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  1. Is there a way to specify conditions, or run other logic, at report startup? I want to run some checks on the report's parameters before allowing the report to run - Thanks! ~ Mike
  2. How does one force a pie chart to show at least one decimal place? Right now, values less than 1 are being rounded to zero - and I see no Pattern fields to change this, as in a (non-pie-chart) report - Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi! The 'Print Repeated Values' option is being ignored in my report - note that the report is comprised mostly of just one crosstab - and I continue to get: fieldA someData1 fieldB someData2 someData3 fieldC someData4 I want 'fieldB' to show up in that third record, but it doesn't, even with Print Repeated Values turned on - ! :( Is there another option that needs to be set? Thanks in advance!
  4. Is there a way to allow JasperReports to split a band whenever it wants? I thought setting split type = immediate would do it, but it still wants to group the band together - I want to fill the pages to the bottom in a multi-page report, by allowing splitting...
  5. Is there a way to remove white space at the end of a page? (This white space can vary on each page in a multi-page report.)Thanks in advance!
  6. In a multi-page report, if you scroll down to the bottom of a page, then navigate to another page, you’re left at the bottom of that page, instead of moving to the top of the new page. Is there a way to fix this behavior? Thanks in advance!
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