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  1. Does anyone know what is the maximum number of files that can be stored in a folder on the JasperReports Server repository. Is it hundreds? thousands? is there any limit? theorically or practically? Thanks
  2. In that case the backend could return the same. Another option which i think is still simple to implement is one subreport per day and the dataset on each emulates the day schedule
  3. You could just do a report with as many cells/layers with subreport in each. Each subreport querying the backend for its data. Something as follows, MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday08:00 -- include subreport-- 08:00 -- include subreport-- 08:00 -- include subreport-- 08:00 -- include subreport-- 08:00 -- include subreport-- 08:00 -- include subreport-- 08:00 -- include subreport-- 09:00-- include subreport-- 09:00-- include subreport-- 09:00-- include subreport-- 09:00-- include subreport-- 09:00-- include subreport-- 09:00-- include subreport-- 09:00-- include subreport-- Hope helps
  4. Could you post some more information? is this occuring in a scheduled report? while running it through soap service? Which log file did you found this in? I've seen this kind of message when compiling an invalid report with invalid xml on it, also when submitting invalid soap call i think there was something similar. Good luck
  5. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 I think this is due to the lack of Metadata exporters support in Jasperserver 5.0.If you look at the api's documentation you'll see that the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.write.header is only used by the metadata based reports, and Jasperserver 5.0 doesn't include them. For the bands, no idea, sorry.http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.write.headerProperty that specifies whether the export header (the column names) should be written or not, in the metadata-based Excel export.
  6. Justfor anyone reading it,jasperserver as if version 5.0.1 doesnt use the metadataexporters, these must be implemented and build into the server.
  7. I could get through the error changing the url of the jasper repository in conf_source/templates/maven_settings_repo.xml, but now i'm facing another dependency problem this time with mysql connector, anyway i succeded to compile jasperserver it only misses theimport/export tool which i dont need. So for me it's fine, i suppose that installing manually as the error message suggests could work but i was a bit pissed off and just didnt want to take my time if i didnt needed. Hope helps,
  8. Think we found the solution, we need to reimplement and provide to JS a modified version of com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.ws.axis2.XlsWSExporter , right? can anyone confirm please?
  9. We got the same error, has anyone found a solution? We get the same error complaining about cobertura POM and cannot find a fix. Thx
  10. For anyone reviewing this question we got running the server with a few hundreds reports and all seems to work like a charm. I'll try to maintain the answer with the maximum number of reports we run and if we found any problem with it. Hope it helps
  11. We would like to use the JRCsvMetadataExporter/JRXlsMetadataExporter with our jasperserver installation but we cannot find how to configure them on the server, we've configured the properties on the report templates and as for what i googled i understand jasperserver is supposed to be configured by default to produce data-centric reports. We are using jasperserver 5.0 and we cannot find out how to produce data centric excel/csv output, does anyone successfully configured the metadata exporters in a jasperserver installation? Thx
  12. Thx for the suggestion that's what we did
  13. We're looking to use jasperserver CE to generate reports for our clients, we wanted to create scheduled reports which should execute weekly and/or monthly. We've already viewed documentation about database contention issues and other things that could affect in our use case. Anyway, does anyone had a similar use case? what is the maximum number of recommended simultaneous reports? Any recommendations? Thx Post Edited by iagotomas at 04/17/2012 10:19
  14. We're currently using JS community edition, i don't know about the entreprise edition but we're regularly having problems with our smtp provider, this causes from our point of view several problems in JS, first of all after three retries the mail queue will stop retrying and will fail with an SMTP Broken pipe exception which is logged in the messages section of the console. Our question is, why not having a queue and being able to manage the mail sending that failed manually, or at least keep retrying (with some relaxed policy) until the smtp server responds or JS is stopped? Well maybe there some other reason to not do this, we understand that it's our problem (and our provider's) if the smtp server is not responding, but this causes us many headaches until someone remebers that this can be the case and looks at the messages in the console.
  15. We've finally managed to change pdf export permissions, we had to change com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.EngineServiceImpl method exportToPdf and change js.spring.properties in order to make it work. We've tried to change com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ReportPdfExporter but it only affected when generating the report through the web interface and it didn't make any effect on reports generated through web service we also tried to change com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.ws.axis2.PdfWSExporter without success too. Finally we did it changing the method exportToPdf as attached to this post and changing the bean.class.engineService property from js.spring.properties. Hope this may help someone. Code:public void exportToPdf(ExecutionContext context, String reportUnitURI, Map exportParameters) { ReportUnit reportUnit = (ReportUnit) getRepositoryResource(context, reportUnitURI); setThreadRepositoryContext(context, null, reportUnitURI); try { OrigContextClassLoader origContext = setContextClassLoader(context, reportUnit, false); try { exportParameters.put(JRExporterParameter.URL_HANDLER_FACTORY, RepositoryURLHandlerFactory.getInstance()); JRPdfExporter exporter = new JRPdfExporter(); exporter.setParameters(exportParameters); exporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.IS_ENCRYPTED, Boolean.TRUE); exporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.PERMISSIONS,new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowPrinting)); exporter.exportReport(); } finally { revert(origContext); } } catch(JRException e) { log.error("Error while exporting report to PDF", e); throw new JSExceptionWrapper(e); } finally { resetThreadRepositoryContext(); } }
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