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Everything posted by darth_fader

  1. this may actually be available via the tool itself, I'm still getting familiar and it's downloading dependencies. Just wanted to check. The old approach of tJasperServerExec was a separate download, but I think tRESTClient should be built in
  2. Was curious if anyone knows where the tRestClient is avialable for download to connect Jaspersoft ETL to Jasper Server's REST interface?
  3. Here is a functional SSO solution from the official documentation: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v62/using-single-sign-jasperreports-server Jasper uses Spring Security internally, and since you're trying to accomplish SSO with a Spring app, I'm sure you can make that happen with a little effort. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/v601/spring-security
  4. I'm sure you could set it up using AWS/EC2, I've done something similar using jasper server in docker containers. Not sure about Azure etc., but AWS has a fully functional linux environment that will support all Jasper Server requirements. NOTE: there may well be better solutions via AWS etc., this is just a path that I know would work.
  5. Have you looked into Chart Customizers? If there is a solution to your problem, it'll most likely be there: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v640/chart-customizers Refer to the part about "Legend Shape"
  6. I'm not familiar with Jasperstarter, but given how it's described you could potentially use Quartz to schedule jasperstarter jobs to run on a regular basis, generating your reports in a batch fashion. Jasper Server has quartz integration functionality built in, so you'd be building out a solution that already exists. But if you don't want to maintain a Jasperserver instance, this is probably your best bet. I've done something similar in the past via Spring and quartz without jasper server. Spring 3.x has alot of JasperReports functionality built in, although I think they've yet to implement that in newer versions.
  7. Probably need an instance of Jasper Server, and then use the Rest API from flex. You can build out a similar service via Spring if maintaining an instance of Jasper Server isn't feasible, but you're just duplicating the REST API functionality.
  8. this may be more of a workaround than a true solution, but you could try putting those elements in their own subreports and associating the correct datasources with each, and you'd still have access to the parent report's context of parameters/fields/variables etc by passing those items in as subreport parameters
  9. UID is is a unique identifier, that number won't be of much help in debugging your problem. Can you supply a stacktrace from the server and/or jrxml of the report in question?
  10. Yes and Yes. This can be done purely through java without JasperServer. Here are some tutorials that demostrate the basics. You can compile jrxml and export reports soley through java classes. And if you want to bypass the datasource portion, you can populate your reports from javabeans. http://o7planning.org/en/10293/calling-jasper-report-from-java-application another: https://gist.github.com/rponte/5044469 another: https://dzone.com/articles/java-reporting-jasperreports https://dzone.com/articles/java-reporting-part-2
  11. Glad it worked for you! I learned something too. This is a useful feature.
  12. The <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.auto.fit.column" value="true"/> should be functional, but it looks like it has to go on the reportElement level, so you'd have to place it on each column in your table. Curious to see if this works for you.
  13. the table component is primarily column centric; crosstabs are worth looking into as they group by rows first and I don't think they require column groups. alternatively, here's a functional approach that uses a subreport: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34171805/how-to-merge-cells-in-same-column-apply-rowspan
  14. you can dynamically display columns using the "table" component, but I think you have to know the names of all potentially displayed columns in advance, and account for them all in the jrxml. IF that's your case, then the table component will work, and it can optionally display a subset of those available columns. otherwise, you'll have to use a programmatic approach with jasper via java, or alternatively you can generate dynamic jrxml using apache velocity. this reference is dated but the solution is still valid: http://thinkinginsoftware.blogspot.com/2011/06/ireport-dynamically-hide-show-columns.html
  15. according to the followig you may be able to handle that via the style sheets https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/800754/how-set-size-input-control-fixed-and-not-need-scroll-down
  16. jasperreports-server-cp-6.3.0apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserverWEB-INFbundlesjasperserver_messages.properties: 786 button.save=Save 787 button.change=Change 788: button.cancel.loading=Cancel Loading Data 789 button.cancel=Cancel 790 button.select=Select jasperreports-server-cp-6.3.0apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserverWEB-INFjspmodulessampleviewer.jsp: 94 <li class="leaf"> 95 <button id="asyncCancel" class="button capsule text up"> 96: <span class="wrap">Cancel Loading Data<span class="icon"></span></span> 97 </button> 98 </li> AND (JRS.vars.ajax_in_progress)alert("please wait") is scattered throughout the javascript, 182 references in various files. This is gonna be a challenge
  17. this functionality isn't available out of the box, and I don't think this is a customization that can be done with some simple xml configuration etc, What I would do is find the script that pops up right after a report starts executing, the "Please wait - loading" animation, and augment that code to stay up until the report completes execution. There has to be an event listener with this functionality already in place, because there is an additional animation "Cancel Loading Data"" that appears above the report when you can start browsing available pages before execution has completed, that dissappears once all pages are available. So everything you need is already in place, just have to find that code. You have the lock screen "Please wait-loading" animation that blocks any user input and greys out the screen, then the even listener tied to the "Cancel Loading Data" animation that waits for execution to complete and udpates the screen (the "Cancel Loading Data" option dissappears). It's just a matter of finding that code and augmenting it to meet your specific needs. Not saying it will be easy, just that the pieces are already there.
