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Everything posted by danoldenkampgmail.com

  1. Please update. Were you successful adding an HTML component or modifying the jsp file direct?
  2. You can configure the log level through the web: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/log_settings.html Although you will need to turn on REST logging. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/enable-rest-api-logging-jasperreports-server Are you able to connect to the REST API? Have you tried a different REST testing client to check if there is a client response? (Like vREST, Postman, or ReadyAPI)
  3. Users can have custom attributes such as branch that can be fed into the report. Your application has user, I wonder if you could feed this as a parameter into the report. In the meantime: A simple temp solution would be to set a branch parameter that is not visible with a default setting. Make 3 copies of the report / one for each branch. Give each a long uniqe random name so each has its own unique URL you could pass out as seperate dashboards. When you make a change to the report copy it to the other 2 and set the default branch. (Temp until you figure out how to pass the user or want to setup seperate branch logins)
  4. Keep it all in seconds so the summing works fine and then just change the formatting to hours / mins. String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", mySeconds/3600, (mySeconds%3600)/60, (mySeconds%60)) From: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/800934/seconds-time
  5. Is there a way to call the PREV / NEXT page report control from an image object hyperlink. I would think there would be a way with the Expression editor to call some NextPage() function or something. Anyone ever try this?
  6. Same error when adding new SQL Server data source to local host SQL Server 2019 using JDBC driver added via data source download /add. ERROR SecureExceptionHandlerImpl,http-nio-8080-exec-2:116 - There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. Error implies something with the SecureExceptionHandler ?
  7. Can you post the whole stack trace from the error log, please.
  8. If I am understanding correctly you are saying that the footer does not have consistent height when a fram has remote a line when blank active and you are looking to have consistent page footer height. Instead of the "Remove line when blank" property checkbox try a "print when expression" when a field is not like "" or not null. It will maintain the element height. For a null where condition: new Boolean($F{Field} == null) https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/530555/displaying-textfield-when-not-null
  9. Look at the role that your users are setup with. The default for a Role_user is not to be able to see the schedule of role_administrator users. (The defaults on a Jasper community 7.2.0 version I just confirmed anyways)
  10. I would not use Jaspersoft for this solution. Is it possible to have SQL agent that runs a routine job? This would have far less overhead. That being said you can schedule a series of reports that run routinely but do not send emails for empty reports effectively only triggering an email on the condition. Again, I would probably advise against this from an architectural standpoint. SQL Server has SQL Server agents PostgreSQL has PgAgent. Even better would be to set a table level trigger that would kick of without the need of an agent. These can send email or can be configured to work with listening agents for more resiliency.
  11. Put year in the chart series. Add year to your dataset. (use an expression to extract) Edit the chart and select the Year as the series, the month as the category, and your calculated field as the value.
  12. Does the issue go away if you schedule the reports at different times? I have 8 pretty intense reports that all kick of at 5:30am exactly without issue. I would try changing the times and if problem solved, then gather as much info and submit a bug report.
  13. Is this an Ad Hauc report? User session timeouts defaults to 20min which can be changed but it sounds like Ad hauc. You can adjust the timeout: http://riskvision.knowledgeowl.com/help/jaspersoft-report-execution-time-out There are lots of things that you can do in slow network environments to make your report execute faster. How long does it take to execute the Dataset / Query in Jaspersoft Studio? Post the query if you want some suggestions.
  14. Try changing themes back to default and see if it resolves the issue. Once you confirm default looks ok we know its a CSS issue. I would copy the theme and start deleting chunks of CSS code until you identify the culprit or if you are savvy F12 in your inspection editor, looks like the class control is dynamically set based on the element.
  15. 6.8 is so much better once you turn off or fix the SQL validation which is crap.
  16. Is this on professional? I don't have this issue on community. I haven't setup SSO, but have a number of users. You can always turn off permission to these folders so it looks less cluttered, but I imagine the folder is the default location for ad hauc created reports for those users. What do the users see? Just their folders?
  17. Are you calling the function first or mid query? Are you getting a SQL validator error? Set SQL validation off on the Jasper server. WEB-INFclassesesapisecurity-config.properties security.validation.sql.on=false (note that this will also allow update / delete queries, but see if this fixes the issue)
  18. If ERROR: relation "jiadhocdataview" does not exist then remove the union with adhoc view. (Community edition?) SELECT jiresource.label AS "dependant_resource_label", jiresource.resourcetype, jiresourcefolder.uri AS "parent_folder_path", jiresourcefolder.name AS "parent_folder_name" FROM jiresource LEFT OUTER JOIN jiresourcefolder ON (jiresource.parent_folder = jiresourcefolder.id) WHERE jiresource.id IN (SELECT id FROM jireportunit WHERE reportdatasource='22824'); I installed PGAdmin on the Jasper server and used: Database Name: jasperserver Username: postgres Password: postgres
  19. ReportStyleTemplate could not be loaded Arguments: at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ViewReportAction.executeReport(ViewReportAction.java:678) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ViewReportAction.executeReport(ViewReportAction.java:557) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ViewReportAction.runReport(ViewReportAction.java:433) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2278.invoke(Unknown Source) Looks like there are template elements that are not published on the Jasper Server. Export the template, so you are aware where are the elements reside. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/creating-custom-template-jaspersoft-studio Publish the template: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v60/publishing-report-template
  20. Try making a second parameter from the first datetime but make the new parameter a string. If you only need the date the simplest way is to format as YYYY-MM-DD You should be able to pass that back into a Date.
  21. If your users are looking for interactive reports or on the fly reports you may want to look at Jaspersoft Pro which has Ad hoc reporting. You should sign up for a webinar or demo to see which solution is right for you. https://www.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-weekly-live-demos
  22. Try this: <style name="Colouring Style" mode="Opaque"> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$V{Component Group} == "Soil Summary Data"]]></conditionExpression> <style backcolor="#A7DB67" mode="Opaque" markup="styled"/> </conditionalStyle> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$V{Component Group} == "Supplementary Analyses"]]></conditionExpression> <style mode="Opaque" backcolor="#91B7ED"/> </conditionalStyle> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$V{Component Group} == "Recommendations"]]></conditionExpression> <style mode="Opaque" backcolor="#FAFC53"/> </conditionalStyle> </style>
  23. If the first query did not require any user input, I would handle this entirely with multiple statements in single SQL query. There are lots of SQL consultants out there that would be glad to offer their services. (* conflict of interest, I am one.) If you want to try it yourself, I would suggest trying a Common Table Expressions. It allows you to have a with statement to make the second query from the first query with a join. Alternative suggestions are subqueries within the query or temp tables. Sub queries can be within the select, the from, or the where clause. If you use a temp table you would need to turn off NoCount as the first response is what is processed by jaspersoft. a CTE may be simplest. Example: ;with statement (col1) as (select col1 from table1) select col2 fom table 2 join statement on statement.col1 = table2.col1 If it requires two sets of parameter inputs, you can feed the results of one into another with jaserpsoft, but it doesn't sound like that's what you are trying to do.
  24. Looks like that one job to run 400 documents needs 485MB free to run. I see you run 2048MB, but how much is free? Is that Ubuntu Vlutr running core minimalist without a GUI? If not you could try disabling services but 2GB is pretty tight. That's pretty out of the scope of this forum. If you really wanted to pinch pennies, just split your report up. Instead of one huge document run split it up into a number of smaller automated document runs. (Change the criteria of your report by some factor to make it into something smaller to manage.)
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