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Thomas Zimmer

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Everything posted by Thomas Zimmer

  1. I think, hiding the coumn is not the right way and works not really good: Minimize the column width and fields to 1px, use an empty expression for the fields. Other ways to do it: 1) Structure and order your query for the crosstab so that the data can be shown without (re-)ordering by the crosstab (the most efficient approach, by the way), set the flag "Crosstab data is sorted" (or similar, I do not remember exactly) in the settings of the crosstab. Like this, you do not need two row groups, only use the second one. 2) Use one row group with a concatenated row expression of two columns (e.g. "Project 5;r1"). In the presentation you can split the bucket expression and show only "r1" in the text fileds. Like this the data can be ordered by the crosstab itself. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  2. Import/Export would be the right place to go, but you have no possiblity to find out, if the customer possibly changed his reports. So, if you want to update, you will overwrite every report which is in your import package... Or you only load new reports without overwriting to be on the safe side. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmmer.net
  3. I´m not able to try now, but what could work is not setting "Title on a new page", and inserting a page break after the title stuff. (Whereby I always say "Never use page breaks in reports", this would be an exceptional case ;) Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  4. Simply use the detail band(s) for this. Short steps: - Each record of your reports query is transferred into the fields of your report - The detail shows a record of your result, so simply drag the field from the Report Insprector onto the detail band. The static field with the labels should be created automatically. - You could place more than one field in the detail band, one upon the other. But I prfer using multiple detail bands (right-click on the detail band in the report inspector and select "add another detail band") - Settings you should use for the text fields: "Print When detail overflows = true", "Stretch With overflow = true" (convert the labels form static text to text fields too, if option is not available), "Stretch type = Relative to ...." - For setting frames, right-click the text fileds and work with "Padding and borders", do not use rectangles Hope this helps. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  5. There are no domains/topics, ad-hoc reports, analysis ui, multitenancy etc. in the community edition. You will have to buy a proffesional or enterprise license to be able to use this. Have a look here: https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  6. The results of the report´s db query are transfered, recordset/column by recordset/column into fields. The fields contents can be shown in text fields, whose expressions then should be like $F{colname}... If you use variables (Maybe with a query run in a scriptlet) it works the same way; simply create a text field with expression $V{myvarname}. Further, it is important where you place the text fields; $F-fields should normally be shown in the detail band, beacause a new detail band is produced for each record of your main queries dataset. Hope that helps. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  7. Hi Suhas, What is the relation between the remote WAMP and IIS? Before changing the port for your apache, check if the new port is free on your remote system (use telnet or netstat) Thomas
  8. The runtime has to know where to search fpr the report. Like this, you have different posibilities: - Place the .jasper file somewhere in the class path where the engine ca find it - Use a full path in "new File...." - Attach a FileResolver to the parameter map of your report (but this would require, that you give it the paths, too) Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  9. Sorry, but you DO NOT put "put a textfield in static text"... What you are doing is concatenating a literal text with a field of type double (or similar), and present the result of that expression in a text field. What you have to do is to format the number within the text fields expression. There are different possibilities of doing that, depending on the java version you are using. Have a look here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/50532/how-do-i-format-a-number-in-java or here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html However, it should result in an exspression for your text field like: String.format("The amount of $%5.2f will be debited from your account.", $F{theamount} or: "The amount of $" + $P{mynumformatter}.format(dd)).doubleValue() + "will be...." where $P{mynumformatter} has a default value like new DecimalFormat( "#,###,###,##0.00" ) Is far as I remember, the report has a default parameter "REPORT_FORMATTER" which can do similar. I hope this helps. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  10. doesn´t it work, if you set the evaluation time of the text field containig the variable is set to "Report"? Of course, like this you have the same out on every page... Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  11. Let me google that for you... oh: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10391271/itext-bouncycastle-classnotfound-org-bouncycastle-asn1-derencodable-and-org-boun ... and some other hits. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  12. insert the list element, then right-click on it and select "Edit list datasource". Here you have to select a dataset, give a datasource or connection expression, and pass parameter values from the main report to parameters of your dataset. Steps assuming you are using iReport. In Jaspersoft Studio you have the Dataset(-run) setting as a configuration window.
  13. OR That should do it Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  14. if you pass a single number to your report, returning a single ID, it would be the best idea to write an appropriate sql join for this. if else, simply define the main query returning the IDs, then create a dataset with the second query with an parameter (to pass the ID). In the detail band define a list or table element using the second dataset as input, pass the report connection and the actual ID ($F{ID}) in the dataset run. Alternatively you could use a subreport; the same procedure: pass the actual ID to the subreport, there, run a query using this parameter and show a list Personally, I would prefer the subreport solution (as you do not need list or table element I don´t like...). Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  15. Nope, there is none. But you could simulate a tree structure by passing an appropriate datastructure and call a subreport recursively. But that´s possibly not a perfect solution and, of course, doesn´t provide any interaction possibilities. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  16. Sure. Create two variables in the main report with calculation type "System". In the subreports settings you can define ("Return values"), which values you want to write back from your subreports (into the variables). Then, use the variables in the main report to layout your footer/summary. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  17. Sorry, I thought that would be clear. I know no better solution than overlaying two text fields with different expressions, suppressing one in pdf output, the ohter in xls output.
  18. Simply place a list element in the summary section of your report. Use the main report dataset as input for this list, the query won´t be executed twice. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  19. The key answering all the questions obove should be net.sf.jasperreports.export.graphics2d.exclude.<whatever4afilterUneed> Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  20. You could use the import/export-tools (buildomatic scripts dir). When you understood the repository structure xml once, you can fast copy/paste new entries and upload your repository content fast. But of course, that´s kind of error-prone... Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  21. Are you sure, that the parameter "DiamRQn" gets any values at all on jasperserver? Giving back all possible values is typically a problem, if the passed list is empty (in this case, the whole $X{...} clause is removed from the query...) Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  22. you could modify the group expression, e.g.: $F{type}.equlas("Shirts") || $F{type}.equlas("Socks") ? "Shirts & Socks" : $F{type} That should do it. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  23. I would assume, it works in the test field scope, but not in the scope of the column, which the print when expression belongs to... Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  24. Within the list setting, define a new bean datasource, e.g.: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($P{phonenumbers}) In the dataset, define the two fields "maskedNumber" and "number" according to datatypes above. That should work. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
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