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H Mendoza

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Everything posted by H Mendoza

  1. Hi there - There an out of the box variable for this -- see below -- you can modify this as needed. Navigate to the Page Header properties (see Properties panel) and look for Print When Expression text field, which is under the Appearance button. $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue()<2 This works on the Page Footer band as well. Thanks.
  2. Is this for Highcharts (HTML5)? If yes, check here: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/.
  3. Hi there - Look for the Subreport Parameters Map pop-up, which you can find by selecting your Subreport object and going to the Properties. Click on the Subreport tab. Next, look for and click the Edit Parameters button near the bottom. You'll have to map the values to each other. Let us know.
  4. Hi there - Perhaps try adding $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue()>1 to the Print When Expression on the Page Header band properties (see Appearance tab). Change the operator to suit your needs. Let us konw.
  5. Yes, you can -- there are a number of ways. Check on visualize.js, and you can also deploy JavaScript files to the server and access them from your Reports. See this link from more on Visualize: https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/visualizejs.
  6. There are differences around the types of elements that you get in the palette. For example, you won't see the Pro charts in the community edition, among some other things. For the most part, the two are similar.
  7. The Pro and Enterprise editions of JRS ship with Samples. Not sure about Community.
  8. Hi there - You'll need superuser access so you can set the configuration under Server Settings > Ad Hoc Settings > Configure View Query.
  9. This may help, http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-recursive-report-traverse-hierarchical-data-structure.
  10. As mentioned above, the Dashboard feature is in JasperReports Server. You build reports in Studio, deploy them to JaperReports Server, and then incorporate your newly-built reports into a Dashboard.
  11. The JRS Authentication Cookbook has a short section on SSO -- maybe this would be a good starting point. There is no UI to work from when setting the configuration; instead, you are configuring property files.
  12. Out of the box, Jasper disables SQL prompts -- such as Drop. I am not sure you can insert without making changes to the platform.
  13. The report's Print properties has an area where you can configure your Title page to be separate. It is a checkbox; you just have to check it.
  14. If I understand this correctly, this configuration is not supported out of the box.
  15. Visit this site; it is very helpful when it comes to tuning your system. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jasperreports-server-performance-tips-and-tricks
  16. No, I don't believe this is possible. The bands are fixed. Put your objects in the Summary into the Title.
  17. Try the following in your WHERE clause, WHERE $P{parameter} is null or department.department_id = $P{parameter}
  18. Chapter 9 of the Studio User Guide has some information that may help; also, you could try creating a font jar.
  19. Some reference, http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-create-and-use-jrdatasource-adapter. And for the server, there used to be samples here, c:jasperreports-serversamplescustomDataSourcesrcexamplecds.
  20. They won't release this information until the release is out the door.
  21. Maybe check this link, http://jasper-bi-suite.blogspot.com/2016/08/examples-of-all-html-5-graphs-in-tibco.html.
  22. Here's some reference, http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-create-and-use-jrdatasource-adapter.
  23. The exported catalog includes a structure of files and folders (with an output format of either zip or folder). To recover your .jxml files, you'll have to find the report files that are represented as .data files. The .data file is key and you'll have to reset the extension to .jrxml to open the file in Studio.
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