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  • Bar Chart: how to display labels of the bars


    Issue Description:

    On the bars of the bar chart, sometimes not all values ​​of the bar labels are displayed. This will depend on the displayed data (size of the particular bars)


    This is a known limitation. When bars on charts reach the outer edges of the chart, some of labels get cut off. 

    A possible workaround to avoid labels truncation is to write a chart customizer implementing the JRChartCustomizer interface, similar to the following:

    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChart;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartCustomizer;
    import org.jfree.chart.plot.*;
    import org.jfree.ui.*;
    public class PlotInsetCustomizer implements JRChartCustomizer{
        public PlotInsetCustomizer() {}
        public void customize(JFreeChart jfc, JRChart chart){
            double top = 15.0;    // this is the inset you need to adjust to make sure
                                  // that there is enough space to display the truncated label
            double bottom = 5.0;
            double left = 5.0;
            double right = 5.0;
            XYPlot plot = (XYPlot)jfc.getPlot();
            plot.setInsets(new RectangleInsets(top, bottom, left, right));
            //adjust the "top" value to make sure it is big enough to accommodate the missing label

    There is some information about implementing chart customizers in section 12.4 Properties of Charts if the iReport Ultimate Guide, and also in JasperReports Ultimate guide.


    Ref. Case #00028310

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