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  1. I am getting a strange behavior on JasperReports Server 5.5. I log in the JasperReports Server application; I then I select a report template; I fill some parameters; I click the apply button to generate the report. The report is generated correctly. After while, a few hours, I back to to browser: I log in the JasperReports Server application; I select a report template chosen before; I fill the same parameters filled before; I click tha apply button. An empty report is generated. If then I click in the Refresh button the empty report becomes properly generated. I looked through logs and I did not find any exception. Has anyone faced this kind of behavior? Thanks in advance. Luís Gonçalves
  2. Thank you, for the answer. I think I am going to wait until next version. Kind Regards
  3. Thanks for you response. I did not specify the locales when I installed the font. I'm going to install the font again specifing the Locale. The export to HTML seems good, the text is Ok on Chrome but not on IE. In the report viewer is not Ok on both browsers. I looked in the HTML generated and the locale is present in the name of the font, both in the HTML export and in the Report Viewer.
  4. Hi, I use in reports a font extension to show Greek characters properly in the PDF export. I exported the "jar" package with the font using the JasperStudio and imported it into the WEB-INF/lib folder. When I ran the report, I noticed the font is not being used in the report viewer. I looked into the source of the HTML code and the name of font used have the locale on it. <fontName-locale>. I am using the "Lucida Console" and JasperReports generates the HTML using the font "Lucida Console-el_GR". And because of this the the text is not shown properly. How can I force the JasperReports to not add the locale to the font name? PS: The export to PDF is working properly the characters are shown well and with correct font. I am using the JasperReports Server 5.5 CE. Thanks in advance, Luís
  5. Hi, I recently upgraded the JasperReports Server from 4.5 to 5.5 version (CE). In 4.5 version, I have resource bundles with the localized texts for the input control labels. In 5.5 version, I imported the resource bundles into the WEB-INF/bundles folder. When I run the reports in the 5.5 version, the labels of the input controls have the text in the attribute Name of the input control instead the text specified in the resource bundle (net.sf.jasperreports.prompt.label.<inputControlId>). Is there some configuration I should perform to get this working or it is an bug on JasperReports Sever 5.5? Thanks in advance, Luís
  6. I'm running the JasperServer Reports CE 4.5 in Windows Server 2008 R2 environment. The behavior I describe below leads to an error on JasperServer. On the Report repository if I click in the name of the report (the report starts to run) and then right mouse click and chose "Schedule" in the context menu for that report I got the following error: Error Message org.springframework.webflow.conversation.NoSuchConversationException: No conversation could be found with id '18' -- perhaps this conversation has ended? Has anyone get this kind of error? I searched in the foruns but I didn't found a suitable solution. Thanks in advance. Luís Gonçalves The detailed error message:
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