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  1. Hugo, Thanks I think you're right. I confirmed that the Theme box does show up on standard charts but not on HTML 5 charts. I think I need to focus on styles not themes. Steve
  2. Wondering if anyone can help me figure out how to apply a chart theme to an HTML 5 chart in Studio Pro. The directions are clear on how to create the theme, just not how to apply it within studio pro. Thanks
  3. Hello, Wondering if anyone can help me find how to adjust font size and color for axis lables in HTML5 chart in studio pro. Thanks Steve
  4. Once I started using Studio Pro, I was able to work with these reports on the server. They use HTML5 charts which community studio cannot handle.
  5. Good morning, I can find documentation for creating an input control in studio or ireport, but cannot find any documentation on how to create an input control when developing a report within the server product. specifically, I can't find any documentation on how to create a parameter in the server. From with the Ad hoc query tool I can create a filter... but I cannot seem to find where on server I create parameters. Is there any good documentation for this? Thanks Steve
  6. Assaf, OK, I was able to access the support portal and did find the link for Studio Pro. I was able to load this and I can now open the 14G sample report. Thanks for your help. Steve
  7. I have installed the AWS version of Server 5.5 This comes with a number of sample reports and dashboards. I am trying to understand how I can open and edit the 2g. Performance Summary Dashboard. When I try to open the dashnoard on the server in design mode, I see a single object that I cannot edit. When i point Studio 5.5 at the server repository it does not see a JRXML file. Is there any way I can open the dasjboard in studio and adjust? Is studio 5.5 the right tool. Thanks in advance Steve
  8. I apoligize in advance if this is a silly/newbie question. I have started using Studio after realizing that it will be the preferred environment. I like the interface. My goal is to use Studio to develop individual elements (not sure if this is the right word), that can be assembled into a dashboard. so I think my goal is to create smaller reports that can be individually placed in the dashboard. When I create a new report, I choose 'Format A4". I am expecting to be able to set the overall dimensions of the report, and place charts withion the report, but making sure to try and stay within a specified dimension (say 400x400 px) But when I set the new dimensions of the report using Properties/Page format, the page as depicted on the design view is actuallys smaller than the pixel dimensions My understanding is that the dimensions set through properties/page format are actually the maximum dimensions for the chart is that correct and that the page will dynamically adjust to smaller content but will throw an error if I strectch something that would extend beyond? Am I right? Thanks in advance! I notice the studio threads are getting answered quickly! Thanks!
  9. Does studio allow markers to be placed on the map? Thanks
  10. I bumped into the same problem on an AWS install. try creating the org at a different levell within the repository structure.
  11. I followed the instructuions on page 35 of the JasperReports Server 5.o guide for adding html format to free text field. This is not working for me despite update to security.properties.I simply see the code, not the desired formatting. Is anyone else having this problem? Any solution?
  12. The andoid library has a couple of "flavors" of the client jar files. js-android-sdk-client-1.5.jar and js-android-sdk-client-1.5-sources.jar are both of these files needed? or is one used and not the other. i could find no discussion of these specific files in the Mobile Developer Guide.
  13. From your URL, it seems that you are running server and ireport from the same machine? if not, then remove localhost and replace with IP of actual Jasperserver.
  14. I have been trying to get the jasper mobile 1.5 app to run in Eclipse ADT (NOT MAVEN) using Jaspersoft Mobile SDK 1.5? So far this is what I have done: 1) Open Eclipse ADT 2) Import / Android/ Existing Android code Into Workspace 3) Point root directory at “Jaspermobile-android-1.5-src” directory. Project name defaults to “HomeActivity”. Select “Copy Projects into workspace” 4) From Project Explorer, create libs directory under HomeActivity 5) from libs folder, right click and select “import / file system.” Select “js-android-client-1.5.jar” from SDK/BIN directory. 6) update build path by right clicking on “HomeActivity” and selecting “ BuildPath/Configure Build Path” 7.From libraries tab, choose “Add Jars…” 8. Navigate to “libs” folder underneath “Home Activity” and select recently added client jar file. At this point quite a few of the errors go away, but I am still left with a few. Next step is to somehow bring in the UI library project. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I have tried various ways of importing the UI source into ADT and referencing this in HomeActivity’s PROPERTIES, but I have not been able to resolve all errors and I have not been able to run the app in an emulator. Thanks Steve
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