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Everything posted by mike2tango

  1. @BOO, I have the same as you have, except I also have unwanted blank page at the beginning of the document (rest of docu seems ok). But this error is annoying and filling up logs.. @Jaspersoft, Since I am using 5.6.1 is this still a problem im future releases, like 6.1 or 6.2? Maybe jaspersoft can actually show the real error instead of this swallow?
  2. Hi, I can report the same issue. Using 5.6.0 Version.
  3. Perhaps you find a soltion by looking here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/524693/get-new-page-when-column-breaks-crosstab#comment-809421
  4. Hi, did you try to make a subreport. Set the subreport to cols=2. Set the Print order to Vertical (Default). And place the table in the Detail band?
  5. The given 2 solutions did not work for me. But following did: I created a subreport. In here 2 Parameters. Then I drop the parameter in the Band (my case a Header Band - but presumably any band will do). I select the field and got to Tab "text field" then I enable -Stretch with overflow-. In the parent report I just pass the 2 parameters. Now stretching with any nr of parameters seems to work....
  6. This is a Problem and should actually be fixed. Everyone wants to concatenate different fields into one String so order and spaces are as required!
  7. Hi, use this post: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/533232/how-create-multi-worksheet-excel-jasper-repor
  8. Hi Had same problem. Has something to do with the unablitiy of Jasper to put a bigger grown page, due to subreports (or added subreports) within the given page size.. Somehow the pagebreaking mechanism has some error or we as user are not exactly aware of what we are doing. I tried to make some subreports detail band smaller, then it worked... But now I also have this problem and cannot resolve it as described above.
  9. Hi Do you know JasperReport(s) to PDF - Digital Signature are now possible with 5.6.0? If not, what is the best alternative. ( I am generating reports from a java-basis) tnx
  10. Hi Narcism, I've found the solution in following post http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/543154/json-parsing-engine-and-query-syntax-jsondatasource . The subDatasource("something.something") seems to work as you outlined, thanks for your response.
  11. Hi drsini.open, I have the same problem, could call moveFirst() but with returning void the dataexpression is invalid. Maybe a fix can be make by returning the JsonDatasource (narcism?) In XML there is XPath. JsonPath seems to be there, but not implemented in jasper yet. It would help a lot since when this works I can have 1 single subreport and use it in multiple subreports each dealing with another part of the json data. Maybe someone has a (another) solution, please share.
  12. Hi Seems to work for me. 1. From the Textfields you want to dissapear set all to: Position Type Float 2. Since I wanted a whole Line to dissapear (with 2 Textfield on it) I've put them in a Frame component. 3. Then the framecomponent gets 1. set 4. The framecomponent gets -Remove Line when Blank- checkbox enabled.
  13. Hi Did you get around this problem? or Did the solution described work for you? Please share how, tnx Mike
  14. It helped though, but still have now columns in between wich are empty. I checked all the fields and fields in the header, all have the same values of sizes. Did you add any properties in the jrxml manually?
  15. Hi. I hope you still use Jasper? Well, I did not try it since we do not need the server but what I can think of is that the v2 url is a separate webapp and therefore needs it's own login? Maybe you solve it by using all your url's in the v2 style.
  16. Hello CT I need to do the same. I have basically the following process. I make a master report. This report contains some header stuff and some footer stuf. Then I place a subreport in the detail bar. In the master report this element is then set to Location.position type "float" . Then in the subreport I place all other subreports. To count the pages I've needed to place the standard page from .. to elements (in the palette) on every page. If it is not on every subreport either the pages following from this subreport are not counted :-( (Maybe there is a better way) But the magic is to set all your elements to float to get them under each other. You are then the master of how big a page is by controlling the height of each detail part of each subreport, that's what worked for me. Greetings Mike
  17. Hello Well, I finally have completely deinstalled the Netbeans Version of iReport (5.5.0) and it's saved settings too. Then I installed the windows version of JasperSoft Studio, the eclipse based equivallent. Now create a Data Adapter, enable the checkbox, "Enable namespace support" to true, test it. Then in the Dataset and Query Dialog select the above created Data Adapter again. take the xPath selector, you should then see your namespaced aware XML tree showing up. You can now create Fields with namespaced xPath expressions. New is that the Data Preview is now working too. The reason that it works in the Eclipse Based Version is that the xPath and XML Properties are properly set (even by default), where the Netbeans Version is not, therefore I wanted to change those properties above, which landed in the problem by doing so. Hopefully usefull for everyone Best Regards MMike
  18. Hi, it looks like you used no fields? Fields are drag&dropped from the Fields node in the tree (left pane). Usually fields are marked with $F... I do not see that in your screenshot, so maybe you've used textfields which are static
  19. Hello iagotomas, did you have any success there?
  20. Hello Want to use ireport.jrproperty.net.sf.jasperreports.xpath.executer.factory=net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.xml.JaxenXPathExecuterFactory So I go to iReport.Extras.Options.Jasperreports Properties, search for the entry above and change it to ireport.jrproperty.net.sf.jasperreports.xpath.executer.factory=net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.xml.XalanXPathExecuterFactory Well the value is always restored back to the Jaxen version. Why? ( Funny is when I set the value "blabla", it is taken and stored and viewed when opened again, but not with a XalanXpathExecuterFactory ) (My ultimate goal is use iReport with both XML Datasource and XPath to be namespace aware, user narcism is explaining in post #7 (here) that the above default, Jaxen version, is not namespace aware) Tnx in advance. (using iReport 5.5.0)
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