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Everything posted by olivier.romand

  1. You may consider checking compatibility parameters with F12 key. Prior to this check, IE would just keep current compatibility parameters instead of defaulting to IE8 as stated in page directive.
  2. I just had the exact same problem. Configuration was jasperserver-5.5ce and problem occured on IE7,IE8,IE9. I edited file JASPER_ROOT/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/decorators/decorator.jsp and decommented following line <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"/>[/code]
  3. Again, strugling with ProVersion test conditions. Damned, how come this hasn't been reintegrated upstream ? Still not working after changing the file on 5.5 .. EDIT: well ok I'm not paying .. but wondering how commercial customers are sorting out this kind of pb ?
  4. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 I'm having the exact same issue with a fresh install of v5.6Win7 32b trying to connect to 5.6 server running on Win2008R2 64bEDIT: I fixed it by going through network settings.Tahnks,
  5. I've been using iReport 4.0 where I could find a way to add my custom jars. Using the actual v5.6.0 of Jasperstudio is killing me. Like drummer54, I can't find a way to have them taken into account while designing. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance, EDIT: After sooo much efforts to get something to work, I found out that referencing external class path with .class file may work. Though you may consider refreshing project/files to have new modification taken into account. To me it seems that classpath is not taken into account as immediatly as in a standard Java project. Hope this can help
  6. We're having the same issue on Win2008R2 - 64b. Locale is French, behaviour same as described.
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