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Everything posted by riodavid

  1. Show/Hide the parameter? No. A workaround is to set the parameter value to null, so that the user has nothing to select. Please search something like "Jasper Hierarchy Prompt" on Youtube to learn about this.
  2. Hi Folks, As you can see below, the "Date Refreshed" shows an inccorect date format. Is it related to any server configurations? How to change it back to normal? http://tinypic.com/r/2hsawzq/9 Thank you D
  3. For all the report Elements, there's a property called [Print When Expression]. Use this to hide/unhide your tables based on county selection.
  4. From my experience, it seems Jasper Domain GUI is unstable. I suggest you to download the Domain jrxml file, and edit the xml file code to make the changes.
  5. I suggest to put them in Summary field. But you have to wrap the field in the Table Elements.
  6. Thank you Alex. I think you are right, it's not fully tested so that it gives so many unatural behavior that are not friendly to users IMO. I just want to know if it is business accepted, if it is widely used, if it is worthy to put time in. So far from the feedback I got, the answer is negative. When you post in this forum you need to select post category. There's no category that relates to "Domain", seems to side prove that this is a side product of the Jaspersoft portfolio.
  7. You can pass all the 12 parameters to a stored procedure, to generate a result set that contains 12 descriptions. For example: https://postimg.cc/image/w6idjbei5/
  8. Can't reproduce issue. My page header band works well. https://postimg.cc/image/6sjoll4zx/
  9. java.sql.Date is a java class. You can't compare directly. Use it's method compareTo() to compare. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/sql/Date.html
  10. That's what we do: We will write a stored procedure to translate the codes, for example: SELECT name FROM table WHERE code = 'DMV' Then we will create a new Dataset in Studio, sourcing data from that stored procedure. In the title part, retrieve data from the newly created Dataset. There you can get the whole description of that code.
  11. I think the closest way is to export the whole folder tree to local zip file. There you can see the full resource paths.
  12. You can add another lookup query by add a new Dataset. This is what I usually do in my report design.
  13. Issue in detail: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1101526/jasper-domain-format-doesnt-work-crosstab https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1101531/jasper-domain-sql-function-doesnt-work-calculated-fields https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1101536/jasper-domain-item-name-cant-start-numbers https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1101541/jasper-domain-filter-undistinguishable You can see these issues are quite simple and straightforward, that's why I have the doubt if Jasper Domain is a matured product.
  14. When you create filters in the domain, if the filtered columns have the same name, you can't distinguish between them. Please check the screenshot: https://postimg.cc/image/ppwym8wbh/
  15. When we create the domains, there're some columns starting with numbers. The Domain Designer validated them successfully. When we use them in Ad-Hoc View, an error popped up. It just said "An error occured", it won't tell you what the root cause is. We have a big domain. It took us long time to locate the issue finally. If you can't name items starting with numbers, why it passed Domain Designer validation? If something wrong happens, can we know where the error is? Just "An error occured" message is so pale.
  16. Here it says: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/sql-functions-0 You may use SQL functions in a DomEL expression, but only in limited circumstances: • The functions must be supported by the database. See the vendor documentation for available functions and their syntax. • The functions must follow the convention of comma-separated parameters. For example, you can use TRIM(person.name), but not TRIM('Jr' FROM person.name) • The type of the return values must be appropriate, either within the expression or for the type of the calculated field. • The SQL context must be appropriate for the functions. For example, you cannot use aggregation functions such as COUNT in a calculated field because there is no GROUP BY clause.[/code]I think a Year() function of SQLServer satisfies above conditions. But when I tried to use the Year() function, I got empty results. The most strange thing is, the genrated SQL works perfectly in my SQLServer Studio. But it just gave empty results in Ad-Hoc View. Please check the screenshot: https://postimg.cc/image/3o6oc9wf1/
  17. I have a [Date] dimension table, one of the columns is [Year Number] [Year Number] is a number, in Jasper domain it will display a comma format. For example 1900 -> 1,900. To aovid this, I have set the [Data Format] without comma, and set it as a [Dimension] in Domain Designer. It works for table. But in crosstab, the format will not work. Please check screenshot for details: https://postimg.cc/image/cs53cw5rh/
  18. Thanks, Hozawa. Good know it is stable. If it's not stable it will be meaningless to work on it. I will elaborate the issues one by one.
  19. You need to edit the adhoc_masks.properties file of your Jasper server.
  20. We are trying to recommend Jasper Domain to our customers. But we face lots of difficulties developing them. We tried different workarounds, including changing DB structures, to adapt the Jasper Domain need, but still there's some simplest thing that we can't achieve. I'm not sure if they are "Bugs" or "Behaviors". But I'm sure it's really depressing developing it. I doubt if this product is ready for the business market. Even in this forum, when you post and you choose "Related Projects", there's no choice for "Jasper Domain". Is there any Jasper Domain developers that can answer my questions below? 1. What is the degree of completion of Jasper domain, as a business product? 2. Is there any business or industries that use Jasper domain to faciliate their work? 3. Will there any future improvement for Jasper Domain? Any roadmaps? Thanks in advance. D
  21. Hi Folks, I have created an Ad-Hoc view based on a domain. In the domain, the format of item "Year" is set to -1234, without any comma in it. When viewing data in Ad-Hoc View, In table mode it's OK, but in crosstab mode, comma is appended. Please see screenshot below https://postimg.cc/image/ets46y9zh/ Do you have idea why is that? Thank you D
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