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Everything posted by zh3ntil

  1. Hi, Add a line under the field and make its print when expression like IF($V{REPORT_COUNT}%2==0 && $V{REPORT_COUNT}<>0,true,false)
  2. Hi, <subreportExpression><![CDATA["repo:Sub.jrxml"]]></subreportExpression>
  3. First, Create a sort field in outline window on studio and sort column. Then create a group for that column. Use group header and footer for grouped field.
  4. you should create a variable which holds the sum of amount. in outline window. right click on variable and 'create variable'. Operator will be 'sum' and expression will be '$F{Amount}'. Change variables' reset types as "Group" and change evaluation time of variables' text field as "Group".
  5. Hi, Create group by expression as CONCATENATE($F{articleName}," - ",$F{articleNumber}) Create sort fields for $F{articleName} and $F{articleNumber} Add fields and variables to the group header band. Change variables' reset types as "Group" and change evaluation time of variables' text field as "Group"
  6. Yes that's possible. You can do it with the method that I mentioned in your previous question about showing data labels on adhoc charts. But, it will be not good to add percantage sign because after that every adhoc chart shows percentage sign on jasperserver. Not a good approach I guess. İf that is OK for you, you can add bold part below in your datalabels part that I mentioned before dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); //decimal point }, format: '{y} %' },
  7. Yes, that's is posibble but you have to make couple of modifaction on some js file. First you need t change what scripts are used by jasperserver. Default is "optimized_scripts". You have to change it to "scripts" Open 'WEB-INFjs.config.properties' with a text editor and change 'javascript.optimize=true' to false. (needs restart application server after modification) Second, open datamapper js file (scriptsbower_componentsbi-reportsrcadhoccharthighchartsDataMapper.js) and find 'getCommonSeriesGeneralOptions' method. Add the bold part to that method and save it. getCommonSeriesGeneralOptions: function(extraOptions) { var doAxisSwap = HDM.doAxisSwap(extraOptions.chartState.chartType); var options = _.extend(HDM.getGeneralOptions(extraOptions), { xAxis: HDM.getXAxisOptions(doAxisSwap, extraOptions), yAxis: HDM.isDualOrMultiAxisChart(extraOptions.chartState.chartType) ? [] : HDM.getYAxisOptions(doAxisSwap, extraOptions), plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: extraOptions.chartState.showDataPoints }, dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); //decimal point } }, tooltip: { dateTimeLabelFormats: extraOptions.isTimeSeries ? HDM.getDateTimeLabelFormats(extraOptions.chartState.timeSeriesCategorizerName) : undefined, xDateFormat: extraOptions.isTimeSeries ? HDM.getDateTimeTooltipFormats(extraOptions.chartState.timeSeriesCategorizerName) : undefined } } }, series: [], legend: HDM.getLegendOptions(extraOptions) }); if (HDM._isTooltipFollowPointerEnabled(extraOptions.chartState.chartType)) { options.tooltip.followPointer = true; } if (HDM.isDualOrMultiAxisChart(extraOptions.chartState.chartType) || HDM.isSpiderChart(extraOptions.chartState.chartType)) { options.tooltip.shared = true; } else { options.tooltip.shared = false; } return options; }, After modifications clear your browser cache and open an adhoc chart. You should see the datalabels if everything is OK :)
  8. For URL, write the exact URL which you are using to enter jasperserver via web browser. remove the '/services/repository/' and add the port number if it is needed. Probably, It will be sth like that: https://jnj-mdd-...com:8080/jasperserver
  9. It seems some db upgrades are missing. Check JIProfileAttribute table. It seems there is no column with named 'description'. So the application couldn't start. Maybe you should try to run db upgrade scripts manually. The scripts are at '..buildomaticinstall_resourcessqlsqlserver'. Before do that export the all repository and get a db backup just in case :) If it will work, you will just import the repository which is exported.
  10. http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-upgrade-guide/v610/upgrading-37-56-61
  11. What does paramValue hold? If you write the default value expression for paramValue here, it will be easy to detect the problem.
