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  • JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Evaluation Sandbox Readme (v 6.3)

    "JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Evaluation Sandbox" provided by TIBCO Jaspersoft

    (this file is titled README.txt and is included with the distribution)


    Table of Contents





    You can use the appliance to build a real BI Evaluation environment in under 5 minutes by downloading a pre-configured automated installation of JasperReports Server 6.3.0. Choose your favorite virtualization platform to run the sandbox. The appliance includes all product documentation, including release notes for JasperReports Server 6.3.0.


    The "JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Evaluation Sandbox" provided by TIBCO Jaspersoft contains JasperReports Server version 6.3.0 with a 30-day license key for evaluation. A commercial license can be deployed to enable production use.


    The appliance can be imported into VirtualBox/VmWare ESX/VmWare Workstation host software and used as is after the virtual machine is started up.


    The virtual images are provided as is without a warranty of any kind. 





    Before getting started, ensure that your computer meets the system requirements:



    - Minimum RAM: 6 GB

    - Free hard disk space: more than 5 GB


    Operating System: 

    - CentOS 7.1

    - List of installed packages/bundles: openJDK 1.8, tomcat, postgres-9.3


    Supported Operating Systems:

    - Windows

    - Mac OS X (x64 only)

    - Linux



    - PostgreSQL version: 9.3

    - Installation method: RPM, see related documentation for information.

    - Repository Database Name: jasperserver

    - Default database user / password: postgres

    - Start/Stop command:

      start "service postgresql-9.3 start"

      stop "service postgresql-9.3 stop"

    - Configuration: /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3


    Application Server:

    - Apache Tomcat version 8.0.14

    - Installation method: RPM, see related documentation for information.

    - Log files location: /var/log/tomcat

    - config file /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf

    - Start/Stop command:

      start "service tomcat start"

      stop "service tomcat stop"

    - Configuration: /etc/init.d/tomcat 


    JasperReports Server:

    - License file location: /usr/share/tomcat

    - Deployed webapp location: /usr/share/tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro

    - Log files location: /var/log/jasperserver

    - Import/Export location: /usr/share/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin/buildomatic

    - Installation directory: /usr/share/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin/buildomatic

    - Build Configuration: (location of default_master.properties): /usr/share/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin/buildomatic

    - Jaspersoft Documentation: /usr/share/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin/docs, Release Notes: /usr/share/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin/releaseNotes.txt


    The default JasperReports Server configurations are applied, see Installation Guide for additional information: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-installation-guide/v61/introduction




    The sandbox is a CentOS x64 virtual machine image pre-configured with a JasperReports Server 6.3.0 environment. 


    To install the software image:


    1. Download and install VirtualBox, VSphere ESX or VMWarePlayer.

       Depending on your software use the appropriate link:

       - VirtualBox:. https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads for details. Mac users: also see   http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3770


    2. Download the virtual appliance from the Support Portal. The file will be compressed. Be sure to decompress it. See the FAQ for recommended tools.


    3. If using Virtualbox, double-click jasperreports-server-6.3.0-6.3.0-sandbox_Virtualbox.ovf. 

       If using VMWarePlayer, double-click jasperreports-server-6.3.0-6.3.0-sandbox.ovf.

       If using VSphere ESX, Open VSphere and go to the File menu. Choose Deploy OVF Template and point to the ovf file. Then proceed with the wizard.


    4. Review your configuration. Increase memory and hard disk space if required.

       To increase memory: 

       We integrate automatic JVM memory setup based on VM RAM size. It is located in /etc/jasperserver/memory_settings.sh shell script. This script is called from the tomcat.conf file which is located at /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf. In JasperReports Server Settings make the following changes:  

       - Autoconfig memory allocation for different memory size setup:

         #autoconfig_memory=`/bin/sh /etc/jasperserver/memory_settings.sh`

       - For Manual memory allocation settings uncomment next line:

         #autoconfig_memory="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xss2m"


    5. Start the appliance. Once the appliance has started, log in into your virtual machine using the following information:

       Login: root

       Password: Jaspersoft


    6. Open your preferred browser on the host system and enter http://localhost:8083 to access the start page or http://localhost:8083/jasperserver-pro to access JasperReports Server.

       Depending on your software use the appropriate address:

       - VirtualBox: Open Browser and type address 

       - VmWare Workstation: Open Browser and type address http://VmGuestMachineIp:80

       - VmWare ESX: Open Browser and type address http://VmGuestMachineIp:80





    - The image is preconfigured with 30 GB of hard disk size. 

    - Currently virtual machine tools are not installed. In order to improve performance, install virtual machine Guest Addons (VM tools) inside your virtual machine.

    - You can resize the virtual machine's window if the Guest Additions are installed, a higher resolution allows a better experience with JasperReports Server.

    - The default evaluation period is 30 days. Please contact Sales (https://www.jaspersoft.com/contact-us) to extend the trial period or to purchase a license.





    Q) Can I install Jaspersoft Studio and other software on the image?

    A) Yes, the image can be customized and additional tools can be installed. If necessary, the system configuration can be adjusted. 

    You can download evaluation versions of Jaspersoft Studio and other products from Evaluation Central: http://www.jaspersoft.com/getting-started


    Q) Can I use the image as is for production?

    A) The image is configured for evaluation purposes only. We recommend that if you want to use a virtual appliance provided by TIBCO Jaspersoft for production, you use instead "JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Production Server Sandbox".  


    Q) How can I decompress JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Evaluation Sandbox after downloading it?

    A) Recommended software is:

       - Mac OS X: See App Store for suitable tools, e.g. The Unarchiver. For Mac OX X 10.9 and newer there is built-in support for tar.gz; no additional software is needed.

       - Linux: bzip2 (http://www.bzip.org/)

       - Windows: 7-Zip (http://www.7-zip.org/)


    Q) How long can I test JasperReports Server?

    A) The evaluation license is for 30 days. Please contact Sales (https://www.jaspersoft.com/contact-us) to extend the trial period or to purchase a license. 


    Q) Does the image use NAT or Bridged access?

    A) If you use the VirtualBox image, by default you will have a NAT network setup, which can cause problems if you want use the Sandbox outside of the Host machine. In this case, switch from NAT networking to Bridged access, which will bind your virtual machine directly to your network. The virtual machine will require an available DHCP server in your network. If you don't have a DHCP server in your network, manually set up networking using the VM console.

    For additional information about network configuration, see:


    Q) Which ports are pre-allocated for terminal and web access for JasperReports Server?

    A) Ports 8083 is allocated for HTTP, and 2222 is allocated for SSH access if system runs in NAT mode. If these ports are already allocated go the virtual machine's settings and allocate free ports.





    In Virtualbox you might get the following error: 

    "Error reading "/media/645A74515A74224A/Jasperserver/SW Images/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-6.3.0-sandbox/VirtualBox_jasperreports-server-6.3.0-6.3.0-sandbox.ovf": element "Section" has no "type" attribute, line 18." 

    This is related to the version of Virtualbox. You can read more on the VirtualBox website: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/12345 - The workaround is to use a different VirtualBox version or different visualization software.




    Part Number: 0316-JSP621-5


    Copyright © 2016 TIBCO Jaspersoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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