  18. you may be able to do this purely with tables: http://www.helicaltech.com/create-a-row-grouping-in-table-component-jasper-report/#.WZkaZVGGPIU But a simpler method would be to just create a group in your report, where a group consists of the household name and address, and put your table in the detail band that displays name | address | city etc etc etc. of the people you're displaying for each household. Japser has a wizard built in when you create a new report where you can define both the query and the groups, and it will generate the code to reflect that structure
  19. You have a few options, but really the simplest is to install jasperserver and publish your report there. Then your customer can go directly to jasper server and run any number of reports you publish. You can create an account for them and set permissions etc. If you need to integrate reports into your own web site, it's still easiest to get reports from a running instance of jasper server. You can use the REST API from your website or embed the server itself into a webpage with an iframe. Finally, and the most complex solution, is to execute jasper reports within a java based web application using the JasperReports API. Here you can use maven to compile your jrxml files as part of the build process and use java beans to handle running reports and exporting the results. If you just need a simple solution in place quickly, install jasper server and either use it directly or link your website to jasper server via REST or iframe. There are vast amounts of good examples all over the web, via tutorials and step by step videos on youtube.
  20. After uploading your jrxml (I'm assuming you're publishing this to jasper server), you need to go to that jasperserver url and run the report via the web interface. Default url is typically something like http://yourwebserver.com:8080/jasperserver/ . Login in to your server and you should be able to see the report you published. Run it and tweak as needed. If you're not connected to jasper server, then you're just editing files locally. You can run them via jaspersoft studio by clicking "preview", where you'll be prompted for any necessary inputs and the report will run. This requires that your sql server db connection by configured in jaspersoft studio (jasper server also requires the db connection configuration). Hopefully this helps! Local - preview in jaspersoft studio; Server - go to url, login, and access your report via website
  21. user specified inputs are passed to a report via "parameters", there are tons of examples online you can use as a guide if it's your first time setting this up. You can reference those parameters in your query to get data filtered by user input. if you're using jasper server, there are two steps. You need to create an input control and associate that to your published report, then you need a parameter defined in your jrxml that has a matching id with the input control. That's how jasper knows to correlate a server input with a report parameter. Again, lots of good info online via tutorials, and step by step videos on youtube. select * from table x where date = $P{date} - date is a parameter defined in the report jrxml and referenced in the query; you can test this out on jasper studio very quickly
  22. if you're grouping your data in jasper via user, you'll have a counter variable for that group. So for example, if your group is called 'user', you'll have a variable called user_count. Put user_count == 1 in your print when expression for the text field you only want to display once.
  23. try casting your parameter to datetime or date in your query, so that snipped you posted would look like the following: where themeats.oc_order.date_added = cast($P(Message} as datetime) OR where themeats.oc_order.date_added = cast($P(Message} as date)
  24. Try the export configuration options for excel, including: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.graphicsand net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.cell.borderdetails are available here: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html
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