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  1. Jasper is having different parameters : net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.origin.{suffix}.{arbitrary_name} net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.origin.keep.first.{suffix}.{arbitrary_name} using which we can hide something. I want to hide subreport. 1) what value we need to provide as my subreport does not have key/name nothing. ------------------------------- 2) do we have any variable / having value different in csv to pdf ? using that I want to display data.
  2. I got good link from jasper community : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/localizing-reports-tibco-jasperreports-server-respect-time-zones which answers my question. thank you
  3. Thank you so much darthfader . We have applied this Group_COUNT variable condition where this Group_COUNT == 1 with Time as NOW option. It worked. thank you so much
  4. we have variable name usage count per user. we are using variable count function to calculate this. this we want to print only for first time, when section repeats again it has to print. I tried 'Repeated values' checkbox which is not working. any other suggestions.
  5. Our Database is in one timezone, where as Jasper Report server is in another timezone. From SQL query we are getting startDate in EST timezone, where as this we want to show in Jasper Report Server timezone at the time of generating pdf.
  6. Thank you so much darth_fader, we have applied this change, and the element was removed on the speicified format. Thank you so mu
  7. I want to remove some columns in CSV compare to PDF. Any suggestions on how to do this in Jasper report server ? Please help.
  8. Our mistake, our database is Postgre & Database which is connecting to Jasper Reports is MySQL. We will do necessary corrections.
  9. Our mistake, our database is Postgre & Database which is connecting to Jasper Reports is MySQL. We will do necessary corrections.
  10. When we request pdf report , we are facing error max_allowed_packet error for postgre db.
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