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  1. I want to create a report that contains the following content : 1. Some grouped data in the starting pages 2. A heading for some logic schema on the new page (should be in the middle and print only once) 3. Logic schema diagrams (configured in a subreport) But I am facing the following challenges : 1. Logic diagrams are included in the groups specified in point number 1 if I am placing the subreport in the newly created footer group without any expression - I don't want this. The diagrams completely different from those groups. 2. If I am placing the logic schema subreport in either page footer or summary, It throws subreport overflow error. 3. The heading is repeating every time new group value comes.
  2. I am adding three subreports in "PAGE FOOTER" Band. The subreports are overlapping and will be displayed based on the field value of the database. The same case is with Headers but I am only getting this error "Subreport overflowed on a band that does not support overflow" in Footers section. Could someone help me please.
  3. Hi, Thanks for your response. I am not using report book. There is only a single report that I am creating. Can I still use this feature or is there any other way we can create TOC ?
  4. I have a "table of content" at first page of the report in which I want to have page numbers values. How can I calculate the page number in jasper report and put the correct numbers in "Table of Contents" list. Have a look on the report I have attached - I want to add page numbers associated with each country name.
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