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Jivan Phadtare

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Everything posted by Jivan Phadtare

  1. In Jaspersoft Studio, open or create the main report where you want to include the subreport. Create a new subreport within the main report. Design the Subreport: Open the subreport in the subreport editor. Drag and drop a "Table" component onto the subreport design. In the "Dataset and Query" tab of the subreport editor, create a new dataset and configure it to use the CSV file as its data source. Hope this will helps you !!
  2. To get started with studio, kindly refer to below URL : https://community.jaspersoft.com/knowledgebase/getting-started/getting-started-jaspersoft-studio/#wiki-header-6 Download community version of studio from below link for your linux and unzip it. https://community.jaspersoft.com/files/file/19-jaspersoft®-studio-community-edition/ Post unzip the package run the 'runjss.sh' file to install it. For additioanl information, kindly visit to below URL : https://community.jaspersoft.com/knowledgebase/getting-started/getting-started-jaspersoft-studio/#wiki-header-6
  3. Additionally, you can check for the error log from studio by navigating to below path to get more details about the error. Help --> About Tibco Jaspersoft Studio --> click on "Installation Details" --> configuration --> View error log. Hope this will help you.
  4. Hello, To check supported version of java for your studio kindly download platform support guide document from below link. It has details about java version supported for your jasper version. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/ Kindly check ''Jaspersoft Studio'.ini" for memory configuration to check the heap size.
  5. Which older version of java you tried ? Could you please try to Java version 11. Also, could you please check the java heap memory configured for studio. For windows the heap memory configuration is present in : "Jaspersoft Studio Professional.ini" file located at studio installed directory. C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Jaspersoft Studio Professional-8.0.0 Please check the memory configured for -Xms1 and -Xmx
  6. This requirement seems like an enhancement request. I'm pleased to let you know about an improved method to make it easier for Jaspersoft users to report enhancement ideas, track the status of those enhancements, and vote for ideas/enhancements that you consider to be most useful. This will be done by using the new Jaspersoft Ideas Portal https://jaspersoftideas.tibco.com/ that was developed by our Product Management team. This will be a more effective way for you to interface directly with our product team and see the status of your enhancement ideas. Please acknowledge your understanding of using the Jaspersoft Ideas Portal to register this feature request.
  7. "UseConcMarkSweepGC" is java option to use garbage collector which instructs the JVM to use the Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) garbage collector. The CMS collector is designed to minimize pauses during garbage collection in order to reduce application response time, making it suitable for applications where low latency is crucial. You can try with Clean restart means stop the tomcat and remove the 'temp' and 'work' folder from tomcat and then restart the tomcat. These folders will recreated during restart.
  8. As you mentioned there is no error found in logs then please check the heap memory setting configured in 'setenv.bat' file under tomcat/bin folder. Minimum heap should be more than 2 GB. Sample configuration for windows is as below : set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -Xss2m set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC Also, we request you to try with clean restart of tomcat. Clean restart means stop the tomcat and remove the 'temp' and 'work' folder from tomcat and then restart the tomcat. These folders will recreated during restart.
  9. It is good approach to have a look at jasperserver.log file to know about more details of error when you try to export through JasperServer. 'jasperserver.log' file can be found at location : ...\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\logs\ We highly recommand you to have a look at log file when you perform export operation. It should pinpoint about the error if any.
  10. Hello, In studio jrxml file, set the textAlignment attribute in the <textElement/> tag that is associated with the text element to appropriate value (i.e. right) save it and after save try to publish the reprot on server. For more detalis about allignment, kindly refer to below URL. https://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/paragraphs/index.html Hope this finds you helpful !!
  11. From what we understood from your comment is that, those property description are not same, in that case rectangles are popullating correctly and in case when property description is same then instead of group rectangle you would like to have rectangle for indivisual same record. It looks like you have grouped your data for column property description, since these are the same values, it puts a rectangle around all of them. You can test the approach to group your report based on the column that contains the values you want to consider. Then insert a rectangle in the group header or footer section. This will serve as the border. Configure the rectangle properties such as border style, color, and width. Set these properties based on your desired appearance. Add conditional formatting to the rectangle to control its visibility based on a condition related to the column values. For example, you might use the printWhenExpression property. Additionally, you may try to test using table element in your reprot design to see if this can help you. For more details about the groups creation, please find below URL. https://community.jaspersoft.com/knowledgebase/how-to/groups/ Hope this finds you useful !!
  12. It is good if you can share the JRXML report file from Jaspersoft Studio for a more comprehensive analysis of the report design. Also, to help you better, could you please attach a screenshot displaying the output rows where borders are expected.
  13. The change in behavior was made on purpose because of a security aspect and we are not planning to change this behavior. To force the browser to do download the following code was added to applicationContext-webapp.xml file: <bean p:method="GET" p:urlPattern="/fileview/fileview/.*" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.httpheaders.HeadersRule"> <property name="headers"> <list> <bean class="org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader"> <constructor-arg value="Content-Disposition"/> <constructor-arg value="attachment"/> </bean> </list> </property> </bean> Changing "attachment" to "inline" will force the browser to open the content in the same window (not new tab) when Open option is selected (Open in new tab option is not available anymore).
