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sub subreport to jasperserver


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Hi all,

I've got a report that has subreports that each have subreports.  So, on the main, I have fields and two subreports call them ProposalMaster and Project.  ProposalMaster also has a subreport in it called Proposal (Proposal items in it).  Project is a sub report that has a subreport called InvoiceMaster, InvoiceMaster has a subreport called Invoice (Invoice items in it).

When I go to publish this main report in JasperServer it only offers to add the two top level subreports and leaves out the others.  I add them manually but still get the error that JasperServer can't find these reports and it is looking at my local drive for them.

How do I tell the reports to look for these sub subreports on the jasper server?  If I look at their properties their paths show the JasperServer path.



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Can you clarify these two pieces: "it is looking at my local drive for them" and "If I look at their properties their paths show the JasperServer path."?

If your report definition includes the JasperServer "repo:" notation, then it ought to work well. The ability for the plug-in to recursively parse reports and find sub-sub-reports is a reasonable enhancement. But your solution of manually uploading the subreports ought to work well. If JasperServer is looking at your local hard drive, it implies that your reports in fact include these paths. No?


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Thanks for the reply.  I'm not familiar with where the JasperServer repo: notation would go.  I see that it's a proposed expression when I go to upload the report through ireport but I don't see where I'm to add the notation later as seems to be suggested.  This has all worked seamlessly before so I don't know if I'm missong something.


And right now my computer is messing up so if you can give me an idea what I can check I'm shutting down for the night :)

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Can you clarify these two pieces: "it is looking at my local drive for them" and "If I look at their properties their paths show the JasperServer path."?

If your report definition includes the JasperServer "repo:" notation, then it ought to work well. The ability for the plug-in to recursively parse reports and find sub-sub-reports is a reasonable enhancement. But your solution of manually uploading the subreports ought to work well. If JasperServer is looking at your local hard drive, it implies that your reports in fact include these paths. No?


I changed my subreport parameter default to "repo:" then redeployed to jasperserver.  I get this error:

com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Error loading object from URL : repo:SolutionOverview_ProposalMaster1.jasper

Even if this worked does this mean that whenever I want to edit this report in iReport I will have to change it back to my file path?  Or is there some way to utilize both.



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Thanks, Giulio

I tried doing that.  As far as I could tell I need to put that in the SUBREPORT_DIR parameter in its Default Value Expression field.  Is this correct? 

I did this but it still was looking at my local drive.  Another problem I encountered is the on my main report I have two subreports.  Since it is not valid to have two SUBREPORT_DIR parameters pointing at different files what is the option?

Is there maybe something I need to configure on the JasperServer side.  We recently upgraded from 3.1 to the latest.  I'm using iReport 3.6 and have matched the library files on the JasperServer.

My sysadmin pointed out to me this morning that we had an issue when upgrading.  He had initially just expanded the .war file into his virtual host called jasper.domain.com.  When upgrading he had to run the buildomatic stuff and ended up with jasper.domain.com/jasperserver.

I have since redone my repository connection with iReport.  I've also tried all of this by importing from Jasperserver itself.



Post Edited by jvway at 10/30/2009 17:11
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