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  1. I'm able to walk through the provided sample demo and created my first report! But I'm having trouble getting it to work for my actual db. I'm confused as to the difference between JDBC URL vs server address. I have the host and database name from my perl script but not sure what to put in the first step of iReports. Any suggestions or recommendations is greatly appreciated!
  2. ah, thanks Ramnik! I have a pretty rudimentary question, can you explain the difference between jasperserver, jasperreports and ireports? I'm having some trouble trying to understand where one starts and the other one continues. I came upon jasperforge when I was looking for a solution where I can quickly and easily generate a report w/ a number of key charts on it where the data is gathered from the unix sql database. Something similar to the dashboard but I don't need all the fancy functionalities of the flash charts, etc Which solution/product is a better match for this? thanks and I appreciate your help and input!
  3. thanks ramnik! manually installed mysql and entered that information during the installation and it worked! is there a way to update the mysql information, I want to point to the mysql db on the unix side instead.
  4. Thanks for the reply Ramnik! If I have an existing mysql db already installed on the unix side, can I use that instead? edit: Reading the installation guide it seems like it has to reside in the same machine as jasperserver? Note that the MySQL instance must reside on your local machine (i.e. localhost or Post Edited by ender at 09/02/2010 18:43
  5. hey guys, I'm running into issues completing the jasperserver installation, all inputs were the std default values and I ran the installation as admin in win7. I'm getting two errors and I've attached a screenshot of the two errors. I actually have a msql db on the unix which I want to pull data and plot. But for the installation I opt'd for the bundled mysql software so I can play with the examples but even with that I'm getting errors. Any suggestions or recommendations?
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