  14. In production environment many times log backups are not available to troubleshoot the issues. Logs are actually rolled over. The 'jasperserver.log' rollover log rotation configuration handled in "log4j2.properties" file. Location : ...webappsjasperserver-proWEB-INF Below section from "log4j2.properties" file contains the rolling configuration. ------------------ # Rolling log file output... # jasperserver.root is used only by JasperServer Community Edition. # JasperServer Professional users should look for jasperserver-pro.root lower in this file. appender.fileout.type=RollingFile appender.fileout.name=fileout appender.fileout.fileName=${log4j:configParentLocation}/logs/jasperserver.log appender.fileout.filePattern=${log4j:configParentLocation}/logs/jasperserver.%i.log.gz appender.fileout.policies.type = Policies appender.fileout.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy appender.fileout.policies.size.size=1024KB appender.fileout.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy appender.fileout.strategy.max = 1 appender.fileout.layout.type=PatternLayout # Valid date format specifiers for the conversionPattern include "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" appender.fileout.layout.pattern=%d{ISO8601} %5p %c{1},%t:%L - %m%ex%n appender.fileout.layout.charset=UTF-8 ------------------ In above configuration setting - When the log file reaches 1MB (property : appender.fileout.policies.size.size), a new log file is created, and the previous log file is compressed and kept. Only one backup log file is maintained (property : appender.fileout.strategy.max). /* appender.fileout.strategy.max=1: It limits the number of backup log files to 1, meaning only one previous log file is kept appender.fileout.policies.size.size=1024KB: This sets the maximum size for log files. When the primary log file (jasperserver.log) reaches 1024KB (1MB), it triggers log rotation. */ These values can be changed to capture exact log file during performance issues.
  15. On RHEL environment, to install chrom first need to download the chrome package. 1) To download the chrome package use below command. (As highlighted in attached screenshot "02214612_Screenshot_1.PNG") wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm 2) Post package download, install it using below command. (As highlighted in attached screenshot "02214612_Screenshot_1.PNG") yum localinstall google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm 3) Post successful installation it will show the message as attached in screenshot : "02214612_Screenshot_2.PNG" 4) Using below command as well, we can check the version of installated chrome. google-chrome --version
  16. Use Case : To build the customized JavaScript Source Code Pre-requisite : Need software/tools - node.js, gitbash, yarn to be installed. Process : 1) Download node.js version 14.17.6 from below site and install the *.msi downloaded file using run as administrator. https://www.npackd.org/p/org.nodejs.NodeJS64/14.17.6 2) Install yarn using below command from URL : https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#windows-stable npm install --global yarn 3) To check the version of node.js and yarn run below command in gitbash : node --verson yarn --version 4) If node.js and yarn are already installed and facing error during yarn install command then it is good to clearn yarn cache files. Using below command find the directory path of yarn cache files. yarn cache dir Remove all the cache files from the directory returned by above command. 5) Fresh extract the source zip file which is downloaded from edelivery portal (file_name : "TIB_js-jrs_8.x.0_src.zip"), extracted folder looks like : "TIB_js-jrs_8.x.x_src" 7) ) Follow the step mentioned in section : "5.2.3 Customizing JavaScript Source Code" of ultimate guide document. (Sample document for 8.1.0 version attached : "tib_js-jrs_8.1.0_ultimate-guide.pdf") 8) In case if get below error during yarn build then use below command : ---------------------------- $ yarn run build yarn run v1.22.19 $ dotenv -c -- webpack --mode ${NODE_ENV:-production} --progress [webpack-cli] Invalid value '${NODE_ENV:-production}' for the '--mode' option [webpack-cli] Expected: 'development | production | none' error Command failed with exit code 2. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. ---------------------------- yarn run build --mode production --progress It appears that the ${NODE_ENV:-production} syntax for setting the --mode option is not being evaluated correctly in environment. so try to set the NODE_ENV environment variable using command. Replace "production" with "development" if you intend to build in development mode. tib_js-jrs_8.1.0_ultimate-guide.pdf
  17. I believe you are attempting to export a report from JasperServer into PDF using Studio. Could you please check the jasperserver.log file for more details regarding the error message? You can find this log file at the following location: ...jasperserver-proWEB-INFlogs Examining the log file will provide more information about the exact cause of the error.
  18. Hello, Kindly have a look at below videos. Also, please referred to below community URL where it is mentioned how to add column header. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/table-component-how-add-column-header https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v60/table-structure Hope that this will help you.
  19. Hello, We don't see full query in attached screenshot. Also, in query screenshot we could see error message : 'mismatch input=expecting')' Could you please rectify query and recheck. Also if it is running in workbench then please check query configured in studio is executable in workbench or not.
