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Posts posted by vchiem

  1. Your export command exports "--everything" and not just reports. There are a lot of changes between 5.2 and 7.5 to export everything and expect it to be successful. The recommendation is to follow the Upgrade guide and do a two phase upgrade and let the upgrade scripts take care of it. 

    1. Upgrade to the latest version of 6.4.x.
    2. Upgrade from 6.4.x to version 7.5. 


  2. Installation should really be on a certified version of Mac OSX. The supported platforms guide that comes with each release will list out the versions. Catalina would be 10.15 which is not certified even on the current 7.5 version. However, there is a community article on how to get the install to run on Catalina.



  3. The error represents a connection problem to the postgres database. 

    So it is essential to firstly know whether the postgres is running and on what port number (default port is 5432). 

    Once you know this information, you can use this to force the connection with extra parameters passed with the pg_dump command :

    -h host 
    -p port
    -U username

    You can use this postgres command line reference as a guide:


    If it is still an issue and the error that you are getting remains EXACTLY the same then probably there is an incorrect path to socket. Backup tried to connect to /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432 but it does not exist. You can check this article:


    to check for the location of the socket file and verify the config files  pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf accordingly.

    There are a few comments that mentions to check for unix_socket_directories parameter setting.

    I also recommend to check the for this setting as well:

    listen_addresses = '*'

  4. According to:


    it states:

    Filters defined in the Domain Designer are limited to conditions on one column or comparisons of two columns, with more complex filters created by the conjunction (logical AND) of several conditions. Other filter expressions are not supported. You can upload a design file with more complex filters, but they are overwritten or cause errors if you open the design in the Domain Designer.

  5. Report is empty when the underlying query does not return any data. You may want to check the SQL query for the main report and see if your date parameters are set correctly.  On the server under Log Settings, you can turn on the SQL debug option (JRJdbcQueryExecuter) and when running the report you can see the SQL with the parameter values in the jasperserver.log


  6. In the Dataset and Query dialog of the main report there is the "Data preview" tab. 
    You can test whether data is feeding into this report by clicking on Read Fields and then Refresh Preview Data. If you can see data, then revise the design. Or perhaps start a blank report again and simply add one field to the detail band and see if the report previews with data. 

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