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Everything posted by zh3ntil

  1. If your condition always resolved to else part, most probably param2 has null value while param1 is calculating. Some possiblities: - The order of declaration : If param1 is coming before param2, param2 has null while proccesing the param1. (You said that order is correct but maybe you can check it again) - Using different dataset : If you are using different dataset from main dataset, the parameters should be passed to the dataset which will be used.
  2. You should use param1 with exclamation mark and param2 would be defined before param1 on the parameters list. Because param1 should be proccessed after param2 to be generated properly. SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE $P!{param1}
  3. Keep plotOptions property and try to add <hc:chartProperty name="series[0].dataLabels.enabled"><hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA[boolean.FALSE]]></hc:propertyExpression></hc:chartProperty> or <hc:chartProperty name="chart.series[0].dataLabels.enabled"><hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA[boolean.FALSE]]></hc:propertyExpression></hc:chartProperty> One of them should work.
  4. You can set different fields as visible column or value column on input control. For example, 'select id,name from person' is your input control's query. You can set name field as visible column which is prompted for user selection. And you can set id field as value column which is set to the parameter the selected person id by user. Then you can use parameters on query which is hold person's ids.
  5. Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.String.substract() you are trying to substract and integer from string. That's not possible :) you should check the fields type.
  6. It seems studio data adaper and jasperserver datasource has different connection properties. Check the jasperserver datasource in use for report if it is correct or not.
  7. Formatting in expression editor: number format example: new java.text.DecimalFormat("#,###.00").format($F{price}) date format example: new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format($F{date}) you can check the java expressions for others.
  8. You can use pattern option. Go textfields properties. Under text field section you will see the pattern.
  9. You are getting this error because of security validator. Security validator let you start a query with 'Select' only. You could set the SQL validation off or add 'WITH' to validator. 1. Set SQL validation off WEB-INFclassesesapisecurity-config.properties security.validation.sql.on=false 2. Adding WITH to the security validator Open jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/classes/esapi/validation.properties Add the following to the ValidSQL rule: Validator.ValidSQL=(?is)^\s*(select|with)\s+^;+$ Close the file and restart the server. The ValidSQL rule will now allow for the words "select" or "with" to be at the beginning of a query. I recommend you to use second one. Because disabling the validator causes lack of security.
  10. The easiest and solid approach is upgrading the version I guess. I mean get a backup of 5.2.0's db and restore it with a different name. After that run a 6.0.1 setup on restored db. So setup will make all database uptade processes and you will not lose any resources :)
  11. You can achieve this on studio with using loggedinuser parameters. You can filter your data according to logged in user's attributes which are defined on jasperserver. That's the only way to do it. Built-in Parameters for Query-based Input Controls http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v62/query-based-input-controls
  12. You should disable the rows() affected message by running SET NOCOUNT ON on the SQL server. To do that add SET NOCOUNT ON to your SP. I have solved this error with this before for the same case. Calling Microsoft SQL Stored Procedures from iReport http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/calling-microsoft-sql-stored-procedures-ireport
  13. Yes, I reported that issue to support like 4 - 5 months ago. They will fix the issue in further releases as they say. But still waiting :)
  14. the report output seems normal if you send list or collection type parameter. Because each time of subreport execution, you send an array (P1,P2) to the subreport. Try to send 'id' field to subreport not the parameter. For example, id field holds P1 or P2.
  15. I guess on studio, 'is for prompting' is checked on parameters which connect to input control. This is one of the annoying things on studio :) If 'is for prompting' is checked on a parameter, studio doesn't check if there is an input control already on server for this parameter and behave like there is no input control for parameter and create a default one. To prevent this, before publishing, unchecked the 'is for prompting' on the parameters. It won't wipe out your input controls after this.
  16. Hi, Export the 'stündlich' folder. Change the folder name and change the paths in xml files according to the new name. You can use a grep tool like powerGrep to search and replace all 'stündlich' to 'stundlich'. Then, import back to the jasperserver. P.S : Don't give a name which includes chars like 'ö','ğ','ü','ç',... in the first place when you create an object like folder or report. The first name is give will be the id of the object. So for example,when you create a folder first give 'stundlich'. After that change name from folder properties as 'stündlich'. With this, id of the object will be 'stundlich' and name will be 'stündlich'
  17. Hi, You need to export the domain, edit the domain's xml as you want and import to the jasperserver again. For now, The Jasper UI supports to make joins over the fields only, but it will be supported on UI in further releases.
  18. Hi, http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v610/securing-data-domain
  19. Try this: <parameter class="net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.DateRange" name="BeginDate"> <defaultValueExpression> <![CDATA[new net.sf.jasperreports.types.DATE.DateRangeBuilder("WEEK-14").toDateRange()]]> </defaultValueExpression></parameter><parameter class="net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.DateRange" name="EndDate"> <defaultValueExpression> <![CDATA[new net.sf.jasperreports.types.DATE.DateRangeBuilder("WEEK-1").toDateRange()]]> </defaultValueExpression></parameter>[/code]
  20. You can do that using highcharts (HTML5 Charts) api. http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/1.7.2/highslide-software/highcharts.com/tree/master/samples/highcharts/series/color-zones-dashstyle-dot/
  21. you don't need to give an increment type for this case. Try 'None' for increment type.
  22. Use column header and table footer. Jasperserver print the 'column header' on each page and print 'table footer' for the last page.
  23. Hi, printWhenExpression is not just for the value. It is for the component itself. You should use components' expression editors to achieve your goal.
  24. Hi, Your SP have to return a result set. I mean your SP have to end with a SELECT query. And in studio, you should change your query language to 'plsql' and publish to server. After that, Report should run correctly.
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