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  1. Hello, I have a strange behaviour with a multi-select query parameter. It is not filled with all rows returned by the query attached. For my test, i put my server in debug mode and took the sql query played to fill my parameter directly from the log file. I ran the query in dbisql and it returned 5484 rows whereas the parameter showed only 4653 rows. Is there a limit to the number of rows that an inputcontrol can contain/display ? Jasper Server community edition Version du produit: 8.0.0 Compilation: 20211116_2238
  2. Hi lachinaa, Unfortunately got no answer on this request, so i keep installing 7.2.0 I haven't tested 7.8 yet. If you test it let me know. Best regards
  3. Thanks for this wiki it worked perfectly with 7.5.0 on windows server 2019/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.png
  4. I confirm the parameter behaviour change with 7.5.0. To solve my problem i uninstalled 7.5.0 and installed 7.2.0 everything works fine.
  5. Hello, I have a "Path not found" when i use C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0buildomaticjs-import.bat --input-zip E:praxielInferenceExploitJasperenviron_prax.zip to import my zip file in Jasper server 7.5 on a Windows server 2019. I have checked the bat itself and found that the variable %~dp0 is not correctly set on line 38 CALL "%~dp0/bin/date.bat" It is set to E:praxielInferenceExploitJasper rather than the expected C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0buildomatic I modified the js-import.bat to set a new variable at the begining of the file and replaced all %~dp0 strings with %myvar%. The import works just fine now. ------------------ my new js-import.bat ----------------- @echo off REM Collect the command line args SET CHEMIN=%~dp0 REM ECHO %CHEMIN% set JS_CMD_NAME=%0 set CMD_LINE_ARGS= :setArgs if ""%1""=="""" goto doneSetArgs set CMD_LINE_ARGS=%CMD_LINE_ARGS% %1 shift goto setArgs :doneSetArgs REM Set the config folder to use REM if Pro config exists, then set to Pro config REM otherwise, assume ce config set JS_EDITION="ce" if exist "conf_sourceiePro" goto setConfPro set CONFIG_DIR=conf_sourceieCe goto doneSetConf :setConfPro set CONFIG_DIR=conf_sourceiePro set JS_EDITION="pro" :doneSetConf REM additional config dir to find the js.jdbc.properties set ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_DIR=build_confdefault REM Add all jars the export classpath variable set EXP_CLASSPATH=%CONFIG_DIR%lib* rem rem Initializing time variable. rem CALL "%CHEMIN%/bin/date.bat" CALL "%CHEMIN%/bin/time.bat" SET JS_CURRENT_TIME=%NOW_YYYY_MM_DD%_%NOW_HH_MM% SET JS_SETUP_MODE="import" rem rem Defining log file name, creating log directory if it doesn't exist. rem SET /a JS_LOG_FILE_PREFIX=%RANDOM%+10000 SET JS_LOG_FILE=logs/js-%JS_SETUP_MODE%-%JS_EDITION%_%JS_CURRENT_TIME%_%JS_LOG_FILE_PREFIX%.log IF NOT EXIST logs ( md logs ) ECHO Writing to log file: %JS_LOG_FILE% REM Set the java command REM REM If "..javabinjava.exe" exists then use it REM if exist "..javabinjava.exe" goto setLocalJava goto setStandardJava :setLocalJava set JAVA_HOME="..java" set PATH=..javabin;%PATH% goto doneJava :setStandardJava if "%JAVA_HOME%"=="" goto warnJava goto doneJava :warnJava echo "WARNING: Did not find a JAVA_HOME environment variable setting. Script will continue." :doneJava :initializeAntEnvironment IF EXIST "..apache-ant" ( GOTO :useBundledAnt ) CALL :log "Bundled Ant not found. Using system Ant." SET ANT_RUN=ant GOTO :endAntSetup :useBundledAnt SET ANT_HOME=..apache-ant SET ANT_RUN=%ANT_HOME%binant SET PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%bin :endAntSetup :runAnt IF "%BUILDOMATIC_MODE%"=="" set BUILDOMATIC_MODE=interactive SET JS_ANT_TARGET="validate-keystore" CALL :log "Running %JS_ANT_TARGET% Ant task" CALL :log CALL %ANT_RUN% -nouserlib -f build.xml %JS_ANT_TARGET% %JS_ANT_OPTIONS% && set temp= 2>&1 | "%CHEMIN%/bin/wtee" -a %JS_LOG_FILE% IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( GOTO :runImport ) IF not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( GOTO :runAntFailed ) CALL :log "Checking Ant return code: OK" CALL :log GOTO :end rem rem Console + file logging subroutine. TODO rem :log SET JS_LOG_MESSAGE= IF "%~1" == "" SET JS_LOG_MESSAGE=---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT "%~1" == "" SET JS_LOG_MESSAGE=%~1 ECHO %JS_LOG_MESSAGE% | "%CHEMIN%/bin/wtee" -a %JS_LOG_FILE% GOTO:EOF :runImport REM Set the java memory options set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms128m -Xmx512m -noverify REM Add config dirs to EXP_CLASSPATH set EXP_CLASSPATH=%CONFIG_DIR%;%ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_DIR%;%EXP_CLASSPATH%;. java -classpath "%EXP_CLASSPATH%" %JAVA_OPTS% com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.ImportCommand %JS_CMD_NAME% %CMD_LINE_ARGS% GOTO:EOF :runAntFailed CALL :log "Checking Ant return code: BAD (1)" EXIT /b 1
  6. Hello, I have upgraded my Jasper Server from 6.3.0 to 7.5.0 and i have a different behaviour on single select query parameter. My report has several Single Select Query parameters one is mandatory and the others are not. When the user chooses a value for the mandatory one the parameter is correctly set. But when the user chooses a value for the non mandatories parameters are not set. If the user comes back and change the value of the non mandatory parameter this time is set correctly, and if he comes back a second time to chosse the first value, the parameter is set correctly. If i turn my parameter to mandatory, it is always set correctly. One more thing my non mandatory parameters are cascading parameters, so when the first parameter has been chosen by user with that new behaviour they others are not evaluated. My user has to choose twice the previous parameter to get the list of values for the cascaded one. It worked fine in version 6.3.0 Thanks for any suggestion. Luc.
  7. Thank you Nicolas, we had the same probleme and you answer helped us a lot we found the reason of our problem in the log you mentionned (a permission denied on datasource access)
  8. Hi assiacpge2011, Were you able to solve your problem, we are facing exactly the same phenomena, one of our developer has deleted the context.xml and the brower shows error 404 even if Tomcat and Jasperserver are running. Regards from PARIS. Luc. NB: We finnaly uninstalled our jasperserver and did a fresh new installation from scratch. It works fine now.
  9. This syntax works fine for me to exclude title and pagefooter bands on pdf export. <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.exclude.origin.band.1" value="title"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.exclude.origin.band.2" value="pageFooter"/>
  10. Hi neha.angel.sweet, I am also interested in your solution, could you post your solution please ? Thanx in advance
  11. Yes actually version 6.2.1 on Windows bundled Tomcat 8.0.14
  12. I tried to modify numerous preferences, ini and xml files without success http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angry_smile.gif, so i finally uninstalled and reinstall a fresh new JasperSoftStudio 6.0.3. My expression editor window is back http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif In another hand before uninstalling i got the idea to save all my data adapters and all my servers. It was easy to export the data adapters but found no way to export servers. It's a pity that the server’s context menu doesn't offer an export option, i got to recreate my 15 servers from scratch.
  13. HI Mary, Your report parameter 'itype' which will receive multiple values from your select should be a java.util.List rather than a java.util.Collection. Regards from PARIS.
  14. JasperStudio 6.0.3.final Windows 7 ultimate 32 bits Recently i am facing a strange behavior when i double click on a text field or when i clik on the button in front of expression field, it doesn't bring up the expression editor window No error message, no editor window, nothing. It's quite annoying to key expressions in a small one line field. Any clue is welcome. Regards from PARIS. Luc.
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