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  1. I want to restrict usage for certain users to Agencies through the input control and list all if it is not there. I have it pulling just the agencies for the users using LoggedInUserAttribute_AgencyAccess (AgencyName IN ($P!{LoggedInUserAttribute_AgencyAccess})) but I get an error if it does not exist. Is there a way I can check if the attribute exists or set its value to null if it is not there?
  2. I need to get the server path a report is run from. My current process is to create a report under a review folder and publish to the client location. However, in doing this I have to manually adjust the hyperlink used to access another report for each client I give the report to for the location. While that does not sound bad in theory it is a pain and leads to issues, especially with the junior report writers. What I would like to do is get the path it is being run from so I can dynamically setup those hyperlinks and not have to manually adjust each time and avoid causing potential issues. Development Folder /organizations/client1/Report_Development/Review/abc/rpttype/Accounting/Accounting_Report_1 Client Folder /organizations/client1/rpttype/Accounting/Accounting_Report_1
  3. I am trying to create a cascading input control from a multi select query input control but have not had much luck. I can create a Cascade control from a single-select just fine it is just when I make it a multi-select I have issues. It should be a fairly simple query from what I gather but it keeps throwing various errors depending on how I try it. I have tried something like the queries below in various forms with Code being the value and $P{CodeMS} being the multiselect control. Example 1 Select * From Codes Where $X{IN, Code, $P{CodeMS}} Error: Parameter "CodeMS" does not exist Example 2 Select * From Codes Where $X{IN, Code, $P!{CodeMS}} Error: Parameter "!CodeMS" does not exist Example 3 Select * From Codes Where Code In ($P{CodeMS}) Error: Error preparing statement for executing the report query Example 3 Error I get because it is an array but was hoping it may work.
  4. I am attempting to create an input control that will use a user attribute to retrieve information contained in field testvalue2 for the control for a specific user contained in field testvalue under you guessed it testtable. I created an attribute under the user named TestAttribute with values AA, BB, CC I then created a control with the generic aaa as the name and put the following query that I have seen referenced in multiple places: SELECT testvalue2 FROM testtable WHERE testvalue IN ($P!{LoggedInUserAttribute_TestAttribute}) I then added the control to a report, do not care about linking to the report at this time because I just want to see the control return the values. When I run this I get this very cryptic error that really does not tell me much Error MessageError executing SQL statement for: aaa. (Error UID: 31135638-dc65-4844-b3b1-afee62741ac0) (Error UID: 40bddaaf-9486-493e-a14c-73efc1915216) Error Tracecom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.ErrorDescriptorException: Error executing SQL statement for: aaa. (Error UID: 31135638-dc65-4844-b3b1-afee62741ac0) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.remote.services.ReportExecution.getFinalReportUnitResult(ReportExecution.java:173) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.remote.services.impl.RunReportServiceImpl$2.run(RunReportServiceImpl.java:496) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.logging.util.LoggableExecutorService$1.run(LoggableExecutorService.java:84) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829) P.S. I have validated the LoggedInUserAttribute_TestAttribute is valid as I can access it through a report I setup for testing.
