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mike.atkinson's Achievements

  1. I have a report with which I am using two Datasets 'Open Accounts' and 'Inactive Accounts' I am using these Datasets in two separate Detail Bands. Within each Detail Band, I am using variables to histogram the results. Is there a way to add to the Summary Band that can read the all the defined Variables from both DataSets. I would like to complete some calculations ( open accounts - inactive accounts = ACTIVE ACCOUNTS) I would like to be able to display all three values either in integer values or ratios. OPEN = 100% ACTIVE = 82% INACTIVE = 18% So, far .. I have not found a way to combine the two datasets into one dataset run.
  2. This gets me close ... but no cigar. It is basically a series of nested expression. It beaks when crossing the year. I'm working on that now. But ... Not a Programmer. So I use the brute force method (Try this, try that, search the web some more, try something else, lather rinse repeat.) new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("January")?"January": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("February")?"February": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("March")?"March": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("April")?"April": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("May")?"May": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("June")?"June": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("July")?"July": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("August")?"August": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("Septebmer")?"September": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("October")?"October": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("November")?"November": new String(new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( ))-5) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())))).equals("December")?"December":"-"
  3. We print from our core application. We do not normally export to a format x and then print. We would normally wish to avoid the extra steps.
  4. If I export the documents as PDF ... and print. The documents are sized as expected.
  5. I built a form letter in Jaspersoft. The Page properties are set to LETTER (Edit Page Format : Format = LETTER, Width = 612, Height = 792, Orienration Portrait, Margins 50-40-40-40) .Over the past several mornings, I've printed the letter set and everything is fine. I've been working on a different letter, but overall, the same type of letter, with the same settings. When I print on US Letter the size of the document is scaled smaller. The settings are all the same, but the print image has about 2 inches of extra page on the right side of the page, and about 2.5 inches on the bottom of the page. The Top and Left Margins look correct. And all the text is present, but scaled down in size. <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="Paid Loan Letters" pageWidth="612" pageHeight="792" whenNoDataType="AllSectionsNoDetail" columnWidth="532" leftMargin="40" rightMargin="40" topMargin="50" bottomMargin="40" isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter="true" uuid="ed892360-21a1-4f67-be2a-545056b811e3"> I thought it might be an object I placed on the New report. but all these types of reports now present exactly the same ... the letter text is scaled down. I have even tried a new form letter with just a name and address on it. Same Result,. Suggestions where else I can check ? Thanks,
  6. We use Jaspersoft Studio Professional to connect to our AIX / DB software instances.
  7. I am using the Basic Element Chart - Thermometer Chart. I would like to assign the dataRange , lowRange , mediumRange , and highRange expression values with a formula based variables for a query into the database. For the chart, I am using the LoggedInUsername to pull a goal value. I'd like the thermometer chart to be like x * 1.2 = dataRangex * 1 = mediumRange > < high expressionx * 0.5 - lowRange > < high expression.etceteraMy challenge is, when I update the <thermometerPlot> < dataRange> < highExpression> to <![CDATA{$V{myDataRangeMax}]]>, the report errors. I have not been able to get the variable "visible" in the plot. Any Suggestions are appreciated.
  8. I am working with the Thermometer Chart Type. Here is some of what I have found, related to this post. The red line visible to the right up the thermometer is the Loan Range - Low Expression. There is a yellow line at the Medium Range - Low Expression value. There is a green line at the High Range - Low Expression. However, I was not able to set these values in the User Interface - Chart Plot. I don't know why. If you go to the Source Tab, and navigate to the <thermometerChart> <lowRange> <dataRange><lowExpression> and modify the <!CDATA[xxx]> values, you will be able to place those colored tick marks on the thermometer chart. In the Source Code, you can adjust the <dataRange> values to work more appropriately with your data. Our thermometer is working from 0 - 250, rather than 1-100. I have not been able to find a way (yet) to embed the mercuryColor code into the <dataRange> tags. Whenever I try to place the mercuryColor within the <xxxRange> tags, I get an error.
  9. Thank you, r meadows in a differt forum, another Jasper user suggested I use the Logged In Username parameter to pull the branch information from the other database. It was as simple as it was obvious, once I got out from my own way.