  20. Hello, You can try adding localization at report level in studio. Kindly refer to below article on how to configure localization, hopefully below article will help you to achieve your requirement. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/working-localization-files-jaspersoft-studio
  21. Requirement : How to make Jasperserver JDBC connection with Azure Databricks Steps : To make JDBC connection first need to install driver for Azure Databrick Database. 1. Download the Databricks JDBC driver first and install it. https://www.databricks.com/spark/jdbc-drivers-download?_gl=1*83d6uu*_gcl_au*MzE5ODA0NjY2LjE2OTM1NjMxMTM.*rs_ga*YzA2MDI5ZDQtMTM4MC00ZjA1LWEwYjItOTVkNDE5NGJlNjQ1*rs_ga_PQSEQ3RZQC*MTY5MzgzMzY2MzI5My41LjAuMTY5MzgzMzY2NS42MC4wLjA.&_ga=2.128054533.88742494.1693808633-1895712523.1693563120 2. Building the connection URL for the Databricks driver jdbc:databricks://<Server Hostname>:443;HttpPath=<Http Path>[;property=value[;property=value]] where: -jdbc:databricks:// (Required) is known as the subprotocol and is constant. -Server Hostname (Required) is the address of the server to connect to. -Http Path (Required) is the Databricks compute resources URL e.g. : The connection string would be in below format. jdbc:databricks://<databricks_server>:<port>;transportMode=http;ssl=true;httpPath=sql/protocol 3) From jasperserver GUI, navigate to Create --> Datasource screen and try to test the JDBC connection by entering connection string, username and password. 4) Post connection is successful, the same URL can be configured in 'context.xml' file (apache-tomcat -> webapps -> jasperserver-pro -> META-INF). ------------------- <Resource name="jdbc/databricks" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName=<enter_driver_class_name> url="jdbc:databricks:Server=<host_ip>;Port=443;TransportMode=HTTP;HTTPPath=MyHTTPPath;UseSSL=True;User=MyUser;Password=MyPassword;" maxActive="20" maxIdle="10" maxWait="-1" factory="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.tomcat.jndi.JSCommonsBasicDataSourceFactory"/> ------------------- 5) Navigate to jasperserver-pro -> WEB-INF and add the following reference to the web.xml file: ------------------- <resource-ref> <description>Databricks data JSP</description> <res-ref-name>jdbc/databricks</res-ref-name> <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type> <res-auth>Container</res-auth> </resource-ref> ------------------- For additional reference, kindly visit to below URL. https://docs.databricks.com/en/integrations/jdbc-odbc-bi.html
  22. Hello, Kindly check your report's Print Order. It has to be Vertical. Horizontal Print Order reports are not allowed to overflow. Also, check your subreport's dimensions. If you have report in footer bank then make sure that footer band do not grow. Below link suggestion might help you in your case https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660278/subreport-overflowed-on-a-band-that-does-not-support-overflow
  23. 1) .jrsks is Java keystore file and .jrsksp keystore properties with Base64 encoded. 2) We can read .jrsksp file. 3) In windows, using following command we can read .jrsksp file content and data.txt file will be generated at specified location. certutil -decode <location_of_file>.jrsksp <location_of_ourput_file_to_be_generated>data.txt Post data.txt file generation, open this file and look for below keystore password. ksPwd = This password is base64 encoded and need to decode it from URL : https://www.base64decode.org/ 4) Once we decode the password use it to view .jrsks file. To view .jrsks below command can be used in windows which will ask for password where decoded password from step-3) need to provide. keytool -v -list -keystore .jrsks 5) In linux, we can use below command to decod and view the keystore file. `cat ~/.jrsksp | openssl base64 -d` e.g. : cat /opt/home/jasperserver/.jrsksp | openssl base64 -d For more reference, kindly visit below URL : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12893995/how-to-check-certificate-name-and-alias-in-keystore-files
  24. Hello, Could you please try to increase the heap memory allocation for studio. You can do this by modifying file "Jaspersoft Studio Professional.ini" from studio installed directory from below default properties. -Xms128m -Xmx2048m where -Xms is min heap memory and -Xmx is max heap memory Additionally, you can check for the error log from studio by navigating to below path to get more details about the error. Help --> About Tibco Jaspersoft Studio --> click on "Installation Details" --> configuration --> View error log. Hope this will help you.
  25. Issue : Report would only display 15 rows per page in studio before it breaks to new page and customer is looking to increase the number of rows per page. Resolution : To modify the number of rows per page you can put a element named 'PAGE BREAK' from the pellete, Just drag and place it in the detail section of the report. Then after placing click on the page break element to see the properties. In the properties find the property PrintWhenExpression Then in the Expression for the PrintWhenExpression property you can write $V{PAGE_COUNT}== 25 . (see attached : "02162959.PNG") You will then see that the 25 records are getting printed per page If post configuring above property as well don't see configured number of rows per page then please try to extend the height of page so that configured number of rows can be displayed per page.
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