  5. I want to create a custom visualization using Leaflet which is for creating maps. However, the only examples I can find are too old and no longer working. I also looked for custom visualization information but it all appears old and seems to rely on outdated information. Given that, can anyone give me a good link to find information/tutorial on creating a Custom Visualization on later versions of Jaspersoft 7.6 or higher I would think? I know that somewhere around 7.5 they no longer used phantom.js and the only examples I can find seem to depend on that. Thank you James
  6. I have a set of 3 controls which are being used in the cascade and reprt can be run at any point depending on the amount of detail you are looking for. The first is Company which poulates the second with Employee which poulates a third with a Specific Compny Control Number. However, when I select something from the first set the second controler is populated. If I select something from the second controler the third is not populated and if I run the report here it acts as if the second control had not been selected. If I get out of the report and start over, select something from the first controler and select from the second controler and then select a different value out of the second controler the run the report it works. If I make the second selection from the second controler to get the values into the third I have the same behavior of having to select values in the third controler a second time for them to be recognized. Product Edition: Enterprise Features: AUD MT EXP Fusion AHD DB Product Version: 7.5.0 Build: 20191206_1508 License Type: Commercial
  7. If you are using strings this would look like $P{enter_1_2_3_or_4}.contains("1") ? $F{full_name} :
  8. I would like to create a custom input control so that I can read the user attribute information from the Jasper API and use that to pupulate a dorpdown or multi-select. Client wants one report that only shows certain selectable information for certain users. If you have a better way of doing this please let me know. I really do not want to have to create and maintain 20 different reports just because the dropdown is changed by one value. Commercial Version 7.5.0
  9. How can I dynamically change the contents of an Input Control using logged in user or role? I want to create a report for users to see using the Jaspersoft Server 7.5.0 Commercial Viewer and Input Controls. I have the single select query input controls setup but I have multiple people/companies that will need the same reports. I would like a way to add attributes or something of that nature that I could then use to restrict what is shown in the dropdown. I know I could restrict it in the report select using LoggedInUserAttributeValues but I would rather they not even see options in the dropt downs and get confused as to why things are not showing up like they selected. Example: I have locations A, B, C, D I want User1 to be able to select from A or B User 2 to select from C or D Admin 1 to select from A, B, C Admin 2 to select from A, B, C, D
  10. I have verified that it is only happening when I use the Jasper Server script to restart the service.
  11. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-configure-jasperreports-server-send-e-mails-gmail-mail-account
  12. I am using the report runner in the server configuration listed bleow and on occasion my input controls disappear. Rebooting does seem to resolve the issue but boss man wants me to find the root cause. I am not 100% but this may happen after the service is stopped and started. If I go to the report edit I get a message about not being able to find a java class file. TIBCO JasperReports Server Product Edition: Enterprise Product Version: 7.5.0 Build: 20191206_1508 License Type: Commercial
  13. Linux operating system, JasperReport Server 7.5, Jaspersoft Studio Professional, Postgres SQL server, couple of users running queries for QA purposes but nothing overly large. I have a query that generates about 15 rows of data in about 1 second. When I apply this to a Report using Studio and run the entire report renders in about 4 seconds on one page. There are no additional variables or complex formulas just a straight row by row presentation of the data. When I upload this report and run it on the Server I get a runtime of 5 sec (rare) to 90+ sec which is where my gateway cuts it off and generates a 502 Error page. Seems to fall more into the higher time ranges to run. Can anyone tell me why this would be running slow on the Server Report Viewer (ie. log in, go to the repository and click on the report to run) or advise me on how to proceed to find/fix the issue? I have sat with my SecOps person and we did not find any high running CPU or filesystem space issues.
  14. I am attempting to setup Cascading Input Controls so that once two dates are selected a single select input control will populate and fill the value once I hit ok or apply. It does properly populate the single select after the dates are selected. However, if I select a value from the dropdown and click Apply it does not show that value only null. When I change to another value from the dropdown list and click Apply the new number shows up. I can switch back to the same number that showed null and click Apply to see the original number. I know it is not a NULL in the value column because I am using the same column for the display and value. If I click to reset the Input controls and start again it shows null the first time and works after that. FYI, I do get the same behavior from Apply and OK. I have looked at the manuals, videos online and the examples and I do not see anything different between what I am doing and those that appear to work properly. Thank you in advance for any information you can provide to help me resolve this issue.
  15. This has probably been asked before but I can not find the answer, feel free to give the link to the answer if it has been resolved in another thread. With the recent events, I have inherited the duties of the Jaspersoft developer. However, I am unable to figure out how to get the current reports off of the Jaspersoft Server and onto my local version of Jaspersoft Studio. I have a few ideas of a long way around but would much rather know the proper way of doing it. I am sure there must be some functionality to do this. Thank you, James
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