Follow this procedure to install JasperReports Server using the WAR file distribution. The js-install shell scripts, supported on Windows, Linux, and Mac, do most of the work for you.
Prerequisites for installing the WAR file:
1. | Install a supported version of the Java Development kit (JDK). See the TIBCO Jaspersoft Supported Platforms Datasheet document on the Documentation section of the Jaspersoft Community website for a list. |
2. | Create and set the JAVA_HOME system environment variable to point to the Java JDK location. |
3. | Locate or install one of the following application servers. See the TIBCO Jaspersoft Platform Support Guide for supported versions: |
• | Apache Tomcat |
• | JBoss EAP or Wildfly |
4. | Locate or install the PostgreSQL or MySQL database. |
The target database can be on a remote server. The application server should reside on the local machine. |
For an optional pre-install validation test, run js-install-ce.bat/sh test. See js-install Script Test Mode for more information.
To install the WAR file using js-install scripts:
The scripts are intended for the bash shell.
If installing to non-Linux Unix platforms such as IBM AIX, FreeBSD, or Solaris, the bash shell is required for using the js-install scripts. |
1. | Extract all files from Choose a destination, such as C:Jaspersoft on Windows, /home/<user> on Linux, or /Users/<user> on Mac. |
The directory, TIB_js-jrs-cp_8.0.0_bin, appears in the file location you choose.
2. | Copy the <dbType> file for your database from sample_conf and paste it to buildomatic: |
• | Copy from — <js-install>/buildomatic/sample_conf/ |
• | Paste to — <js-install>/buildomatic |
For example, if your database is PostgreSQL, copy to <js-install>/buildomatic.
3. | Rename the file you copied to |
4. | Edit the file to add the settings for your database and application server. “Sample Values for the File” lists sample property values for each supported database. |
Sample Values for the File
Sample Property Values
appServerType=tomcat [jboss-eap-7, wildfly, skipAppServerCheck]appServerDir=c:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 9.0dbHost=localhostdbUsername=postgresdbPassword=postgres[/code]
appServerType=tomcat [jboss-eap-7, wildfly, skipAppServerCheck]appServerDir=c:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 9.0dbUsername=rootdbPassword=passworddbHost=localhost[/code]
On Linux, if Tomcat is installed using apt-get, yum, or rpm, see Tomcat Installed Using apt-get/yum. |
5. | Run the js-install scripts: |
a. | Start your database server. |
b. | Stop your application server. |
c. | Open Command Prompt as Administrator on Windows or open a terminal window on Linux and Mac OSX. |
d. | Run the js-install script for the version and files you want, as shown in the following table. |
Commands | Description |
cd <js-install>/buildomatic |
js-install-ce.bat (Windows) ./ (Linux and Mac OSX) | Installs JasperReports Server, sample data, and sample databases (foodmart and sugarcrm) |
js-install-ce.bat minimal (Windows) ./ minimal (Linux and Mac OSX) | Installs JasperReports Server, but not the sample data and sample databases |
If you encounter errors during the js-install script execution, see Error Running js-install Scripts (js-install-ce.bat/sh).
6. | Set Java JVM Options (required), as described in Setting JVM Options for Application Servers. |
To view the output log, look in: <js-install>/buildomatic/logs/js-install-ce-<date>.log |
Installing JasperReports Server automatically generates encryption keys that reside on the file system. These keys are stored in a dedicated TIBCO Jaspersoft keystore. Make sure this keystore is properly secured and backed up, as described in the TIBCO JasperReports Server Security Guide. |
Installing Chrome/Chromium
You need to install and configure Chrome/Chromium to export the reports to PDF and other output formats.
For information about configuring Chrome/Chromium in JasperReports Server, see the JasperReports Server Community Project Administrator Guide.
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