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Everything posted by ajinkya_c

  1. Hi, Its just thought trigger in my mind, while using it with Doughnut chart convert and use it as a integer value like 22.5. you can use java function , oracle funtion or iReport funtion to make it integer. If it works then use mask property from Doughnut chart, I think there should be any masking property there. & mask the valus on chart with $ & M. I think this workarround should work. Let me know what happen. Thanks Ajinkya
  2. Hi, Your query may be: select To_char( hiredate, 'MONTH') as Month, To_char( hiredate, 'YYYY') as Year, To_char hiredate, 'Month YYYY') as YearMonth from Employee This may be your query, used month, year or YearMonth in crosstab whichever suits your reporting requirement. Thanks Ajinkya
  3. Hi, Here is sample query select To_char(Sysdate, 'MONTH') as Month, To_char(Sysdate, 'MM') as MM, To_char(Sysdate, 'YYYY') as Year, To_char(Sysdate, 'YY') as YY, To_char(Sysdate, 'Month YYYY') as mmyy from dual hope this helps. Thanks Ajinkya
  4. Hi, I did same requirement which I explaine here which may help you. From MySecteur and MyRayon parameters when I select values from MySecteur then values in MyRayon filtered by MySecteur so In list i can show only those values which are under MySecteur. Here i Consider MySecteur at higher level than MyRayon. For that when i create multiselect query of MyRayon then i add filter of MySecteur in query of input control. And use MySecteur and MyRayon parameters in Report query. You can also use P!{} for using dynamic where condition. That is if user provide values for any parameter then it used in query and if null then where condition not consider in query. Hope it may helps you.Let me know if any issue. Thanks, Ajinkya
  5. Hi, I think this feature available in a dashboard where you can arrange multiple report on a page and then you can refresh each report separately on the page. If you can use same report as using dashbaord then it is easier to you for this requirement. Thanks, Ajinkya
  6. Hi, you can open and modified adhoc domain based report in iReport, but it may loose some functionality. But you should try to open adhoc domainbased report in iReport and apply your style & logos. Then check & let me know that if it works fine or not. When I try to open adhoc domain based report in iReport it gives me msg about loosing functionality. Please let me know what happen with your requirement. If it looose functionality then you may raised enhancement requuest for that & which version you are using now? Thanks, Ajinkya
  7. Hi' Please refer below links may be useful to you http://www.jaspersoft.com/embedding-jaspersoft-into-your-php-application http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/getting-started-rest-web-service-api http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/docs/jasperreports-server-web-services-guide_0.pdf http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/php-client-getting-started http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/getting-started-rest-web-service-api Thanks, Ajinkya
  8. Hi, Create single select list input control from iReport or jasperserver and provide necessary query to that input control & you will get list box which fetches value from database. You can try multiselect query also with collection as datatype of parameter. Use single select or multiselect depends on your requirement. Thanks Ajinkya
  9. Hi, What is your source i.e.Oracle, Sqlsever, file etc., you should use database specific functions to take month part out of date. Example: Oracle : to_char('account_invoice.create_date','MONTH') then group by month. Thanks Ajinkya
  10. Hi, Are you using release note of 5.1.0 version, where mention all necessary steps taken while upgrading from old to new versions. Release note can troubleshoot your problem. Thanks, Ajinkya
  11. Hi, Same problem with me but unable found solution, Please let me know if you or anyone solve this. http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/817935/jaspersever-community-52-version-can-not-start-windows Thanks, Ajinkya
  12. Hi, Can you please explain steps to add records in combo box. Means you add it through iReport or Jasperserver. You want list on report with multi select list of values(combo box). Please provide related information so that we can think on possible solution. Thanks, Ajinkya
  13. Hi, I used bundeled tomcat while installation on windows xp 32 bit OS. It gives problem with version 5.1 and 5.2 while 5.0.1 works fine with bundled tomcat. Thanks Ajinkya
  14. Hi, Are you use conditional style in your requirement? Thanks, Ajinkya
  15. Hi, You can use stored procedure as source for jasper reports. You can write cursor in stored procedure and use it as source. But if you can able to load the cursor logic into summary table through any ETL or any other way then it is better way becouse it will improve performance of the report. Thanks, Ajinkya
  16. Hi, Set the height of detail band minimum according to your Field. The whole detail band repeat for the each row return by query. So if you set detail band height 10 then that height of the detail band repeat for each row. and then footer is stick to the detail band if it is just one row. I think this may be solution. Thanks, Ajinkya
  17. Hi, I download 32 bit jasperserver cp but it can not start. Apache tomcat is not started by default, and when i try to start manually it gives error that windows unable to start tomacat. please suggest proper solution for that. Thanks Ajinkya
  18. Hi, Lots of topics on that page so just scroll down and in between page refer topic " Aim: To split the output into multiple sheets in Excel exporting" link: http://helicaltech.com/blogs/tag/jasper/ Thanks, Ajinkya
  19. Hi, I explain the below scenario which i faced. When report contain only chart without cellular data then you can export report in excel. when both then only cellualr data export in excel. But I found a link where mention like, we can export chart and excel in different tab. Thanks, Ajinkya
  20. Hi, Try to open report in iReport and then adjust page size. I think may be possible to change page size for adhoc reports. Thanks, Ajinkya
  21. Hi, Please refer below link and go through mobile guide: http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/mobile-sdk-android/releases may be helpful. Thanks and Regards Ajinkya Chopde
  22. Hi, You can download Latest community version with limited feature or try 30 day commercial version with all features. Installers available on below link: http://community.jaspersoft.com/download Thanks & Regards Ajinkya Chopde
  23. Hi, I think you should check, what rights assigned you to the role that you created and assigned to that user. also check with adminstrator role that user. if still give problem then may be problem in your mdx olap. Are you create any security xml file for that olap? Thanks & Regards Ajinkya
  24. Hi Anurag, I also faced same problem with Jasperserver 5.1.1 installer windows 32 bit, I earlier work on jasperserver 5.0.1 which works fine when I installed 5.1.1 then tomacat unable to start while postgre service is running. I tried to start it manually from services and tomcat folder but still not start. This happens with jasperserver community version as well as professional version. If you find any solution on that then let me know. Thanks, Ajinkya
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