  12. http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-upgrade-guide/v610/upgrading-37-56-61
  13. Actually I couldn't understand why you can't use style. What is the reason that you can't use style? You don't know how to use styles or something else? If you google it like 'jasper studio conditional formatting' or look into the user guides, you will get more information about using styles. That is the only way to achieve what you want.
  14. You should create conditional styles and apply them to the fields you want. right click 'styles' in outline and create a style. Then right click the style you just create and create 'conditional style'. Configure the styles as you want and apply them to the textfields you want on crosstab.
  15. I guess your url should be sth like that: http://localhost:8088/jasperserver/scheduler/main.html?reportUnitURI=%2Freports%2FTCS%2FTT&parentReportUnitURI=#create/reports/TCS/TT$fast you can check it from jasperserver. go to jasperserver right click on the report and go to 'schedule'. Then click 'Run Now' and check the URL. That URL will be your referance link to use on report hyperlink. Of course there will be other ways to make it but it will need some coding. The way that i mentioned above is to make it without any coding. That is a workaround actually.
  16. Hi, maybe you can use jasper's scheduler to accomplish your need. http://localhost:9080/logomind/scheduler/main.html?reportUnitURI=%2Forganizations%2Forganization_1%2FIZMIR_EGITIM%2Fdemo_excel_1&parentReportUnitURI=#create/organizations/organization_1/IZMIR_EGITIM/demo_excel_1$fast this is a sample link for immediate execution of jasper's scheduler for a specific report. You need to change bold parts according your report path info. Maybe it will be better to get path dynamically because the report path can be changed in future. After edit the link, write it to hyperlink referance and publish the report PS: This method is for jaspersoft V6.1.0 or later. I am not sure it is legit for older versions. You should check the scheduler's link pattern is the same or not
  17. There is no way as far as I know to make it without sorting.The result set must be ordered by group fields or group expression.You can use 'sort fields' in outline to sort the records.
  18. javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal address in string ``'' at org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelper.parseAddress(MimeMessageHelper.java:708) check the mail address in scheduler. it seems there are some invalid characters.
  19. Hi, You should use dynamic queries for that kind of report. Create a parameter named 'chosenField' and its type will be 'java.Lang.String'. And its default expression would be sth like: IF($P{InputList} = ="country","s.country",IF($P{InputList} = ="state","s.state",IF($P{InputList} = ="city","s.city","s.district"))) So, this parameter holds a string according to selected value. Like If you choose country than that parameter holds "s.country". That means your field is ready to use in query :) After that your dataset should be : SELECT$P!{chosenField} AS locality,SUM(s.sales) AS sales FROM sales_table sGROUP BY $P!{chosenField} So your field is generated according to chosen value. You should create your parameter after the parameter that holds your input control value not before it is important because input control's parameter should get the value before chosenField parameter is generated. Take care.
  20. Then you have to scale this value in textfield expression editor. Use sth like $F{field}.setScale(int newScale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
  21. Actually nothing seems wrong about that. The actual value is 1.70000004768371 on report and report show that value 1.700 because of the pattern you use. So exported excel has the same behavior. actual value ise 1700...71 and formula bar shows that value but in cell, it shows 1.700 like there is a pattern. Everyting seems perfect to me :)
  22. I am not sure what the problem is but, you can achieve this by using crosstab component in studio.
  23. That two parameters did used in report but hadn't been defined. You have to defined two parameter for 'CUST_POSTAL_ACC_NAME' and CUSTOMER_NAME'. In outline window, right click on parameters and go 'create parameter' and create parameters with same names and types should be 'java.Lang.String' because i assume that they hold a 'string'
  24. Login as superuser and go to repository. Right click on folder and go permissions.
  25. Your approach is correct and it should work properly. If other counters are working right, Probably there is something wrong about your pending_count variable. It seems reset type is 'report' on variable pending_count. Check If it is or not. If you paste your jrxml codes here, It will be much easier to detect the problem.
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