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Posts posted by vchiem

  1. Looks like a permissions issue to the keystore files either relating to the roles corresponding to Administrator and Local Service. The errors "LOCAL SERVICE group doesn't exist" or "Current system user can't modify keystore" should not occur and resembles a permissions issue. 

    You can also try to set the ks and ksp system environment variables to set it to a different path (for keystore location) before running js-install.bat and then check the .jrsks and .jrsksp file permissions for the security groups after they get created. 

  2. This is not a problem or a defect so there is nothing to be fixed. It is not even configurable. If you want to customize the appearance of the filters, then you can try to trace down the javascript source file and modify it. 


  3. A SQL syntax that have worked in Postgres may not necessary work in MySQL.  A lot depends on what was actually done in changing the database type to see whether it is the correct approach. A clean install of JRS 7.8 into MySQL repository db followed by a js-export of everything from the Postgres repository and js-import into the MySQL repository may be worth considering.  Certified versions of Tomcat, database, OS needs to be checked against the Supported Platforms guide. 


  4. CE Studio 6.18.1 does have Java 11 support but it still has Java 8 support.  I think this is a matter of changing the java execution environment to point to openjdk 11 whilst still maintaining the compiler compliance level to be 1.8.

    In Studio, check Windows -> Preferences -> Java  

    compiler compliance level  set to 1.8 (without --release option) 
    generated .class files compatibility set to 1.8

    If you have "Installed JREs" option, add / select the Adopt OpenJDK 11 and  "Execution Environment" for both JavaSE-8 and JavaSE-11 to use OpenJDK 11

  5. This error is specific to SSL certificate. There are plenty of internet resource articles on how to overcome such errors if you google:

    javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: Certificate for <> doesn't match any of the subject alternative names: []

  6. You may be able to open it and extract it but the import command doesn't do that. The import command imports in resources from the exported catalog file and the structure within the exported catalog needs to be correct. As a minimum there should be an index.xml at the root level of the zip file but other than that it can depend on how the export was done and what was being exported. 


  7. There is the scheduler function that has mail notifications that can be configured for jobs that are successful or failed.

    But if it has been set and there are no email notifications for any jobs then it is the SMTP server that needs to be investigated.

    Set the mail.debug to true for further javamail debugging (under <property name="javaMailProperties">):

    <prop key="mail.debug">true</prop>

    in the applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml and this error is then logged to the console. 

    The advisable approach is to find out why mail notifications are not being sent/received. But if you are asking for other forms of alert and not mail notification alerts (since it is not working) then there isn't.


  8. If your mail server does not require authentication then ensure mail.smtp.auth is set to false in applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml the above config shows that this is already set. 
    Perhaps the problem lies somewhere else but there is not enough information.
    You can enable mail debug to see more  SMTP debug logging. Check this article on how to set mail.debug :


  9. These errors provide generic messages so not much can be deduced out of them. The "502 bad gateway" error usually relates to a proxy or load balancer that perhaps failed a redirect request. The first thing to check is whether the app server (commonly Tomcat server) starts up fine without errors and whether you can log in directly to the JR Server using its native ports of 8080 (default). You can also use the browser's dev console (F12) to trace the requests or inspect the http access log.



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