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Everything posted by ramnik

  1. yes , you can create two instances of the same rpeort with different parameters. as long as parameter name and input controls name are unique fo reach report , they will update specific report Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  2. This is not available right now. you can file feature requests for the same in Tracker thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  3. 1. clear the app server temp directory 2. clear the browser cache 3. try to clear the work directory under app server espeically, i you see the issue sometime and other time it works, clearing the cache, temp and work directoyr should work. also , if you provide exatc steps to create the problem with jasperserver verison you are using , and browser version , that will help to reproduce the problem internally .. thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  4. 1. I understand that ur first issue is a BUG. can u please file bug on it in tracker. [ absoluytes vs relative path for reports in dashboards] 2. Regd second issue , Joeuser cannot "open in designer" dashboard. This is not an issue. If the ROLE_USER has permisison, read + write + delete for the dashboard, he is able to "open in deisgner = EDIT" the dashboard and change the reports and use the right reports . so, this is not right that only superuser can "open in designer " the saved dashboard. it is more controlled by permisisons .. hope it helps , ramnik Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  5. this issue occurs if you are trying to access a report or adhoc report ,which has soem resources which are no accessible by the user. i..e user does not right permission to acces the subresoruces for the report. can u please check that all the resources -. data source, input control , images etc have right permsison Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  6. 1. Please make the input control - read only steps to do the same :- 1. edit the report 2. click onthe inout control 3. in the input controls properties , chaneg it o read only [ when changing to read only , the control will be disabled ] hope it helps , thanks ramnik Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  7. The first value selected in second control is bcaz 1. this must be an mandatory control and in mandatory control, first value are selected by default, if one no value selected in first control 2. there is no default value to the second control 2. this is part of the feature when user dont have to select any values when input control are mandatory. so , solution here is :- 1. provide default value to both the controls 2. do the cascading by using the name of parameter in second control, if thats the case, the first value will be selected in the first control, and cased on the casacding, first value is selected in the second control Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  8. Yes ..if teh report is being used in dashboard or as sub-report in another report , you wont be able to delete. This is refrential integrity feature in use. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  9. 1. First question, which verison of Jasperserver are u using ? 2. In Jasperserver3.7 and Jasperserver3.7.1, we hvae search page, where you can do the filter setting to view all the scheduled jobs, reports schedules by me, Any schedule etc see screen shot for more info Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  10. 1. well first of all , thanks for asking the question. it is not stupid question and in general, we encourage community members to ask questions . 2. i checked in latest verison that user is allowed to enter - in the email address. i think it was bug in previous release that it was not allowed. and it is fixed in latest verison. 4.0 which will be released soon thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  11. 1. first filter the vsiualization types = Report outputs 2. select the folder where the outputs are .. 2. then check the checkbox ..select all and delete hope it helps
  12. well , jasperserver really works good in all scenario and should not be Issue here. the only issue i see here is that your local machine /tomcat is not configured to access across different computer. can u try just accessing the tomcat server on ur machine ? Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  13. 1.Jasperreports is a library to create the jasperreports . you need not worry abt it a s it comes with iReport 2. iReport is the jasperreport designer. It uses the jasperreport library. Using iReport -> user can create the JRXML. 3. After user create the JRXML in iReport , he can port the JRXML using the jasperreport unit in Jasperserver. So , in summary flow is like this:- 1. Using iReport , create the JRXML 2. using the jasperserver, create the jasperreport which use the JRXMl.this way reports are ported to a server and can be accessed anywhere. hope it helps .. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  14. Yes , its easy 1. go to tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/META-INF - in context.xml file , you will find information abt the mysql URL used. Update the URL , username and password for the DB you want to use 2. You can alway add data source to point to the Database you want to use and then create reports, domains based on the data source Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  15. yes ..you can use that ..as long as that MYSQL server allows connection for ur server .. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  16. This is known issue with installer [ bundled/bundled] when machine is slow. Actually , when machine is slow, it tries to connec to mysql before evenr mysql started. Workaround is :- Install Existing mysql and try using existing mysql when installing. it will work for sure. thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  17. To confirm , as part of CE 3.7 , all Jaspersoft owned products are migrated to GPL v3 Affero or LGPL v3. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  18. I confirmed that top of page - text box works ok in general case . can u please add specific use case and ur report detail to understand whats the issue.. thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  19. In memory analysis is implmented as part of data explorer project which is Pro only ..hope it helps Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  20. Fusion charts do not working in version 8. In Version - 9 , it works perfect as tested internally .. hope it helps .. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  21. i confirmed with latesy release .3.7.1 ..it works perfectly for me .. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  22. If this is abt cascading input control ..it is available as feature in JR Pro 3.7. , JS CE 3.7 and JS Pro 3.7.1 [ with many bug fixes ] Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  23. 1. Yes , it is possible 2. You can deploy the war file using the war file in Glassfish instruction as in Install Guide. 3. You need not to export anything from the tomcat side. however, it is always recommended to take backup and mysqldump . thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  24. Actually , the reason it is not prompting for user name and password is that It is not able to find running MYSQL Server Instance at given binary directory and port After , it detects for running mysql server at , it prompts for username and password but since, first steps fails , it gives error ..and never get to step 2 asking for username and password Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  25. In case you are inetrsted , There is another option to Install .. War file deployment -> Instruction are in install guide . in that case , uyou have more control over the password , user name and what u use as existing mysql .. Senior QA Engineer
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