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  1. Hello, We have mulitiple instances of Jasperserver running and we have run into several issues with the system hanging when trying to run reports. Does anybody have a detailed explanation of how to cluster JS instances please? Thank you.
  2. After speaking with the JS admin, I have found that he did not use the WAR file distribution for the app. We are using a packaged Ant build script for their source code project. Any other ideas you have will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you.
  3. This is really interesting. We are going to start testing this solution. thank you for the information. I will definitely update you with our findings. Thank you so much!
  4. Hello, We have a situation where if there is a period of inactivity, Jasperserver will hang when we log back into the system. We found that if we schedule a report to run every 15 minutes, it keeps the jasperserver system up and running and we do not see the hangs. Delete scheduled reports, and we are right back where we started and the system will hang. Has anybody else run into this problem? Does anybody have any solutions? Thank you in advance.
  5. We tried the fixes you suggested and unfortunately we did not see any improvement. The interesting thing is that we scheduled a report to run every 15 minutes and that seemed to keep the system from hanging. As soon as we deleted the scheduled reports, our problems came back. It seems as though we need something to keep the connections warm otherwise Jasperserver seems to fall asleep and we get the system to hang. Have you seen this before?
  6. Thank you so much for this suggestion. We are going to be implementing these changes today and testing to see if this takes care of our problems. Thank you so very much!
  7. My company has been struggling with JS since August. When I restart the server, I can run reports with no problems. However, after a period of latency (approximately 1.5 hours) when I try to log in and run reports, I run into problems like the system just hangs and I can’t go any further. Working with the DBAs at our company we are seeing that when I’m logged in, several other connections are just popping up and then there are connections that just stay open for days on end. Have you heard of this situation before? Do you have any suggestions for us because we are running out of ideas here.
  8. Does JasperServer have the ability to report against Teradata?
  9. I've been writing reports in iReport and although I get the following error my report works fine in Jasperserver. ORA_00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE got NUMBER.However, I run into problems when I go back to the report and try to add or delete fields. I am not able to do so. After speaking with jaspersoft support, I was told that the Timestamp_tz and date datatypes are not always recognized in iReport. Is anybody else having this problem? Does anybody have any solutions for this issue? I would really like to be able to modify a report after it's been created without running into this error. Thank you.
  10. Hello, I am trying to use the LoggedInUser parameter in iReport. However, I keep getting the following error message: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User I had this parameter working in a previous version of JS. Now that I've updated to a new version of iReport and a new version of JS, it's no longer working. Can somebody please give me a detailed procedure on how to use this parameter effectively? Thank you in advance!
  11. Hello, I'm trying to create a calendar so that the report users can select their date range. I have done the following. 1) Created 2 parameters in iReport: a) Parameter name= Start_Date b) Parameter name = End_Date Both have Parameter class: java.lang.String Both have Default Value Expression: (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd"<<>>)).format($P{Start_Date}) For End_Date parameter I changed the end to specifiy the correct parameter. In Jasperserver, I created a datatype called date and then I created an input control using that datatype for both Start_Date and End_Date. It just doesn't work. All I need is the ability for users to use a 2 little calendars, 1 for the Start_Date and the other for the End_Date so they can pick their date range. Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Thank you in advance!
  12. That makes sense. I've bumped you up. Thank you so much for your help.
  13. Hello, I'm having trouble with my query when I try to create a multi-select input control. Here is my code in iReport: SELECT r.rule_name, f1.value, r.id, rb.rule_builder_name, f2.value AS f2value, rc.category_name, f3.value AS f3value FROM rules r, rule_builders rb, rule_categories rc, flex_labels f1, flex_labels f2, flex_labels f3 WHERE f1.hierarchy_id=r.hierarchy_id AND f1.fieldvalue=r.rule_name AND rb.id=r.rule_builder_id AND f2.fieldvalue=rb.rule_builder_name AND rc.hierarchy_id=f3.hierarchy_id AND f3.fieldvalue=rc.category_name AND $X{IN,f3.value, f3value} Order by f3.value ASC, f1.value ASC For my input control query, I have: Select f3.value from flex_labels f3. I keep getting an error. I've changed the syntax a few times to try and see if Select value from f3 would work better and different variations of that select statement, but it's not working. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Hello, I really need some help creating a new java.util.collection class. When I create a multi-select query, the query sorts my criteria in descending order within the parameter clause. The report itself is fine. For example, if a user chooses the following criteria: Allow, Archive, Data Format, the report will show Data Format, Archive, Allow in the Parameter field on the report. It was suggested to me that I should create a new java.util.collection class that will sort in ascending order. I was wondering if I could just go into the current java.util.collection class and change it so that it will sort in asc? I'm new to Java. So this is a little beyond my skill set. I'm trying to teach myself java because I can see that Jasperserver does require some Java knowledge. I apologize, but I will need some help till I get up to par. Thank you.
  15. WOW!! Thank you so much! Your solution worked beautifully! Please let me know how to give you points because you're getting as many as I can give for your help. Thanks again! Have a great day.
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