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Everything posted by nthapa

  1. in the adhoc designer there is a button to view the sql that is being generated to fetch the data. Can you check if this is showing up the correct sql?
  2. It is hard to answer your question since, it could be anything. I try to list few of the things worth considering 4GB ram is the minimum system requirement for JRS pro. 8GB is the recommended.The database you are connecting to, is it in the same server? is it in network? could that be slowing things down?In server settings, look if optimize query is enabledHTH
  3. I am confused, how and why are you trying to open your jars? The url I mentioned is for building the JRS, which goes in default-master.properties In the product we ship, url entry in pom is "http://www.jaspersoft.com"
  4. can you change your mvn url to and see if that helps. http://mvnrepo.jaspersoft.com:8081/artifactory/repo
  5. Try this: -Have the java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true in your ANY_OPTS and Java_Opts and also in TOMCAT-Have your FQDN added to your hosts file not only localhost but the name of you Mac. HTH.
  6. Yes, it is possible using vitual data sources: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v561/virtual-data-sources This is some more work currently being done to allow more advanced feature like combining data source from different adapters. [uPDATED] After reading your post one more time seems like you want to use dynamic data sources. In one case you might want to use datasource1 and in another case you want to use datasource2. If this is want you want, then you can make use of profile attributes, it allows you to define server-level, tenant-level and user-level attributes. For example user-level attributes each user could have different value for a attribute defined. Hence using that attribute you can create different data source. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-user-guide/profile-attributes HTH
  7. I realize this is pretty old post, but just in case anyone would run into the same problem in the future From the Ehcache FAQ, you can set the net.sf.ehcache.disabled (-Dnet.sf.ehcache.disabled=true) system property to inhibit Ehcache from adding elements to a cache. Because no elements will be added to the cache, every cache request will result in a cache miss, providing the behavior you're looking for. If you just want to disable for hibernate, then ehcache_hibernate.xml is the file could should correctly configure.
  8. Starting Jaspersoft 6.0 (Commercial), JRS introduces feature called data staging. It enables users to share cached data. Prior to 6.0 I dont think it could be done because cache entries are user specific (without data staging).
  9. You can control how many units will be stored in memory by changing the size of fileVirtualizerFactory from "300" to whatever you want in applicationContext.xml <bean id="fileVirtualizerFactory" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.common.service.impl.FileVirtualizerFactory"> <property name="maxSize" value="300"></property> <property name="directory" value="${java.io.tmpdir}"></property> </bean>
  10. Could you please give more detail on what kind of alert you are getting?
  11. Look at section 6.3.2 , of install guide (JasperReports-Server-Install-Guide.pdf)
  12. We are not aware of any such issue, could you please provide more details for us to reproduce the issue?
  13. You can just perform undeploy and redeploy your jasperserver app from admin console, dont need to reinstall everything.
  14. You will need to make use of visualize.js. Please go through JasperReports-Server-Visualize.js-Guide.pdf HTH
  15. Not sure, why it works on the other server, but regardless that is not the correct content.
  16. Yes, that is possible. Please refer to "Domain Security" in JasperReports-Server-User-Guide.pdf for more information. JRS lets you define row level and column level security throgh xml file.
  17. Can you see if any of the following this makes difference? SELECT name FROM test_table WHERE test_column_name LIKE ($P{PARAM_VALUE} IS NULL ? "%" : $P{PARAM_VALUE}) SELECT name FROM test_table WHERE (test_column_name LIKE $P{PARAM_VALUE} and $P{PARAM_VALUE} IS NOT NULL ) or (test_column_name LIKE "%" and $P{PARAM_VALUE}) IS NULL)
  18. The fiddle code worked for me. Could you make sure your installation works properly and you have JRS properly set up?
  19. You will not observe any such difference between those two.
  20. Sounds to me like what you are looking for is cascaded input controls. Couple of helpful links for this one and how to use it. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-user-guide/cascading-input-controlshttp://passionfordata.blogspot.com/2013/05/cascading-input-control.htmlLLet us know if it doesnt work for you.
  21. This is what I found in pdf install guide. This is when you use Mysql, I am not sure what db you are using though. 7.5.3 Filter Error Using MySQL The following error could be caused by an incorrect ampersand setting on your data source configuration: Error 500: Filter [characterEncodingProxyFilter]: cold not be initialized The data source line needs to have & and not & in order to be evaluated correctly. That is, the URL you enter in the procedure to define the JDBC data source and expose it through JNDI should look like the following: jdbc:mysql://localhost/jasperserver?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 Note the ampersand string is & and not &.
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