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  1. hello all, in fact of jasperserver didnt have such a important function, i post now my solution. jasperserver on its own stores all infos in his mysql-database. so i build and report on this database, added this report to jasperserver himself. now i am able to have an overview about all schedules and their time order. following i share the query for this report: best regards thorsten ---- SELECT jireportjob.`id` AS jireportjob_id, jireportjob.`label` AS jireportjob_label, jireportjob.`description` AS jireportjob_description, jireportjob.`job_trigger` AS jireportjob_job_trigger, jireportjob.`mail_notification` AS jireportjob_mail_notification, jireportjobtrigger.`start_type` AS jireportjobtrigger_start_type, jireportjobtrigger.`start_date` AS jireportjobtrigger_start_date, jireportjob.`report_unit_uri` AS jireportjob_report_unit_uri FROM `jireportjobmail` jireportjobmail INNER JOIN `jireportjob` jireportjob ON jireportjobmail.`id` = jireportjob.`mail_notification` INNER JOIN `jireportjobtrigger` jireportjobtrigger ON jireportjob.`job_trigger` = jireportjobtrigger.`id` ORDER BY date_format(jireportjobtrigger.`start_date`, '%H:%i')
  2. dear mr. kaur, thanks again for replying to my problems i use version, the schedule-filter options, you described, exists. but there i can only choose, if reports are scheduled, not scheduled or scheduled by me. i search a list-view, ordered by time, where i can have an overview of all our scheduled reports. this is necessary e.g. for finding time-slots which much or no traffic, or for planing best times for system-work and planned timeouts. if there are other possibilitys, also from other users, i am glad about it best regards thorsten
  3. hello ramnik, thanks for your answer. but this is my problem - if i choose checkbox "select all" not all report-outputs are selected. only this about twenty ones are selected, which are displayed. if i sroll down at the bottom of the viewed list, then the next 20 report-outputs were listed additionally. scrolling and waitung hundred of times - i have no time ... :-( perhaps any other ideas or practices ? best regards
  4. hello jasperserver friends, at this time i have many report-outputs in the several folders. is there a way to delete all report-outputs in a special folder ? at this time, i can only see about twenty report-outputs in a folder, if i scroll to the bottom, then the next twenty report-outputs are displayed additional and so on. but this is to much manual work, if i plan to see/mark+delete about hundred of report-outputs any ideas ? greets thorsten
  5. Hello, i am just a new Friend of JasperServer, a question, because after searching 2 hours i found no answer: how can i get a list or overview from all active schedules ? i can see an overview of the reports, of the report-outputs, but not from all schedules, wich were assigned to several reports. if there is no way in jasperserver, are there alternative ways ? - in iReport which jasperserver-plugin ? - but how to ? - via access to the mysql-database which drives jasperserver ? - but in which tables i have to look ? many thanks for any help thorsten
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