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Everything posted by NandiniBC

  1. 1.Create custom jar 2. Add the Jar to the iReport classpath Tools > Options > Classpath 3.import into the report in the form of com.utils.util.* 4. use as converttoKWATTS(V${varailble1} Hope this helps. -Sonata software Limited
  2. hi email notification in jasper is working now. when any organization using exchange server for mail communication dont use smtp as prefix for the host name. please see the below working configuartion Code:report.scheduler.mail.sender.host=webmail.sonata-software.comreport.scheduler.mail.sender.username=chandrasekhar.kreport.scheduler.mail.sender.password=Lord@10creport.scheduler.mail.sender.from=chandrasekhar.k@sonata-software.comreport.scheduler.mail.sender.protocol=smtpreport.scheduler.mail.sender.port=25report.scheduler.web.deployment.uri=http://localhost:8484/jasperserver
  3. hi folks, i am getting below error when i tried to send email from jasper. org.springframework.mail.MailSendException: Mail server connection failed; nested exception is javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: smtp.localhost.com, port: 25; nested exception is: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect in js.quartz.properties file: report.scheduler.mail.sender.host=smtp.nandimsg.sonata.local.com report.scheduler.mail.sender.username=chandrasekhar.k report.scheduler.mail.sender.password=Lord@10c report.scheduler.mail.sender.from=chandrasekhar.k@sonata-software.com report.scheduler.mail.sender.protocol=smtp report.scheduler.mail.sender.port=25 report.scheduler.web.deployment.uri= http://localhost:8484/jasperserver in application-context-report-Scheduling.xml <property name="javaMailProperties"> <props> <prop key="mail.smtp.auth">true</prop> <prop key="mail.smtp.starttls.enable">true</prop> </props> </property> i tried with gmail settings as well for the above scheduling is working fine as set but email is not working where i am doing wrong, please help me to find where exactly the problem. thanks much
  4. Domain design which can be used as datasource to ad-hoc reports can NOT be designed on custom datasource. check if the following works for your project. : create topics using custom datasource for ad-hoc reporting. Hope this helps. regards, Nandini Sonata software limited
  5. I think you are pointing to cascading input controls. check the sample report on cascading input control in Jasperserver application. Hope this helps. regards, Nandini Sonata software Limited
  6. Goto C:Program FilesJaspersoftjasperserver-*apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserverWEB-INFbundles and edit jasperserver_config.properties to change the date display format. restart the server Hope this helps. regards, Nandini Sonata software limited Post Edited by sonata at 12/22/2011 07:20
  7. Hi, Create another row group with concatinating all row fields like field1+""+field2+""+field3 and hide this group. then repeated fields will be displayed. hope this helps. regards, Sonata
  8. Place the persistence.xml in meta-inf directory and jar the entity class along with "META_INF" folder. place the jar in ireprot\platform9\lib folder. restart the ireport, set class path to persistence jar files, and custom jar file. Hope this helps. -Sonata software Limited
  9. domain design with custom datasource is not possible. try creating topics using custom datasource for ad-hoc reporting. Hope this helps. regards, Sonata Software
  10. iReport is shipped with default ejb3 persistence jar. ->delete the ejb3 persistence jar file from the classpath. ->restart the iReport. set classpath for toplink jar files and customdb jar file. ->restart the ireport and try. Hope this helps. regards, Sonata Software
  11. goto repository Edit Ad-hoc report (not "OPEN") goto controls tab and add input control. regards, Sonata software
  12. 1. Use LDAP / siteminder or any sigle sign on server for authentication. check some tutorials to start. 2. Use JasperReports API to integrate the Jasperreports(JRXML) to your application regards, Sonata Software Limited
  13. Not Possible using domain. Consider custom datasource for your requirement. -Sonata
  14. Starting with Jasperreports 3.7.2 release, Jasperreports is no longer compatible with Java 1.4. Hope this helps. -Sonata
  15. My experience with iReport 4.0.1 is that once I make any changes to xml in xml veiw, save button is enabled, the changes is retained when I'm switching between the designer and xml view. I have set java hom to java 1.6. Check the environment for any conflicting jar version or reinstall the iReport and verify. -Sonata
  16. iReport 4.0.1 have many improved features than 3.0.0 like support for netbeans, support for barcodes and improved style library etc. jrxml developed in 3.0.0 may not be supported by 4.0.1. refer release documents of higher versions of ireport 3.0.0 for more info -Sonata
  17. Hi, The code "exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE, reportName);" is setting the file to a parameter. If the file does not exist, it will throw classcast exception, as the code will be something like destFile = (File)parameters.get(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE); here the values in the RExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE is cast to File.if myRtfReport.rtf does not exist exception is thrown hope this helps. Sonata software Limited
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