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  1. The easiest way to accomplish this in iReports is to use the built in functionality. In the designer simply right click on the field name and select "Field pattern" this will allow you to format the date and also apply the decimal formating you need. Here is how the underlying xml will lokk for the date formating. <textField pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" isBlankWhenNull="true"> <reportElement x="2123" y="0" width="129" height="20"/> <textElement/> <textFieldExpression class="java.util.Date"><![CDATA[$V{rpt-date}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField>
  2. Edit the report in JasperServer select "Controls and Resources" and un-check the Always prompt option.
  3. Thanks, I was afraid that might be the answer. I also opened this as a ticket in JasperSupport to see if they had any work arounds for this. I'll update this thread if they do.
  4. I have created an ad hoc report which groups a list of expense by recipient name and then summarizes the amount field. I would like to add a filter to the report that shows only recipients with amounts greater than $1000. How do you does this in the ad hoc editor?
  5. Sherman, Can you provide me with the equivalent steps in iReport? I tried creating a hyperlink by setting the hyperlink target to blank, hyperlink type to "ReportExecution" and then creating the following Link parameters; Parameter Name - Experession _report = "reportsSpotlight" Hcp_id = $F{Ext_Id}.toString where Hcp_Id is the parameter of the report and $F{Ext_Id} is the value I wish to pass it. The report compiles fine but the link does not work in the ireport viewer or in the browser. When I upload the reports to the JasperServer I get the same results. /uploads/projects/jasperserver/Capture.JPG This method does work correctly. I was using the wrong value for the "_report" parameter. Also note that the hyplink will only work when the report is run from the JasperServer unless you change the "_report" parameter to point to a local file. Post Edited by awoliver777 at 08/18/2010 15:07 Post Edited by awoliver777 at 10/06/2010 16:49
  6. Okay the newbee has figured it out. The internal viewer does not support flash and the Pro elements are all flashed based. I just had to use the html or pdf preview to view my results.
  7. I've created a simple bar chart and supplied a dataset containing a state and a total amount field. I followed along in the documentation but I when I preview the report I get a blank page. I've tried placing the chart in both in the page header and in the summary area. To further test the chart preview option I tried running the ChartsPro.jrxml sample in the demo directory and got the same results no errors just a blank page. I am an expert Crystal Reports users and right now iReports is not looking that good. Any help would be appreciated. I did some further testing and found that I am able to create charts using the standard Chart component. It seems to be just an issue with the ChartsPro component. In fact I created a report with two 3D bar charts (the standard and ChartPro) versions side by side and only the standard version displays in preview mode. Could this be a flash issue? BTW I am running on Windows 7 using iReport Professional 3.7.0. Post Edited by awoliver777 at 07/14/2010 20:09
  8. I've installed iReport 3.7.3 and found there is no license manager option or any of the charting options available as per the documentation. Has something changed regard chart support?
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