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Everything posted by mlopez_1

  1. No, Have you set Text Field's Markup property to HTML? If you doesn't, doesn't work. Mariano
  2. Yes, switch Text Field's Markup property to HTML and use HTML marks: (<b>$F{field1}</b> + 'random text' + $F{field2} + 'random text'); Mariano
  3. Hi Nicolas, sorry but I don't run it. For me, only with older browser versions gave javascript problems. Perhaps, some browser configuration could be the cause. Mariano
  4. It seems that are not too old. You must probe with actual versions. Firefox 58.0 works fine and Chrome Version 64.0.3282.186 (Build officiel) (64 bits) is exactly what i have. Mariano
  5. It seems to be a browser compatibility problem. What is your browser version ? Mariano
  6. The parameter is well. Perhaps the problem is where you use it. Mariano
  7. Yes, that's the way. At least, you have a solution that works. I think that this module is only for commercial editions, but not sure. Regards, Mariano
  8. That's true, but I use a trick. Define a table with column of String type width enough length for your date. Format the data in this one field as you desire and export like csv. This works perfectly for me. Mariano
  9. I do the export with csv option. Is the same. Mariano
  10. I have no problem with excel exporter, but yes with ods exporter. My fields are BigDecimal and exports like cells numbers right. Working wiht JSS 6.5.1 and JasperServer 6.4.2 Mariano
  11. Yes, with Jaspersoft Studio you can modify any report in Jasperserver. It's called Report Units. Mariano
  12. I forgot to say that multiselect checkbox is for input control, paramater with the same ID must be java.util.List type. Mariano
  13. Must be a multi-select checkbox to allow select all, unselect all. I know this is possible since 6.X version of Jasperserver. Before this i don't know. Checkout this: From my jaspersver. In spanish: Todo -> Select all, Ninguno -> Select none, Inverso -> Reverse Mariano
  14. It can be done with multiselect checkbox, query or list of values. Mariano
  15. It's seems that is an old issue, even with tracker opened but not resolved yet. Opened another new one to know why this is not working. https://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/10431 Regards, Mariano
  16. Hi all, working with JasperServer 6.4.2, when I try to export to ODS openoffice calc file format, the text field which have numbers, BigDecimal fields and number formatted, always starts with a quote (') each value cell. I know that there was some questions like this, but i don't know if this is solved or remains a bug. Exporting in excel format works well. Regards, Mariano
  17. Must have an input control with the same ID than parameter and then you can use it in Report Unit, even you can ask the parameter for the user. It's absolutely vulnerable to SQL injection in this way Mariano
  18. Yes it can be done, but you must use $P!{PARAMETER_NAME}, which doesn't interpret and use it as literal. In this parameter you can set your query and put in DAtaset and query dialog. Regards, Mariano
  19. Search all the place where you have number and one of them are converting String that cannot be java.lang.Number. Try erasing values one by one until no error found. Mariano
  20. What i do is to create a query repository and paste a link of the query as a resource of the Report Unit. In this way, you can reuse any type of resource if it0s defined in repository. Mariano
  21. Supose you are using br.com.geweb.celsiusToFahrenheit in a place that need some type and don't give it. Put the class, or the excrept that you use in the report unit, and the part of the own report unit. Mariano
  22. I don't understand where there problem is, I think that I don't know your purpose. When I have to return values from a subreport, first define variable in main report and subreport, then from main report select subrepot and 'Subreport return values' and map both variables. This all I do. Mariano
  23. Download: https://community.jaspersoft.com/system/files/restricted-docs/jaspersoft-studio-user-guide_5.pdf And read carefully the documentation. Your question is resolved at chapter 13. Mariano
  24. I think this not make sense. Parameters are for input users overall and to configure constant values wiht hidden parameters. You can try to substitute param2 with a variable, perhaps this approach works better for you. Mariano
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