  10. For anyone who trips over this old post: First, I had to create users in Jaspersoft. I could not do this with the 'readOnlyUser' (as I expected). With individual users created, I was able to use the reserved word parameter LoggedInUsername to populate report data. This required creating the parameter in the report, and the table dataset, and linking them together. Then I can use the parameter in the report query ( $P{LoggedInUsername} ) to retrieve user specific information for the report. I am not working on GROUPing individual user results together. To accomplish this, I first created a User Attribute for Branch, in which our various Branches will be stored for each user. It appears there is a reserved word : Attribute_Branch, which I should be able to use in a similar manner to LoggedInUsername. (There is also a LoggedInUsernameAttribute reserved word). The challenge now is how to read the User Attribute from the Jaspersoft program. I do not have Jasper itself as a Data Source, so I think I'm stuck there, at the moment.
  11. I am attempting to build a report which identifies data by a user attribute. I have created the attribute for the Jasper User ( Attribute Name = Branch | Attribute Value = Location ) I have created a Parameter at the Report and TableDataset, and linked them together ( Attribute_Branch ) - This is a reserved value, I believe.I have added to the WHERE CLAUSE : and Branch.Description = $P!{Attribute_Branch}When attempting to publish the report, I get ERROR: Input control(s): Attribute_Branch are not in the <vendor> LIbrary.Obviously, I need to create the input control, as a Single Select Query for the attrvalue But, I think I also need ot create the Data Source to look at the Jasper Server. I think I can figure out the query syntax once I can read the Jasper Database. Is my thinking correct? Can you offer guidance on Setting up the Datasource?
  12. I got it. Create a Parameter in the Main Dataset Create a Parameter in the Table SubDataset Link the two parameters together in the Table Dataset Properties.
  13. yama818 ... thanks. I have a text box on the report, and it does populate with my username. Case sensitivity on the parameter is important. The challenge continues to be the query. My current status is that I have gotten past the error, but it still doesn't seem to be populating the correct result. To get past the errors, I had to do two things: A - Create the Parameter in the Main Body of the report.B - And the add that parameter to the Table Dataset.This eliminates the error when previewing. But it still is not populating the correct answer. So, I continue to work on it. Again ... Thanks,
  14. I have a simple report which displays an total for month to date. The footer of this report does display the user who is logged into JasperReports Server Pro. This was completed by creating the parameter: LoggedInUsername - Class = java.lang.String - Is For Prompting = False SELECT count FROM table WHERE CreationDate > First_Day (Current_Date) AND table.user = '$P!{LoggedInUsername}' If I hard code a value the report works fine. If I attempt to use the paramter LoggedInUsername, it fails. I have tried surrounding the parameter in single quotes .... and without the single quotes. I have tried placing an exclamation mark between the P and open Brace .... and without the exclamation mark. I have tried with all the variations of the above I can think of. the cvurrent and most common error is : Query parameter not foundd: LoggedInUsername ----net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRDesignQuery@xxxxxxx In the Public - Library - Input Control resource editor I have defined LoggedInUsername as an Input Control || Single Value || Local Resource = DataType = Text Any suggestions are appreciated.
  15. Goal: Have dashboards that are specific to Location or User. We have three retail branches. Each branch has several retail users. I would like to create various dashboard reports which may show either the Branch data, or the User data, depending upon the report. Our Jaspersoft implementation is integrated into another program. From which there are only two User accounts ( 1- jasperadmin and 2 - readOnlyUser). Because of this configuration, I presume, and am seeking confirmation, that I can not get the retail user name to drive the report / chart / dashboard, because all users are seen as 'readOnlyUser'. Question A - is this a correct presumption? Question B - Am I thinking correctly with the following: If I want to be able to create such reports / charts / dashboards, the first step is to create indiviual accounts using the 'Add User...' Then add specific Parameters to the Reports I build. While the User properties in Jasersoft does not seem to provide a 'Branch' field, I think I could accomplish by grouping users in various queries. Any other suggestions or guideposts? Thanks in advance.
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