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Everything posted by nthapa

  1. Thats interesting because I looked at the code and dont think that exception should be there, are you getting different exception may be?
  2. Yes it is possible by utilizing web services exposed by JasperReports Server. Please go through JasperReports-Server-Web-Services-Guide.pdf
  3. Could you make sure http://jaspersoft.abc.com:8080/jasperserver-pro works? Please replace abc by your domain.
  4. Looks like browser/caching issue to me. Could you please verify that is the case. Thank you!
  5. What is the memory allocated to JRS? Seems like you dont have enough memory, recommended setting for JRS is 4GB.
  6. Are you trying to read in pages that were written by older JRS, There might be two version of the same classes as a result of upgrade. I suspect that is the case. If so please clear everything and start from writing again.
  7. Not every part of Jasper report is serializable, In cases where jaserreports use those nonserialiable classes, thats when it throws the exception. Since your report is just 3 pages, it seems you dont really need to enable file virtualization.
  8. Seems like some part of your report is not serializable. JRS stores first 300 report units NOT pages (units could be smaller or greater than pages) to memory by default and serializes rest to the disk. If you report size is great, you can change the maxSize to appropiate number in applicationContext.xml <bean id="fileVirtualizerFactory" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.common.service.impl.FileVirtualizerFactory"> <property name="maxSize" value="300"></property> <property name="directory" value="${java.io.tmpdir}"></property> </bean>
  9. I dont think there is any particular number on how many concurrent users, simply because there are many variables to take into consideration. Like the machine capacity, size of report that is being executed and so forth. When you say, it takes more time to execute 16 simultaneous report, Are you running same report 16 times? or different report? There are certain sections in the code where we need to restrict the access to same object, which might degrade the performance.
  10. Could you please give a bit more information on what you were doing. If you could provide steps to reproduce, even better.
  11. You can provide permission to different user/role by navigating to view->repository -> find your report -> right click -> permission.
  12. Do you get anything in the log? if you could please check, I highly suspect you might see something there.
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