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Everything posted by itsgauravdas

  1. Hi mdahlman, Sorry I am replying to old post. I have created a post but reply so far. I am using jasperserver-pro and have one dashboard created. DashBoard contains 4 reports and all reports have PRM_YEAR and PRM_CURW as common paramter. with some of the parameters used only some reports. I am able to run the report and able to change the parameters. But when I use this as iFrame and create the URL with adding PRM_YEAR=2010 in URL it does not takes the 2010 value instead takes the default value specified for PRM_YEAR inside report(i.e in my case 2006). How can I override the Default value in URL. Please help me Out.I am searching for last one month. I have tried using hidden parmaters but nothing works. Do i need to remove the Default parameter value from Reprots and then try fro url or anything else .. Regards, Gaurav Post Edited by itsgauravdas at 07/12/2011 09:33
  2. Hi , Have U been able to Get any solution .Am also facing same problem . If you have any solution Please let me Know. Thanks and Regards, Gaurav
  3. Have U been able to paas input parameters in DashBoard successfully. Even I am facing same. Individual reports works fine with default parameters. But when I give same parameters thru URI in Dashboards it takes the default value. Any Luck !!!!
  4. Hi Sherman, I am facing some what same issue. I am able to pass input control parameter to individual reports. But in dashboard the same input control parameters in url does not work at all. It always displays the default value. How to pass input control parameters in Jasper dashboard. One more thing this input control is being used by some other reports in dashboard too. I want to use same input control value in all the reports in dashboard. Help me out.Stucked for 3 days.Nor result. Regards, Gaurav
  5. Hi Carl, I have an issue with DashBoard. DashBoard uses mutilple reports. Reports share Input controls.For Input controls default value is set. Every Thing works fine for individual reports. But when I try Passing Input control in URI as &input=value it does not takes the parameters supplied instead uses Default value set. Can U tell me How to set parameter (input control) in dashboard in URI. I have stucked for last 3 days. Regards, Gaurav
  6. Is it not possible to override the default values in dashboard as in Reports. Please help me out...
  7. Hi All, I am currently working on Jasper Server Pro Dashboards. The Problem i am facing is I am connecting to Dashboards thru iframe. My dashboard uses the Control parameters as year(drop down) and week no(text). Both fields have default value . when I try passing the value from URI as http://ip:port/jasperserver-pro//jasperserver-pro//flow.html?dashboardResource=test&_flowId=dashboardRuntimeFlow&viewAsDashboardFrame=true&j_username=test&j_password=test&prm_year=2001&prm_week=23 it shows the dashboard with Default value set. I want it to take my parameter value. I have tried using control &action=updateControlValues&paramString=control_8@@PRM_YEAR@@2010 My dashboard uses same Input_control for several reports. But No luck yet. Can't we override the default value used in dashboard. Help me out .. Regards, Gaurav Post Edited by itsgauravdas at 06/22/2011 11:35 Post Edited by itsgauravdas at 06/23/2011 04:50
  8. Thanks,Matt, Will try this solutions. Regards, Gaurav
  9. I don't Know Why this Error is Comming for Only One or Two of the reports. Is this a limitation/bug in Jasper Reports.... Any Idea||||
  10. Any Body have solution for this.I am using datasource as DB. Any guess or help. Gaurav
  11. Hi Were U able to sort out this issue.I am Facing the Same. Pls Respond if you have any clue... Gaurav
  12. Hey Sherman, Is your problem resolved.Am facing the issue. Any Idea. Gaurav
  13. Hi any Idea Why its happening. I checked the code all relates to COmmon IOException.Any Idea or clue.Our Logs Are filled with this error.Any CLue or anybody faced.I can't Debug as its happens rarely in Local Server. Regards, Gaurav
  14. I am also facing the same issue.It happens Some time.Any Idea. It does occur 5-6 time in Server.Can anybody suggest why .... Post Edited by itsgauravdas at 12/24/2010 10:10
  15. Do Pls Write the solution to or correction Made.
  16. Hi All, 1>>>> I am using the jasper for last 6 months.And I find it good. In recent time my Live Logs are filled with Error generating XLS report : for Excel report. This Excel works fine almost every time with 1000 records.But in a day 5-6 time this exception gets logged in our logs.What could be the possible reason. I checked the code it states that XLS workbook was not available or something like error creating a new file. Is there any other or specific reason for this. 2>>> One more Question I have seen in some threads that Jasper Does not supports threading or is having an issue with threading. 3>>>> Even for the same Excel report I am Getting this exception "Attachment not present! " Anybn Clue Any Help Warm Regards, Gaurav Post Edited by itsgauravdas at 12/24/2010 06:03 Post Edited by itsgauravdas at 12/24/2010 06:23
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