ..it really easy and fast Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  22. Using the JasperServer Virtulizer in general is easy ..there is really good forum post on how to use the Virtulizer in Jasperserver. hope this helps you .. http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=77929 thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  23. This is really great Information > we have been using FileVirtulizer in internal Performance testing and tit really helps in finding balance between memory vs response time. thanks for putting this on Forum :) Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  24. Can u please saing using the compatibility options set.i.e try saing report in iReport with compatibility setting for jasperreprt3.7 Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  25. i think ..No ..but still i m not pretty sure abt it .. thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
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