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Everything posted by shmee

  1. I have not heard or seen that before but it might help us track the issue down if you posted any relevant logs, and your system configuration (eg. server version, OS it is running on, amount of RAM etc.) You also may want to check the power saving config on your NIC on the server, to make sure it is not going to sleep or something lame like that.
  2. Is there any documentation on how to create and use themes for JasperReport Server 4.0? I know that it is one of the major upgrades for 4.0 but I can't find anything on how I am supposed to use it.
  3. Is there any documentation on the new theming structure for JasperReport Server 4.0?
  4. I saw in another post to go and make sure you have your ldap lookup user be an administrator, and to add the following to the ldapContactSource: <property name="baseEnvironmentProperties"> <map> <entry key="java.naming.referral"> <value>follow</value> </entry> </map> <property> But I am still just getting a bad credentials error. Any help would be appreciated! Post Edited by shmee at 02/09/2011 22:34
  5. Here is ldap part of my config: Code: <!-- ======================== AUTHENTICATION ======================= --> <bean id="authenticationManager" class="org.springframework.security.providers.ProviderManager"> <property name="providers"> <list> <ref local="ldapAuthenticationProvider"/><!-- --> <ref bean="${bean.daoAuthenticationProvider}"/> <ref bean="anonymousAuthenticationProvider"/> <!--ref local="jaasAuthenticationProvider"/--> </list> </property> </bean> <!-- For LDAP authentication --> <bean id="ldapContextSource" class="org.springframework.security.ldap.DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource"> <constructor-arg value="ldap://mydc.domain.com:3268/dc=domain,dc=com"/> <!----> <!-- You may not need the next properties --> <property name="userDn"><value>myuser</value></property> <property name="password"><value>mypassword</value></property> <!-- --> <!-- --> </bean> <!-- --> <!-- For LDAP authentication This bean is not used by default --> <bean id="userSearch"class="org.springframework.security.ldap.search.FilterBasedLdapUserSearch"> <constructor-arg index="0"> <value></value> </constructor-arg> <constructor-arg index="1"> <value>(sAMAccountName={0})</value> </constructor-arg> <constructor-arg index="2"> <ref local="ldapContextSource" /> </constructor-arg> <property name="searchSubtree"> <value>true</value> </property> </bean> <!-- --> <!-- For LDAP authentication --> <bean id="ldapAuthenticationProvider" class="org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.LdapAuthenticationProvider"> <constructor-arg> <bean class="org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.authenticator.BindAuthenticator"> <constructor-arg><ref local="ldapContextSource"/></constructor-arg> <property name="userSearch" ref="userSearch"/> </bean> </constructor-arg> <constructor-arg> <bean class="org.springframework.security.ldap.populator.DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator"> <constructor-arg index="0"><ref local="ldapContextSource"/></constructor-arg> <constructor-arg index="1"><value></value></constructor-arg> <property name="convertToUpperCase"><value>true</value></property> <property name="rolePrefix"><value></value></property> <property name="groupRoleAttribute"><value>cn</value></property> <property name="groupSearchFilter"><value>member={0}</value></property> <property name="searchSubtree"><value>true</value></property> </bean> </constructor-arg> </bean> Post Edited by shmee at 02/08/2011 22:39
  6. The upgrade from 3.7.0 worked well for me. Except now my Active Directory ldap authentication will not work.
  7. I got it so that the server came back up, but now the log-in will not work. It just keeps saying bad credentials. Is there some verbose logging I can turn on for authentication? I guess this is what I get for being on the bleeding edge ;)
  8. I did that and everything seemed to check out, but then JasperServer would not restart. I will keep trying, but I got it working on 3.7.0 with similar settings and it worked just fine.
  9. It is on SourceForge at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperserver/files/JasperServer/ expand the 3.7.0 folder, and then look for: jasperserver-ce-3.7.0-src.zip And then you can play with the source all you want. -Ryan Post Edited by shmee at 08/16/2010 15:09 Post Edited by shmee at 08/16/2010 15:10
  10. So after quite a bit of looking though the Spring forums I found my answer. In new version there is no class: "org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.populator.DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator" there is a class: class="org.springframework.security.ldap.populator.DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator" Change those classes in the "applicationContext-security.xml" file and then it should be good to go. I found this answer at: http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?t=83487 Thanks, -Ryan Partlow Code: <constructor-arg> <bean class="org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.populator.DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator"> <constructor-arg index="0"><ref local="initialDirContextFactory"/></constructor-arg> <constructor-arg index="1"><value></value></constructor-arg> <property name="groupRoleAttribute"> <value>ou=Groups,dc=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx</value></property><!-- <property name="groupSearchFilter"><value>(&(uniqueMember={0})(objectclass=groupofuniquenames))</value></property> --> <property name="searchSubtree"><value>false</value></property> </bean> </constructor-arg>
  11. What version of the Spring LDAP jar should I be using with JasperServer-3.70-CE? I tried the 1.30 version but JasperServer will not start. I know that Spring has been changing things, so I was just wondering which version I should be using? Also is there a good how-to for LDAP Active Directory and JapserServer-3.70? Thanks for your time. -Ryan Partlow
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