You may need to install the WAR file manually when you cannot use the js-install scripts.
The manual buildomatic steps described in this procedure execute the same Ant targets as the js-install scripts ( The procedure shows which buildomatic targets to execute manually if you are unable to use the js-install scripts.
To install the WAR file distribution using manual buildomatic steps:
1. | Start your database server. |
2. | Stop your application server. |
3. | Create and edit a file to add the settings in for your database and application server as described in Installing the WAR File Using js-install Scripts. |
4. | Open a Command Prompt as Administrator on Windows or open a terminal window on Linux or Mac. Run the following commands. |
Buildomatic Targets to Execute to Install the WAR File
cd <js-install>/buildomatic
Makes the buildomatic directory your current directory.
js-ant create-js-db
Creates the JasperReports Server repository database.
js-ant create-sugarcrm-db
js-ant create-foodmart-db
(Optional) Creates the sample databases.
js-ant load-sugarcrm-db
js-ant load-foodmart-db
(Optional) Loads sample data into the sample databases.
js-ant update-foodmart-db
(Optional) Initializes the sample databasesjs-ant init-js-db-ce
js-ant import-minimal-ce
Initializes the jasperserver database, loads core application data. Running js-ant import-minimal-ce is mandatory. The server cannot function without this data.
js-ant import-sample-data-ce
(Optional) Loads the demos that use the sample data.
js-ant deploy-webapp-ce
Configures and deploys the WAR file to Tomcat or JBoss.
On non-Linux Unix platforms, the js-ant commands may not be compatible with all shells. If you have errors, use the bash shell explicitly. For more information, see Bash Shell for Solaris, IBM AIX, HP UX and FreeBSD. |
If you encounter an error when running create-sugarcrm-db, create-foodmart-db, or create-js-db, you can create the JasperReports Server database manually using the database administration tool for your particular database type. To create the JasperReports Server database manually for PostgreSQL or MySQL, see Manually Creating the JasperReports Server Database.
If you have previously installed the databases, you can drop the old versions and then recreate the databases. To do this, run the following drop commands before running the commands in “Buildomatic Targets to Execute to Delete Sample Databases”
Buildomatic Targets to Execute to Delete Sample Databases
js-ant drop-sugarcrm-db
js-ant drop-foodmart-db
(Optional) Deletes the sample databases.
js-ant drop-js-db
(WARNING) This will delete the JasperReports Server repository database. Only run this command if you intend to recreate the jasperserver database
5. | Set Java JVM Options (required) as described in Setting JVM Options for Application Servers. |
Installing JasperReports Server automatically generates encryption keys that reside on the file system. These keys are stored in a dedicated TIBCO Jaspersoft keystore. Make sure this keystore is properly secured and backed up, as described in the TIBCO JasperReports Server Security Guide. |
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