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igadzhega's Achievements

  1. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 JasperMobile updated to v1.8 with some bug fixes and stability improvements. Please give it a test run and let us know if this issue still exists. Thanks!
  2. Changed Status from New to Closed
  3. Probably this should help: http://developer.android.com/tools/projects/index.html#LibraryProjectshttp://developer.android.com/tools/projects/projects-eclipse.html#ReferencingLibraryProject
  4. Hi Steve, js-android-sdk-client-1.5-sources.jar isn't required. This artifact just contains sources and javadocs for convenient acces to them from IDE.
  5. Easiest way is to create activity with the WebView and load report in HTML format using: webView.loadUrl(reportUrl); You can look at: https://github.com/Jaspersoft/js-android-app/blob/master/src/main/java/com/jaspersoft/android/jaspermobile/activities/BaseHtmlViewerActivity.java and https://github.com/Jaspersoft/js-android-app/blob/master/src/main/java/com/jaspersoft/android/jaspermobile/activities/ReportHtmlViewerActivity.java as examples.
  6. JasperMobile v1.5 is now available on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jaspersoft.android.jaspermobile
  7. There was a problem with handling results from "/serverInfo" REST service for JRS CE 5.1.0. JasperMobile Android SDK v1.4 has strict requiremets regarding the "/serverInfo" response and in case with JRS CE 5.1.0 this service returns a bit different set of fields than PRO. It's fixed now: http://code.jaspersoft.com/svn/comp.php?repname=androidsdk&compare[]=/trunk/@59&compare[]=/trunk/@60 Next releases of JasperMobile Android SDK and JasperMobile for Android will contain this fix. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. Looks like you did some modifications in this app and you missed to specify a "layout_width" attribute for layout that used in ServerProfilesManagerActivity. Also, if you're using styles (like in original app), you need to make sure that your custom styles are included in /res/values/styles.xml.
  9. It isn't so clear what you are asking... Obviously just that some app could not instantiate activity com.ireports.HomeActivity bcz the class with the specified name could be found.
  10. As i know, "---" is just a substitution for default values. If you want disable ability to use default values for some input control - just do this control mandatory. In this case "---" should not be displayed.
  11. Changed Status from Assigned to Closed Changed Assigned User from @vbykin to @igadzhega
  12. Changed Resolution from Open to Won't Fix
  13. Looks like it isn'y a bug and you just need to set the URI encoding to UTF-8 for your application server. If you're using Tomcat, you just need to adjust the Connector configuration in Tomcats server.xml like this: <Connector port="8085" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8445" URIEncoding="UTF-8" />
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