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Everything posted by riodavid

  1. I think his suggestion in the last post is OK. Create a parameter to limit the number of rows. Hide this parameter, and give a small number to it as default. When the user runs the report in browser, it will be generated quickly. When the user wants to see the full data in excel, use the schedule functionality, and input a large number for this parameter instead.
  2. Use this in your tooltip expression: org.springframework.util.StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString($P{City},",")
  3. What do you mean by "Broken"? Can you paste a screenshot?
  4. Hi Folks, Is it possible to use java methods that returns voids? For example, I have a variable of type date, I want to change the timezone of it. In java code I'm able to use setTimeZone, it changes the timezone of that SimpleDateFormat class "isoFormat". SimpleDateFormat isoFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");isoFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));Date date = isoFormat.parse("2010-05-23T09:01:02"); But this method returns void, means I can't directly implement it in Jasper variable. Is there any alternative to do it? Thank youD
  5. I noticed you put "Table" in the table columns. Is this design for any special purposes? If not, change these "Table" to "Text Field". https://ibb.co/gf71dy
  6. If it's the "Table" elements, the cells of each row should match height. Is your "Table" created by combining multiple textfields?
  7. Table -> Appearance -> Location -> Position Type -> Float
  8. Hi Gregg, You can implement the manual sort in your query like this: SELECT 3 AS 'VALUE', 1 AS 'SORT' UNION SELECT 4 AS 'VALUE', 2 AS 'SORT' UNION SELECT 1 AS 'VALUE', 3 AS 'SORT' UNION SELECT 5 AS 'VALUE', 4 AS 'SORT' UNION SELECT 2 AS 'VALUE', 5 AS 'SORT'
  9. Hi Jcordingley, java.sql.Time extends java.util.Date. You can't "Sum" Date in Java. But you can sum seconds. Convert the time values to seconds, sum them, then convert the result back. BR D
  10. Hi Gregg, Use Query instead of List of Values. Then sort the list in your SQL query. BR D
  11. I think you can re-write the logic of the 2nd parameter to SQL, and implement it in Input Control. That's how cascading input control works.
  12. If you publish your report to the server, and export the report file, you will get a zip file. In this zip file you can find a separate xml file defining the data source. Data source won't be stored in the main.jrxml file.
  13. Usually I will search the number "30" to locate this height of detail setting. It ain't easy sometimes, but just give a lil patience.
  14. Looks like a timezone issue. Print you where clause in report to see what happens.
  15. OK. Looks like you have put many expressions(some of the expressions are totally identical?) at the same place, it may cause over lap issue. Try put one textfield only. Float should be the right option.
  16. Ah, I understand your concerns. Try set the [Evaluation Time] of the variable text field to [Group], rather than [Now], you will see magic happens.
  17. Thanks, Hozawa, I'm using Jaspersof Studio Professional 6.3.0 final
  18. Not sure if it will work, but try footer section.
  19. Hi Jeremy, I tried on my side yes it's almost impossible to achieve.But one workaround works for me. 1. Set the group header cell height to 1. (It have to be 1, not 0. If it's 0 then it will disappear.) 2. Set the group header text expression to IF($F{your_amount} == 0,"",CHAR(13) + $F{Group_Header} + CHAR(13)) CHAR(13) is the space that makes the final display more beautiful. 3. Set the group header text "Stretch With Overflow" to true. The mechanism behind, is to display every header as a 1 pixel height cell, which is almost invisble. If there're values, the 1 pixel will be streched, so values can be seen. Hope it helps. BR D
  20. Hi Chris, I noticed you set [completed analyses] field to be [fixed relative to top]. You should set it to [float]. BR D
  21. As far as I know, Jasper does not support that. An expert called Mariano of this forum told me it can be achieved by scriptlet. But no further details.
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